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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

I read that some inbred kunt here is trying to base history on fictionalized bards.

For the benefit of rest of the members, let me correct the stupidity that were posted by this member.

Prithviraj Raso is a bardic book written in 16th century by some pro Chahmana writer which woven a tale of romance and heroism around name of Prithviraj. This book is completely mythical ,though modern day Indians not having great sense of history picked up that book and made stuff like elopement of Sanyogita and Jaichand being traitor as 'real history'. One of friends of Prithviraj was Chandrabardai, now Prithviraj Raso( the book that made much stuff) is said to be written by him. But no historian dealing with history in detailed manner is ready to accept that as history, the work is as late as 1600 and interestingly is directly contradicted by contemporary sources. It gets many or say most of facts wrong from extent of Chauhans to Sanyogita or fight between Chauhans and Gahadvalas etc.

Prithviraj Vijay written by Jayanak( a Kashmiri brahmin living in Ajaymerunagar, now called as Ajmer) in around 1180s is much reliable and contradicts Raso at every point.

1.. There was no war between Gahadvals and Chauhans, no inscription or text mentions such things, raso has invented it.

2. No evidence for fictional Sanyogita at all in Prithviraj Vijay.

3. No evidence from islamic sources that they were helped by any Hindu ruler, A counter point can be made that they did not want to show that they won by help of Hindus, but they have mentioned such cases many times. Also, burden of proof is on Chauhan being hero side when all contemporary texts from islamic to rajput contradict Raso, unless some very strong evidence is found, this is almost impossible.

4. There are accounts in another contemporary text which shows how ministers of Jaichandra were concerned after defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan at second battle of Tarain, they were clear that since door is open, storm will now enter their rooms.

5.Many Indians forget that there were Muslim invasions even between Ghori and Ghaznavi, infact it is just that those invasions which succeeded are recorded( due to muslim historians) while failed invasions have inscriptions from Hindus mentioning same.Turks had not evaporated anywhere. When son of Mahmud was defeated by Seljuk Turks at battle of Dandanqan( a place in modern day Turkmenistan) in 1037, he fled and shifted his capital to Lahore which had been conquered by Mahmud around 1015. So while Ghazanavids lost their areas in Khwarizm and much of Iran and Afghanistan, they retained their hold over modern day Pashtun areas( east afghanistan and khaiber province) and Punjab. This meant that they were no petty dynasty as such and had considerable resources. These Lahori Ghazanavids led many raids and most of them were of not much consequence.

Turks had a great advantage in mobility and given the fact that kannauj and Lahore are just few hundred miles away and that too with no geographical barrier as such, it seems that Turks made a lightening attack on Kannauj and somehow captured Madanpala. Madanpala agreed to give ransom and had to be released by that way but his valiant 'Yuvaraja' Govindchandra attacked Turks and secured release of his father as well as expelling Turk armies from plains of Ganga.

6.Govindchandra himself took pride in defeating the Turks. His wife Kumardevi also mentions in her inscription , that he was incarnation of Hari who came to earth to protect Varanasi from wicked Turshkas. Jayachandra himself is supposed to have confronted Turks before his final defeat. Vidhyapati in his Purushpariksha mentions that Yavaneswara Sahavadin (Suhabuddin) was defeated by Jayachandra many times. Rambhamanjari also bestows the title "Nikhila Yavana Kashyakarah" (destroyer of all Yavanas?) on Jayachandra. So he seems to be competent ruler not in any sort of alignment with Turks.

The case of Prithviraj raso is however reflection on how we, the citizen of modern India chose to remember our history. Naikadevi also defeated Ghori. Yet instead of taking pride in her we chose to remind ourselves of defeated even if valiant hero immortalized n bardic tells, ridiculing another ruler at the same time.

7.When Govindacharya was busy with Palas, Turks suddenly made a lightening raid on Varanasi but were again expelled by Govindchandra who instituted a tax known as 'Turushka Danda'. He routed Turks many times.

8. After win of second battle of Tarain, Ghuri decided to make a lightening raid on Varanasi which was second capital of Gahadvalas and take treasures away from Chandauli. In 1194, Ghuri marched with a large army of 50,000 horsemen( Hasan Nizami mentions this) from Delhi with an intention to bypass Kannauj and suddenly appearing before Varanasi.

Jayachandra in most accounts is credited with having large army, we have texts mentioning 80,000 'kavachdhari'( armoured) soldiers, half million archers, army like sand particles( numerous) and so much that his movement was hindered. Even if these accounts are not true, one thing is sure that Jayachandra had quite an army which could lead to such accounts. Confident of his prowess, he decided to give battle to Ghurids. Ghuri had marched but near Chandawar in modern day Etawah( homedistrict of Mulayam) was intercepted by Jayachandra.

Muslim accounts make it clear that Jayachandra had upper hand throughout the day and had almost carried the day with Turk army loosing morale but he was killed around evening and Turks managed to crush Gahadvalas.

After this, Ghurids reached Chandauli, faced some resistance but killed most Rajputs and plundered treasures. Next they attacked Varanasi and Hasan Nizami says that 'in Benares which is the centre of the country of Hind, they destroyed one thousand temples and raised mosques on their foundations' while Kamil Ut Tawarikh of Ibn Al Athir mentions.

This also mention why it is always important to live to fight another day , and to protect leader in any battle. If I start posting accounts of medieval battles where an Army lost because its leader was slain, probably servers of this forum would crash.

