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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

i am sure you are educated in some UP madrasa only they can have such great knowledge, so keep on with your IIM(indian institute of madrasa) farruka-bad UP education. and please inform if you are coming to the south we should be alert from incoming danger

Unfortunately you are no eligible to be even admitted in a Madrasa or else you would not have come up with such ridiculous assumptions that Mughals never ruled south India. On the contrary south India was under muslim rule - Mughal or otherwise.

Aurangzeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you should learn punctuation. Your second part of the line doesn't separate it from the first. Maybe you shouldn't be so excited......

Maybe you should learn comprehension and stop being a dumba$$, maybe. Your comments just shows what kind of an ignorant fool you are who gets too excited to read a sentence properly and later make a fool of himself.

Tipu sultan was crushed by Mughals, ROFLOL!!! Must be the sun.
No they are Marsian.... :crazy_pilot:

It's funny when people from other side of the planet, try to teach me about my heritage, ancestors, bloodline. :lol:

Do not tempt him, he will actually argue they were Martian.

Some people say Mughals never had an influence in north India, LOL!! Ask them what is Urdu.

The Mughals build the Jama Masjid, one of the largest mosques in the world. The Mughals build Fatehpur Sikri. And so many things.
All i know is that no universities, no scientific research and no navies were build. 50% of the wealth was spent on Taj Mahal and another 50% was planned to be spent on the Black Taj Mahal opposite to the original Taj mahal. They were nothing but visionless power hungry monarchs.
Maybe you should learn comprehension and stop being a dumba$$, maybe. Your comments just shows what kind of an ignorant fool you are who gets too excited to read a sentence properly and later make a fool of himself.

Tipu sultan was crushed by Mughals, ROFLOL!!! Must be the sun.

Err...the dumbass is you, I didn't word my sentence suggesting (intentionally or otherwise) that Tipu Sultan was crushed by the Mughals, you did. As for who is an ignorant fool, I'll let others here decide. Seems like there is only one excited enough to want to be obnoxious......
Err...the dumbass is you, I didn't word my sentence suggesting that Tipu Sultan was crushed by the Mughals, you did. As for who is an ignorant fool, I'll let others here decide. seems like there is only one excited enough to want to be obnoxious......

You are such a moron that you cannot read english sentences properly. Go and have a healthy breakfast, your body lacks nutrition and it is showing in your low IQ comments. Man you are so dumb.

Tipu sultan crushed by mughals. Good lord, what do they teach you for history?

All i know is that no universities, no scientific research and no navies were build. 50% of the wealth was spent on Taj Mahal and another 50% was planned to be spent on the Black Taj Mahal opposite to the original Taj mahal. They were nothing but visionless power hungry monarchs.

Mughals had basic understanding of astronomy. Not on the scale of renaissance europe but still they were aware of the concept of astronomy. Mughals also had knowledge on alchemy.

It is a myth that Mughals did not have a navy. They had one, they did not however have commanders like Nelson.

Key industries included shipbuilding (the Indian shipbuilding industry was as advanced as the European, and Indians sold ships to European firms), textiles, and steel. The Mughals maintained a small fleet, which merely carried pilgrims to Mecca, imported a few Arab horses in Surat. Debal in Sindh was mostly autonomous. The Mughals also maintained various river fleets of Dhows, which transported soldiers over rivers and fought rebels. Among its admirals were Yahya Saleh, Munnawar Khan, and Muhammad Saleh Kamboh. The Mughals also protected the Siddis of Janjira. Its sailors were renowned and often voyaged to China and the East African Swahili Coast, together with some Mughal subjects carrying out private-sector trade.

The Mughals were also the first in India to use rockets in warfare.

In the year 1657, the Mughal Army used rockets during the Siege of Bidar.[61] Prince Aurangzeb's forces discharged rockets and grenades while scaling the walls. Sidi Marjan was mortally wounded when a rocket struck his large gunpowder depot, and after twenty-seven days of hard fighting Bidar was captured by the victorious Mughals.

Mughal Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Timurids are Turco-Mongolian mix.
Timurid dynasty | Asian history | Encyclopedia Britannica

Uzbeks are pure Turkic originated.
Uzbeks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tatars are not Mongol mix. They are pure Turkic.
Tatars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fixed that for you ^^

You'll know better about turkic races. Tatars were said to be a Turkic clan which was completely wiped out by Genghis Khan, with muslim mongols later adopting their name and language. I'll leave my reference later. And Timur, and his descendant Babur belonged to the Barlas clan, which is of doubtless Mongol origin.
Unfortunately you are no eligible to be even admitted in a Madrasa or else you would not have come up with such ridiculous assumptions that Mughals never ruled south India. On the contrary south India was under muslim rule - Mughal or otherwise.

Aurangzeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you should learn comprehension and stop being a dumba$$, maybe. Your comments just shows what kind of an ignorant fool you are who gets too excited to read a sentence properly and later make a fool of himself.

Tipu sultan was crushed by Mughals, ROFLOL!!! Must be the sun.

Here you go again spreading your ignorance and stupidity to anyone who will listen to you.

Aurangzeb captured Bijapur in 1686, and guess what happend ? The Marathas starting fighting him back by 1700, by 1705 the Maratha's had captured and had penetrated Mughal possession of Central India and Gujarat.

By 1707 the Mrathas marched into Delhi :lol:

So the Mughal rule of South India lasted for a grand total of 15 years :lol:

Mughals had basic understanding of astronomy. Not on the scale of renaissance europe but still they were aware of the concept of astronomy. Mughals also had knowledge on alchemy.

It is a myth that Mughals did not have a navy. They had one, they did not however have commanders like Nelson.