9. Death of Jayachandra was not end of dynasty and his son Harishchandra defeated Turks and took back Varanasi and Kannauj. It is testimony to strength of Gahadvalas that despite being so close to centre of Muslim power and in plains( making resistance harder) they took back Kannauj. Turks ruled Bengal and Bihar and ruled Punjab but could not rule lands between Varanasi and Kannauj. Qutbdin Aibak could not reduce Harishchandra.

It was Iltutmish who destroyed Gahadvala kingdom for good by defeating Adakkamalla the son of Harishchandra, thus ended Gahadvalas. Since their kingdom was in plains, nothing has escaped islamic iconoclastic fury yet given riches of Gahadvalas and their might, we can assume that they had a great civilized area with numerous temples and large number of literary jewels created during their reign. Works like Madanvinodnighantu, Krityakalpataru and such still have shown their intellectual brilliance.

10. Rathors trace their lineage from Jaichand of Gahadwal dynasty (though this is not settled), and they were one of most obstinate in their resistance to Islamic armies.Gahadwal themselves trace their lineage to Rashtrakutas.

11. The tragic fate of Varanasi after the defeat of the Jayachandra could be summarized in Hasan Nizami's own words. 1000 temples were destroyed in Varanasi alone and mosques were erected on their foundations. However the story doesn't end here. What followed in aftermath is an interesting contest between the religious bigotry on one side and resistance on the other. Hasan Nizami might be true when he narrated that 1000 temples were destroyed in Varanasi. However contrary to his assertion Muslims would not have been able to build the mosques in the city at that time as it took some time to pacify the north India and to bring it under their effective rule. Resistance to their authority and cases of conflict erupted time to time in one part or another creating chaos for sometime.

In such chaotic situation in 1212 AD Sena king of Bengal Vishvarupa erected a sacrificial post and victory pillar in the middle of the Varanasi in the kshetra (holy place) of Lord Vishweswara as attested by epigraphic evidence. (Just like Gahadvalas, Sena dynasty also survived for some time after the defeat of Lakshaman Sena).Kshetra of Vishweshwara is mentioned by the Lakshmidhara , albiet not as a major sacred place. As such it is raises the question on the intention behind choosing this particular place by Sena ruler. It is possible that Vishwarupa might not have capacity to commission a large structure ie temple to commemorate his victory either due to the constrain of time or money or both. So instead he chose the place in the middle of the city on the hill so as to have maximum effect of his message.Another speculation is that it matches with his name (Vishwarupa - Vishweshwara) and hence he chose that particular place.

What is however certain is that from that period onwards Vishweshwara / Vishwanath became the symbol of Hindu resistance to the Muslim iconoclasm and over the time rose in fame and sacredness. The first reaction of Muslim authority once they finally took the control of the city was to reclaim the Vishweshwara hill and to build a mosque. It was done during the short reign of Raziya Sultana. The mosque built by her still stands today. (Razia's mosque).

Since now the original place was occupied by mosque a decision must have been taken to built the new Vishweshwara temple, in the vicinity of original temple down the hill on the kshetra of original Avimukteshwar temple which itself must have been destroyed during first occupation of Varanasi by Muslims after Gahadvalas. According to Lakshmidhara, the location of original Avimukteshwara temple was on the little north of the well ie the site where Gyanvyapi mosque is located today. This new location must have become popular very quickly as indicated by work of Jinaprabhasuri, which labels one of the four zones of city after the name of Vishwanath temple. A new shrine was also commissioned by person named Padmasadhu outside the door of the new temple known as Padmeshwara. It is also certain that despite the obstructive attitude of the rulers many new shrines and places also emerged during the same time, some of them are the most popular places of the town today.

In the early part of the 15th century the Vishwanath/ Avimukteshwara temple along with Padmeshwara shrine was again exploited to get the material to build the royal mosque of newly found capital of Sharqi dynasty at Jaunpur . It is from the wall of the Lal Darwaza mosque at Jaunpur that the inscription stone of Padmeshwara shrine was found because of which it became possible to reconstruct the history.

The reconstruction of the new Vishwanath temple along with a shrine dedicated to Avimukteshwara was undertaken, perhaps on the grandest scale ever by person named Narayan Bhatta in 1585. However within a century the temple was again destroyed by the orders of Aurangzeb in 1669. And Gyanvypi mosque was erected on the location of the temple. After a century later Ahilyabai Holkar commissioned the construction of currently existing temple in 1777. And there ends the last chapter of saga of centuries of resistance.

Personally, I think that that both Gyanvapi mosque and Razia mosque should have been demolished. When Greeks threw off Turkish Yoke after 400 Years, they demolished each and every Mosque present in Greece. It was Nehru because of whose stupidity there are 14% muslims in India, and all these abominations are left standing.

12. Unfortunately after independence there emerged a series of morons who were mentally if not genetically descendants of Aurangzeb. They succeeded in portraying the image of that of a defeated subjugated nation ruled by the foreigners to the public, while in reality the heart of the civilization was pulsating all that time, the spirit of civilization was still alive resisting the Muslim dominance all the time as reflected in the cases like Somnath temple, Kashi Vishwanath and many other such cases. The saga of glorious resistance was completely omitted, only to be replaced by the completely mythical notion of secularism as defined by the examples such as coexistence of Gyanvyapi mosque and Kashi Vishwanath temple in the same premises. They resisted domination against all the odds while their progeny in an independent nation failed to even acknowledge it, forget about taking pride of their ancestors and their sacrifice.

@SarthakGanguly @Makaramarma @levina @Tridibans
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Are you illiterate?

I am telling you if you hate the mughals so much for what they did then why are you glorifying the rajputs who helped and aided the mughals in their "barbaric deeds"? Are you in the habit of licking the floors and boots of these rajput mughals?

You are the perfect example of a hypocrite.

You will close your eyes when rajput soldiers massacre maratha villagers in the battle of deccan or persecute sikh pilgrims all under the order of Mughal emperors but you will curse and abuse the mughals.
Yes we all are illiterate who are opposing the Mughalic cult here on forum n your are another prophet on the forum to enlighten about Mughals n their angelic deeds.... Happy now...

When did I support any innocent killing either by Hindu or Muslims? Actually your prophetic brain not able grasp what I wrote in few post back in a response to your own post where I categorically said whoever sided with Mughals was a traitor of highest order be it Hindu or Sikh in past or present.... Any inhumane acts by anyone in the name of anything would be labelled same as we are reiterating about Mughals.....

Don't skip reading below before you quote me again else don't quote me at all....
Find the similarities between Nazi extermination policy n Muslims conquest in the subcontinent....
Negationism In India - Chapter Two - Negationism In India
We could have flourished without even Mughals contributions... What we were before Mughal ..... snake charmers? No ....
:blink: :blink:
Where did I underestimate our hindu kings Ashyy? Which post of mine gave you that idea???
I guess you missed this line in my post
The golden age of India is and has always been the Gupta period.
utraash said:
Levina check the inhumane crimes of Mughal.....
I'm aware of it. I know that Mughals were descendants of Mongols. I also said this...
he religious intolerance within the subcontinent grew by leaps and bounds during this period, also the agrarian crises were not addressed.

utraash said:
Could be you don't count on human life or integrity or religious faith over few structures....
No matter how much you deny, Taj Mahal is our cash cow and would remain so for long.

Mughal empire reminds me of these
1) Taj Mahal
2) Pitched battles for throne; be it Shah Jahan (who did not even spare his nephews and cousins) or be it Aurangzeb.
3) Women, their weakness.
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I clicked on the list from Rajasthan,

170 Known given district wise . i.e. There are 170 Mosques which is built of temples and proof exits :woot:

The total number of Temples destroyed should over 500 easy, just in Rajasthan. How many by the Mughals ?
Not sure, it just gives a summary.
I read that some inbred kunt here is trying to base history on fictionalized bards.

For the benefit of rest of the members, let me correct this notion.

Prithviraj Raso is a bardic book written in 16th century by some pro Chahmana writer which woven a tale of romance and heroism around name of Prithviraj. This book is completely mythical though modern day Indians not having great sense of history picked up that book and made stuff like elopement of Sanyogita and Jaichand being traitor as 'real history'. One of friends of Prithviraj was Chandrabardai, now Prithviraj Raso( the book that made much stuff) is said to be written by him. But no historian dealing with history in detailed manner is ready to accept that as history, the work is as late as 1600 and interestingly is directly contradicted by contemporary sources. It gets many or say most of facts wrong from extent of Chauhans to Sanyogita or fight between Chauhans and Gahadvalas etc.

Prithviraj Vijay written by Jayanak( a Kashmiri brahmin living in Ajaymerunagar, now called as Ajmer) in around 1180s is much reliable and contradicts Raso at every point.

1.. There was no war between Gahadvals and Chauhans, no inscription or text mentions such things, raso has invented it.

2. No evidence for fictional Sanyogita at all in Prithviraj Vijay.

3. No evidence from islamic sources that they were helped by any Hindu ruler, A counter point can be made that they did not want to show that they won by help of Hindus they have mentioned such cases many times. Also, burden of proof is on Chauhan being hero side when all contemporary texts from islamic to rajput contradict Raso, unless some very strong evidence is found, this is almost impossible.

4. we have an account in another contemporary text which shows how ministers of Jaichandra were concerned after defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan at second battle of Tarain, they were clear that since door is open, storm will now enter their rooms.

5.Many Indians forget that there were Muslim invasions even between Ghori and Ghaznavi, infact it is just that those invasions which succeeded are recorded( due to muslim historians) while failed invasions have inscriptions from Hindus mentioning same.Turks had not evaporated anywhere. When son of Mahmud was defeated by Seljuk Turks at battle of Dandanqan( a place in modern day Turkmenistan) in 1037, he fled and shifted his capital to Lahore which had been conquered by Mahmud around 1015. So while Ghazanavids lost their areas in Khwarizm and much of Iran and Afghanistan, they retained their hold over modern day Pashtun areas( east afghanistan and khaiber province) and Punjab. This meant that they were no petty dynasty as such and had considerable resources. These Lahori Ghazanavids led many raids and most of them were of not much consequence.

Turks had a great advantage in mobility and given the fact that kannauj and Lahore are just few hundred miles away and that too with no geographical barrier as such, it seems that Turks made a lightening attack on Kannauj and somehow captured Madanpala. Madanpala agreed to give ransom and had to be released by that way but his valiant 'Yuvaraja' Govindchandra attacked Turks and secured release of his father as well as expelling Turk armies from plains of Ganga.