Key industries included shipbuilding (the Indian shipbuilding industry was as advanced as the European, and Indians sold ships to European firms), textiles, and steel. The Mughals maintained a small fleet, which merely carried pilgrims to Mecca, imported a few Arab horses in Surat. Debal in Sindh was mostly autonomous. The Mughals also maintained various river fleets of Dhows, which transported soldiers over rivers and fought rebels. Among its admirals were Yahya Saleh, Munnawar Khan, and Muhammad Saleh Kamboh. The Mughals also protected the Siddis of Janjira. Its sailors were renowned and often voyaged to China and the East African Swahili Coast, together with some Mughal subjects carrying out private-sector trade.

The Mughals were also the first in India to use rockets in warfare.

In the year 1657, the Mughal Army used rockets during the Siege of Bidar.[61] Prince Aurangzeb's forces discharged rockets and grenades while scaling the walls. Sidi Marjan was mortally wounded when a rocket struck his large gunpowder depot, and after twenty-seven days of hard fighting Bidar was captured by the victorious Mughals.

Mughal Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mughals did not created any of that :lol:

Knowledge of Astrology, Astronomy, Ship building were ALL HINDU Knowledge that existed BEFORE Mughal came into India.

All the ever Mughals did was rape women, make slaves, create war and destruction and destroy temples and build mosques and tombs.
You'll know better about turkic races. Tatars were said to be a Turkic clan which was completely wiped out by Genghis Khan, with muslim mongols later adopting their name and language. I'll leave my reference later. And Timur, and his descendant Babur belonged to the Barlas clan, which is of doubtless Mongol origin.
Barlas were not Mongol but Turk. I have a good commentary on these lineages and I'll give reference once home. BTW, Mongol was the ruling clan and they advised the outsiders (who were unaware of these things) not to call them as Tatars, which was commonly used to denote the several tribes and clans of the steppes.
The moment Aurangzeb died in 1707, the Rajputs came together and declared themselves free of Mughal rule.

Ajit Singh of Marwar, Jai Singh Kachhwaha of Amber, and Rana Amar Singh Sisodia of Mewar formed a confederacy in the Deccan to oppose Mughal rule. :P

By 1708 After Guru Gobind Singh was murdered by Mughal agents (sent by vazir khan), Banda Bahadur assembled angry Sikhs into an army and massacred Muslims in Punjab towns on their way to Sirhind, which they also plundered in 1710 after thousands of peasants overcame Vazir Khan's cavalry. Banda proclaimed himself the true padishah (sovereign) and issued Sikh coins. His army took over most of the Punjab, but thousands were killed on both sides in their failed attempt to take Lahore. A Mughal army besieged the Sikhs at Lohgarh, but Banda escaped to the Sarmar hills. He and the Sikhs came back to take Pathankot and Gurdaspur in November 1711, and by March 1712 they had recovered Sirhind and Lohgarh.
You are such a moron that you cannot read english sentences properly. Go and have a healthy breakfast, your body lacks nutrition and it is showing in your low IQ comments. Man you are so dumb.

Tipu sultan crushed by mughals. Good lord, what do they teach you for history?

:lol: The story about the liars needing to beat the drums the loudest seems to apply here. No amount of attempting deflection by name calling will change the fact that you wrote that Tipu sultan was crushed by the Mughals.....Really funny you attempting to pass that off as my comment....:lol:
:lol: The story about the liars needing to beat the drums the loudest seems to apply here. No amount of attempting deflection by name calling will change the fact that you wrote that Tipu sultan was crushed by the Mughals.....Really funny you attempting to pass that off as my comment....:lol:

The story of the fool who believes he is only right is being applied here by you. You are an uneducated troll who cannot read an english sentence or worse cannot understand what has been written and make his own assumptions.

Yet again you are typing that tipu sultan was crushed by mughals. Your teacher did not teach you how to read deccani sultans? Must have been the case of pronouncing M as Yam.

You are a poor idiot who can only hide his shame behind smileys. The south Indian region needs an upgrade in school education so that people like you can read an english sentence and understand what has been written instead of coming up with your elu velu interpretations.

And if you cannot contribute to this thread properly then there is absolutely no need for you to define how much poor in english you are. Go back to school and this time study properly. Don't read english sentences with a thick accent, might help you not to get confused with the meaning.
The Mughals were not barbarians like some bigoted Indians like to paint them as. The medieval age was brutal in violence and warfare. And if Mughals are to be blamed then why not blame their loyal subordinates the rajputs as well? It is time Indians recognised the contribution of Mughals and the Mughal empire.

Sorry we dont like them

They were evil people ; All the Mughal Grandeur and splendour came from JAZIYA tax
Sorry we dont like them

They were evil people ; All the Mughal Grandeur and splendour came from JAZIYA tax

Doesn't matter whether you like or dislike them.

Mughal wealth came from jaziya tax as well as the annual tribute sent by the rajputs and other Hindu kings who were part of mughal empire.
The story of the fool who believes he is only right is being applied here by you. You are an uneducated troll who cannot read an english sentence or worse cannot understand what has been written and make his own assumptions.

Yet again you are typing that tipu sultan was crushed by mughals. Your teacher did not teach you how to read deccani sultans? Must have been the case of pronouncing M as Yam.

You are a poor idiot who can only hide his shame behind smileys. The south Indian region needs an upgrade in school education so that people like you can read an english sentence and understand what has been written instead of coming up with your elu velu interpretations.

And if you cannot contribute to this thread properly then there is absolutely no need for you to define how much poor in english you are. Go back to school and this time study properly. Don't read english sentences with a thick accent, might help you not to get confused with the meaning.

Still the pathetic chap who feels the need to use abuse to win an argument. A smiley is all that you are worth...:lol:
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