6.Govindchandra himself took pride in defeating the Turks. His wife Kumardevi also mentions in her inscription , that he was incarnation of Hari who came to earth to protect Varanasi from wicked Turshkas. Jayachandra himself is supposed to have confronted Turks before his final defeat. Vidhyapati in his Purushpariksha mentions that Yavaneswara Sahavadin (Suhabuddin) was defeated by Jayachandra many times. Rambhamanjari also bestows the title "Nikhila Yavana Kashyakarah" (destroyer of all Yavanas?) on Jayachandra. So he seems to be competent ruler not in any sort of alignment with Turks.

The case of Prithviraj raso is however reflection on how we, the citizen of modern India chose to remember our history. Naikadevi also defeated Ghori. Yet instead of taking pride in her we chose to remind ourselves of defeated even if valiant hero immortalized n bardic tells, ridiculing another ruler at the same time.

7.When Govindacharya was busy with Palas, Turks suddenly made a lightening raid on Varanasi but were again expelled by Govindchandra who instituted a tax known as 'Turushka Danda'. He routed Turks many times.

8. After win of second battle of Tarain, Ghuri decided to make a lightening raid on Varanasi which was second capital of Gahadvalas and take treasures away from Chandauli. In 1194, Ghuri marched with a large army of 50,000 horsemen( Hasan Nizami mentions this) from Delhi with an intention to bypass Kannauj and suddenly appearing before Varanasi.

Jayachandra in most accounts is credited with having large army, we have texts mentioning 80,000 'kavachdhari'( armoured) soldiers, half million archers, army like sand particles( numerous) and so much that his movement was hindered. Even if these accounts are not true, one thing is sure that Jayachandra had quite an army which could lead to such accounts. Confident of his prowess, he decided to give battle to Ghurids. Ghuri had marched but near Chandawar in modern day Etawah( homedistrict of Mulayam) was intercepted by Jayachandra.

Muslim accounts make it clear that Jayachandra had upper hand throughout the day and had almost carried the day with Turk army loosing morale but he was killed around evening and Turks managed to crush Gahadvalas.

After this, Ghurids reached Chandauli, faced some resistance but killed most Rajputs and plundered treasures. Next they attacked Varanasi and Hasan Nizami says that 'in Benares which is the centre of the country of Hind, they destroyed one thousand temples and raised mosques on their foundations' while Kamil Ut Tawarikh of Ibn Al Athir mentions.

This also mention why it is always important to live to fight another day , and to protect leader in any battle. If I start posting accounts of medieval battles where an Army lost because its leader was slain, probably servers of this forum would crash.

9. Death of Jayachandra was not end of dynasty and his son Harishchandra defeated Turks and took back Varanasi and Kannauj. It is testimony to strength of Gahadvalas that despite being so close to centre of Muslim power and in plains( making resistance harder) they took back Kannauj. Turks ruled Bengal and Bihar and ruled Punjab but could not rule lands between Varanasi and Kannauj. Qutbdin Aibak could not reduce Harishchandra.

It was Iltutmish who destroyed Gahadvala kingdom for good by defeating Adakkamalla the son of Harishchandra, thus ended Gahadvalas. Since their kingdom was in plains, nothing has escaped islamic iconoclastic fury yet given riches of Gahadvalas and their might, we can assume that they had a great civilized area with numerous temples and large number of literary jewels created during their reign. Works like Madanvinodnighantu, Krityakalpataru and such still have shown their intellectual brilliance.

10. Rathors trace their lineage from Jaichand of Gahadwal dynasty (though this is not settled), and they were one of most obstinate in their resistance to Islamic armies.Gahadwal themselves trace their lineage to Rashtrakutas.

11. The tragic fate of Varanasi after the defeat of the Jayachandra has been summarized in earlier posts. In Hasan Nizami's own words 1000 temples were destroyed in Varanasi alone and mosques were erected on their foundations. However the story doesn't end here. What followed in aftermath is an interesting contest between the religious bigotry on one side and resistance on the other. Hasan Nizami might be true when he narrated that 1000 temples were destroyed in Varanasi. However contrary to his assertion Muslims would not have been able to build the mosques in the city at that time as it took some time to pacify the north India and to bring it under their effective rule. Resistance to their authority and cases of conflict erupted time to time in one part or another creating chaos for sometime.

In such chaotic situation in 1212 AD Sena king of Bengal Vishvarupa erected a sacrificial post and victory pillar in the middle of the Varanasi in the kshetra (holy place) of Lord Vishweswara as attested by epigraphic evidence. (Just like Gahadvalas, Sena dynasty also survived for some time after the defeat of Lakshaman Sena).Kshetra of Vishweshwara is mentioned by the Lakshmidhara , albiet not as a major sacred place. As such it is raises the question on the intention behind choosing this particular place by Sena ruler. It is possible that Vishwarupa might not have capacity to commission a large structure ie temple to commemorate his victory either due to the constrain of time or money or both. So instead he chose the place in the middle of the city on the hill so as to have maximum effect of his message.Another speculation is that it matches with his name (Vishwarupa - Vishweshwara) and hence he chose that particular place.

What is however certain is that from that period onwards Vishweshwara / Vishwanath became the symbol of Hindu resistance to the Muslim iconoclasm and over the time rose in fame and sacredness. The first reaction of Muslim authority once they finally took the control of the city was to reclaim the Vishweshwara hill and to build a mosque. It was done during the short reign of Raziya Sultana. The mosque built by her still stands today. (Razia's mosque).

Since now the original place was occupied by mosque a decision must have been taken to built the new Vishweshwara temple, in the vicinity of original temple down the hill on the kshetra of original Avimukteshwar temple which itself must have been destroyed during first occupation of Varanasi by Muslims after Gahadvalas. According to Lakshmidhara, the location of original Avimukteshwara temple was on the little north of the well ie the site where Gyanvyapi mosque is located today. This new location must have become popular very quickly as indicated by work of Jinaprabhasuri, which labels one of the four zones of city after the name of Vishwanath temple. A new shrine was also commissioned by person named Padmasadhu outside the door of the new temple known as Padmeshwara. It is also certain that despite the obstructive attitude of the rulers many new shrines and places also emerged during the same time, some of them are the most popular places of the town today.

In the early part of the 15th century the Vishwanath/ Avimukteshwara temple along with Padmeshwara shrine was again exploited to get the material to build the royal mosque of newly found capital of Sharqi dynasty at Jaunpur . It is from the wall of the Lal Darwaza mosque at Jaunpur that the inscription stone of Padmeshwara shrine was found because of which it became possible to reconstruct the history.

The reconstruction of the new Vishwanath temple along with a shrine dedicated to Avimukteshwara was undertaken, perhaps on the grandest scale ever by person named Narayan Bhatta in 1585. However within a century the temple was again destroyed by the orders of Aurangzeb in 1669. And Gyanvypi mosque was erected on the location of the temple. After a century later Ahilyabai Holkar commissioned the construction of currently existing temple in 1777. And there ends the last chapter of saga of centuries of resistance.

Personally, I think that that both Gyanvapi mosque and Razia mosque should have been demolished. When Greeks threw off Turkish Yoke after 400 Years, they demolished each and every Mosque present in Greece. It was Nehru because of whose stupidity there are 14% muslims in India, and all these abominations are left standing.

12. Unfortunately after independence there emerged a series of morons who were mentally if not genetically descendants of Aurangzeb. They succeeded in portraying the image of that of a defeated subjugated nation ruled by the foreigners to the public, while in reality the heart of the civilization was pulsating all that time, the spirit of civilization was still alive resisting the Muslim dominance all the time as reflected in the cases like Somnath temple, Kashi Vishwanath and many other such cases. The saga of glorious resistance was completely omitted, only to be replaced by the completely mythical notion of secularism as defined by the examples such as coexistence of Gyanvyapi mosque and Kashi Vishwanath temple in the same premises. They resisted domination against all the odds while their progeny in an independent nation failed to even acknowledge it, forget about taking pride of their ancestors and their sacrifice.

Thanks a ton for sharing this useful info.... I think we must have had followed Greece....

@levina read the above one .... Fate of our temples .............

:blink: :blink:
Where did I underestimate our hindu kings Ashyy? Which post of mine gave you that idea???.

To me our Hindu kings were completely out if touch with realities of that time which was why we still hear a issue of Babri to Gyaanvapi.....

:blink: :blink:
Where did I underestimate our hindu kings Ashyy? Which post of mine gave you that idea???.

To me our Hindu kings were completely out if touch with realities of that time which was why we still hear a issue of Babri to Gyaanvapi.....
I read that some inbred kunt here is trying to base history on fictionalized bards.

For the benefit of rest of the members, let me correct this notion.

Prithviraj Raso is a bardic book written in 16th century by some pro Chahmana writer which woven a tale of romance and heroism around name of Prithviraj. This book is completely mythical ,though modern day Indians not having great sense of history picked up that book and made stuff like elopement of Sanyogita and Jaichand being traitor as 'real history'. One of friends of Prithviraj was Chandrabardai, now Prithviraj Raso( the book that made much stuff) is said to be written by him. But no historian dealing with history in detailed manner is ready to accept that as history, the work is as late as 1600 and interestingly is directly contradicted by contemporary sources. It gets many or say most of facts wrong from extent of Chauhans to Sanyogita or fight between Chauhans and Gahadvalas etc.

Prithviraj Vijay written by Jayanak( a Kashmiri brahmin living in Ajaymerunagar, now called as Ajmer) in around 1180s is much reliable and contradicts Raso at every point.

1.. There was no war between Gahadvals and Chauhans, no inscription or text mentions such things, raso has invented it.

2. No evidence for fictional Sanyogita at all in Prithviraj Vijay.

3. No evidence from islamic sources that they were helped by any Hindu ruler, A counter point can be made that they did not want to show that they won by help of Hindus they have mentioned such cases many times. Also, burden of proof is on Chauhan being hero side when all contemporary texts from islamic to rajput contradict Raso, unless some very strong evidence is found, this is almost impossible.

4. There are accounts in another contemporary text which shows how ministers of Jaichandra were concerned after defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan at second battle of Tarain, they were clear that since door is open, storm will now enter their rooms.

5.Many Indians forget that there were Muslim invasions even between Ghori and Ghaznavi, infact it is just that those invasions which succeeded are recorded( due to muslim historians) while failed invasions have inscriptions from Hindus mentioning same.Turks had not evaporated anywhere. When son of Mahmud was defeated by Seljuk Turks at battle of Dandanqan( a place in modern day Turkmenistan) in 1037, he fled and shifted his capital to Lahore which had been conquered by Mahmud around 1015. So while Ghazanavids lost their areas in Khwarizm and much of Iran and Afghanistan, they retained their hold over modern day Pashtun areas( east afghanistan and khaiber province) and Punjab. This meant that they were no petty dynasty as such and had considerable resources. These Lahori Ghazanavids led many raids and most of them were of not much consequence.

Turks had a great advantage in mobility and given the fact that kannauj and Lahore are just few hundred miles away and that too with no geographical barrier as such, it seems that Turks made a lightening attack on Kannauj and somehow captured Madanpala. Madanpala agreed to give ransom and had to be released by that way but his valiant 'Yuvaraja' Govindchandra attacked Turks and secured release of his father as well as expelling Turk armies from plains of Ganga.

6.Govindchandra himself took pride in defeating the Turks. His wife Kumardevi also mentions in her inscription , that he was incarnation of Hari who came to earth to protect Varanasi from wicked Turshkas. Jayachandra himself is supposed to have confronted Turks before his final defeat. Vidhyapati in his Purushpariksha mentions that Yavaneswara Sahavadin (Suhabuddin) was defeated by Jayachandra many times. Rambhamanjari also bestows the title "Nikhila Yavana Kashyakarah" (destroyer of all Yavanas?) on Jayachandra. So he seems to be competent ruler not in any sort of alignment with Turks.

The case of Prithviraj raso is however reflection on how we, the citizen of modern India chose to remember our history. Naikadevi also defeated Ghori. Yet instead of taking pride in her we chose to remind ourselves of defeated even if valiant hero immortalized n bardic tells, ridiculing another ruler at the same time.

7.When Govindacharya was busy with Palas, Turks suddenly made a lightening raid on Varanasi but were again expelled by Govindchandra who instituted a tax known as 'Turushka Danda'. He routed Turks many times.

8. After win of second battle of Tarain, Ghuri decided to make a lightening raid on Varanasi which was second capital of Gahadvalas and take treasures away from Chandauli. In 1194, Ghuri marched with a large army of 50,000 horsemen( Hasan Nizami mentions this) from Delhi with an intention to bypass Kannauj and suddenly appearing before Varanasi.

Jayachandra in most accounts is credited with having large army, we have texts mentioning 80,000 'kavachdhari'( armoured) soldiers, half million archers, army like sand particles( numerous) and so much that his movement was hindered. Even if these accounts are not true, one thing is sure that Jayachandra had quite an army which could lead to such accounts. Confident of his prowess, he decided to give battle to Ghurids. Ghuri had marched but near Chandawar in modern day Etawah( homedistrict of Mulayam) was intercepted by Jayachandra.

Muslim accounts make it clear that Jayachandra had upper hand throughout the day and had almost carried the day with Turk army loosing morale but he was killed around evening and Turks managed to crush Gahadvalas.

After this, Ghurids reached Chandauli, faced some resistance but killed most Rajputs and plundered treasures. Next they attacked Varanasi and Hasan Nizami says that 'in Benares which is the centre of the country of Hind, they destroyed one thousand temples and raised mosques on their foundations' while Kamil Ut Tawarikh of Ibn Al Athir mentions.

This also mention why it is always important to live to fight another day , and to protect leader in any battle. If I start posting accounts of medieval battles where an Army lost because its leader was slain, probably servers of this forum would crash.

9. Death of Jayachandra was not end of dynasty and his son Harishchandra defeated Turks and took back Varanasi and Kannauj. It is testimony to strength of Gahadvalas that despite being so close to centre of Muslim power and in plains( making resistance harder) they took back Kannauj. Turks ruled Bengal and Bihar and ruled Punjab but could not rule lands between Varanasi and Kannauj. Qutbdin Aibak could not reduce Harishchandra.

It was Iltutmish who destroyed Gahadvala kingdom for good by defeating Adakkamalla the son of Harishchandra, thus ended Gahadvalas. Since their kingdom was in plains, nothing has escaped islamic iconoclastic fury yet given riches of Gahadvalas and their might, we can assume that they had a great civilized area with numerous temples and large number of literary jewels created during their reign. Works like Madanvinodnighantu, Krityakalpataru and such still have shown their intellectual brilliance.

10. Rathors trace their lineage from Jaichand of Gahadwal dynasty (though this is not settled), and they were one of most obstinate in their resistance to Islamic armies.Gahadwal themselves trace their lineage to Rashtrakutas.

11. The tragic fate of Varanasi after the defeat of the Jayachandra could be summarized in Hasan Nizami's own words. 1000 temples were destroyed in Varanasi alone and mosques were erected on their foundations. However the story doesn't end here. What followed in aftermath is an interesting contest between the religious bigotry on one side and resistance on the other. Hasan Nizami might be true when he narrated that 1000 temples were destroyed in Varanasi. However contrary to his assertion Muslims would not have been able to build the mosques in the city at that time as it took some time to pacify the north India and to bring it under their effective rule. Resistance to their authority and cases of conflict erupted time to time in one part or another creating chaos for sometime.

In such chaotic situation in 1212 AD Sena king of Bengal Vishvarupa erected a sacrificial post and victory pillar in the middle of the Varanasi in the kshetra (holy place) of Lord Vishweswara as attested by epigraphic evidence. (Just like Gahadvalas, Sena dynasty also survived for some time after the defeat of Lakshaman Sena).Kshetra of Vishweshwara is mentioned by the Lakshmidhara , albiet not as a major sacred place. As such it is raises the question on the intention behind choosing this particular place by Sena ruler. It is possible that Vishwarupa might not have capacity to commission a large structure ie temple to commemorate his victory either due to the constrain of time or money or both. So instead he chose the place in the middle of the city on the hill so as to have maximum effect of his message.Another speculation is that it matches with his name (Vishwarupa - Vishweshwara) and hence he chose that particular place.

What is however certain is that from that period onwards Vishweshwara / Vishwanath became the symbol of Hindu resistance to the Muslim iconoclasm and over the time rose in fame and sacredness. The first reaction of Muslim authority once they finally took the control of the city was to reclaim the Vishweshwara hill and to build a mosque. It was done during the short reign of Raziya Sultana. The mosque built by her still stands today. (Razia's mosque).

Since now the original place was occupied by mosque a decision must have been taken to built the new Vishweshwara temple, in the vicinity of original temple down the hill on the kshetra of original Avimukteshwar temple which itself must have been destroyed during first occupation of Varanasi by Muslims after Gahadvalas. According to Lakshmidhara, the location of original Avimukteshwara temple was on the little north of the well ie the site where Gyanvyapi mosque is located today. This new location must have become popular very quickly as indicated by work of Jinaprabhasuri, which labels one of the four zones of city after the name of Vishwanath temple. A new shrine was also commissioned by person named Padmasadhu outside the door of the new temple known as Padmeshwara. It is also certain that despite the obstructive attitude of the rulers many new shrines and places also emerged during the same time, some of them are the most popular places of the town today.

In the early part of the 15th century the Vishwanath/ Avimukteshwara temple along with Padmeshwara shrine was again exploited to get the material to build the royal mosque of newly found capital of Sharqi dynasty at Jaunpur . It is from the wall of the Lal Darwaza mosque at Jaunpur that the inscription stone of Padmeshwara shrine was found because of which it became possible to reconstruct the history.

The reconstruction of the new Vishwanath temple along with a shrine dedicated to Avimukteshwara was undertaken, perhaps on the grandest scale ever by person named Narayan Bhatta in 1585. However within a century the temple was again destroyed by the orders of Aurangzeb in 1669. And Gyanvypi mosque was erected on the location of the temple. After a century later Ahilyabai Holkar commissioned the construction of currently existing temple in 1777. And there ends the last chapter of saga of centuries of resistance.

Personally, I think that that both Gyanvapi mosque and Razia mosque should have been demolished. When Greeks threw off Turkish Yoke after 400 Years, they demolished each and every Mosque present in Greece. It was Nehru because of whose stupidity there are 14% muslims in India, and all these abominations are left standing.

12. Unfortunately after independence there emerged a series of morons who were mentally if not genetically descendants of Aurangzeb. They succeeded in portraying the image of that of a defeated subjugated nation ruled by the foreigners to the public, while in reality the heart of the civilization was pulsating all that time, the spirit of civilization was still alive resisting the Muslim dominance all the time as reflected in the cases like Somnath temple, Kashi Vishwanath and many other such cases. The saga of glorious resistance was completely omitted, only to be replaced by the completely mythical notion of secularism as defined by the examples such as coexistence of Gyanvyapi mosque and Kashi Vishwanath temple in the same premises. They resisted domination against all the odds while their progeny in an independent nation failed to even acknowledge it, forget about taking pride of their ancestors and their sacrifice.

@SarthakGanguly @Makaramarma @levina @Tridibans
Major part of your post is a revelation to me.
It was Nehru because of whose stupidity there are 14% muslims in India, and all these abominations are left standing.
I don't agree.
Our country owes a lot to Nehru, India has always been a religiously tolerant country, and let it remain so. And let's give credit where it's due.
Btw I did not get any notification for this tag.

I'm not a fan of either Gandhi or Nehru.
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Most Muslims were from turk and central asian descent that time. Indian subcontinent as a whole might not have such a muslim population to boast off during his time.
DIl khush karnay ko ghalib ye khayal acha hay
Yes we all are illiterate who are opposing the Mughalic cult here on forum n your are another prophet on the forum to enlighten about Mughals n their angelic deeds.... Happy now...

You are illiterate because you cannot see the Hindu kings who support Mughals.

When did I support any innocent killing either by Hindu or Muslims? Actually your prophetic brain not able grasp what I wrote in few post back in a response to your own post where I categorically said whoever sided with Mughals was a traitor of highest order be it Hindu or Sikh in past or present.... Any inhumane acts by anyone in the name of anything would be labelled same as we are reiterating about Mughals.....

THE MUghals succeeded in forming an empire because they had Indian support. If you had a functioning intellect you would have understood that. The mughals used local support to rule just like the english did. Yet you are blind to the obvious fact.

Don't skip reading below before you quote me again else don't quote me at all....
Find the similarities between Nazi extermination policy n Muslims conquest in the subcontinent....

It was the rajputs who killed sikhs under mughal orders, you find no comparison there? Don't talk like a RSS karyakarta.
The Mughals were among the most powerful and influential empires in India and indeed in the Asian continent. At their peak the Mughals were the most powerful empire on the planet. Together with the Ottomans and the Safavids the Mughals formed the earliest "gunpowder empire". At its zenith the Mughal empire extended from Afghanistan to the west to bangladesh in the east, and from Kashmir in north to Tamil Nadu in south.

It is only natural that such a vast empire which existed for more than 300 years would leave its indelible print on Indian history. The Mughals were fine artisans and their architecture is famous and renowned throughout the world. The Taj Mahal being the finest example; but not the only one. Mughals also helped spread Persian art and created a fusion by amalgamating both Persian and Hindustani art which would later come to be known as Mughal paintings.

The Mughls were also fine administrators.

They created a centralised, imperialistic government which brought together many smaller kingdoms. They also engaged in diplomatic relations with ottomans and persians. The Indian economy remained as prosperous under the Mughals as it was, because of the creation of a road system and a uniform currency, together with the unification of the country.

The Mughals also contributed to the study of science and technology. Mughal astronomers continued to make advances in observational astronomy and produce nearly a hundred Zij treatises. Humayun build a personal observatory near Delhi. One of the most remarkable astronomical instruments invented by Mughals is the seamless celestial globe.

One thing the Mughals not only excelled in but also mastered was in artillery. Fathullah Shirazi an engineer in the employment of Akbar build the first volley gun. Akbar was the first to initiate and use metal cylinder rockets known as bans particularly against war elephants.

India was arguably the richest country in the world during Mughal era. Indian manufactured goods would be sold of as far away as Africa and Europe. Key industries in the Mughal period included shipbuilding, textiles and steel.

But the most lasting impact of Mughal rule in India would be the Urdu language. Urdu poetry and other works of literature is still famous in India and a sizeable population of India speaks Urdu as their first and/or second language.

Therefore it is tragic when some bigots call Mughals as outsiders, traitors, evil etc. Yes there were some bad rulers but every dynasty in India too had the same. It was Akbar who first gave protection to Hindu subjects and treated them as equal. Mughal paintings depcited scenes from Hindu mythology including Mahabharat and Ramayan. Dara Shikoh the Mughal prince had personally translated the Ramayan and Mahabharat to Arabic.

The Mughals were not barbarians like some bigoted Indians like to paint them as. The medieval age was brutal in violence and warfare. And if Mughals are to be blamed then why not blame their loyal subordinates the rajputs as well? It is time Indians recognised the contribution of Mughals and the Mughal empire.

LINKS - Mughal Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
funny thing is our ancestors in the south had never heard of moghuls untill 1947 only after reading about them in text books, even now we have zero influence of them:lol:

That he sure did. But it was Akbar's religious tolerance that persuaded many rajputs to come to his side. Akbar used the carrot and stick policy. He offered mansabs and created the mansabdari system. In return for rajput allegiance Akbar offered them posts in Mughal aristocracy and Mughal protection.

Akbar used skill and diplomacy to expand his empire but did not hesitate to use force when and if required. Akbar was the finest Mughal emperor.
Been to forts in Agra, Taj mahal and I have to say they were way ahead anything west could come up with. Akbar was the greatest of them all for me.
Me like the movie Jodha Akbar.
sir they were just up graded the red fort was built by pandavas with mud and bricks and tthen king after king upgraded the last were the moghuls
funny thing is our ancestors in the south had never heard of moghuls untill 1947 only after reading about them in text books, even now we have zero influence of them:lol:

South India faced mughal rule briefly during Aurangzeb's time. The mainly muslim kingdoms in south were Mysore under Huder Ali and Tipu Sultan plus the deccani sultanates which were later crushed, ironically by the muslim Mughals.
every one are saying about moghul influence in india, which india( north, south east or west) india is very huge we in the south we don't know any moghuls they were and are aliens to us, we had heard of bahmanis and nizam thats all
every one are saying about moghul influence in india, which india( north, south east or west) india is very huge we in the south we don't know any moghuls they were and are aliens to us, we had heard of bahmanis and nizam thats all

You saying you did not hear about Mughals is your opinion, not fact. Aurangzeb ruled south. The only region in India that never had any Mughal influence at all is the north eastern region because they were never under mughal rule.

Rest all parts of India have a mughal influence directly or indirectly.
South India faced mughal rule briefly during Aurangzeb's time. The mainly muslim kingdoms in south were Mysore under Huder Ali and Tipu Sultan plus the deccani sultanates which were later crushed, ironically by the muslim Mughals.
aurangazeb never entered the south his, he lost his empire trying to enter the south by waging wars on bahmanis and bijapur sultans, ultimately the marathas nailed the coffin, and for your information tippu was not a moghul his father hyder was a servant in mysore maharajas army, and they have no previous ancestory they are no moghuls, even the nizams hated them because they were shias and followed some sort of fakir religion

You saying you did not hear about Mughals is your opinion, not fact. Aurangzeb ruled south. The only region in India that never had any Mughal influence at all is the north eastern region because they were never under mughal rule.

Rest all parts of India have a mughal influence directly or indirectly.
are you clubbing nizams, bahmanis, bijapur sultans, tippu the nawabs of arcot as moghuls then you are ignorent

you see why did aurangazeeb wage wars in the south because the sunni aurangazeeb hated shia bahmani and bijapur sultans he wanted to make india a sunni empire so he fought 27 wars aginst the bahmanis and bijapur sultans mean while the sultans became weak and aurangazeeb lost his empire
Have you even seen the map of Aurangzeb's empire?

Some of you people are so desperate to refabricate history its actually pitiable.
we in the south dont know any moghuls, we heard of them only in the text books, funny moghuls they say they are the emperors of india raja raja chola had much bigger empire then them and krishna devaraya ruled an empire 3/4 the the size of moghuls

Have you even seen the map of Aurangzeb's empire?

Some of you people are so desperate to refabricate history its actually pitiable.
map doesn't prove any thing, any one can create a false map and say they were the rulers of all the world

the people of karnataka, andhra, tamilnadu and kerala dont know these barbarians, we came to know about their atrocities only reading in the text books

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