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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

Bottom one is of Allaudin Khilzi, not Akbar.

Ya, wanted to show what it would have looked in real life. Those holes were the places heads were kept.

He did not bribed any Brahmin.He was what we could call, an elevated Kshatriya.

In South India, most of Kshatriya clans are those which has been risen in caste due to their caste performing military service. If a caste (or before 1000CE , tribe) performed military service, that caste became Kshatriya. Caste system was frozen for an individual since 200BCE , but there was possibility of advancement of whole castes in caste system.

Pashtuns who converted to Hinduism are known as Rohilla Rajputs in India.

That is correct. Bribing a Brahmin was the popular "secular" spin. Trying to kill two birds with one stone, defame the brahmin for fraud and defame Shivaji as a cheat.

Shivaji's father was Sahaji Bhonsle from the Sisodia Rajput originally from mewar. There is evidence of that ancestry with the Ghorpade Ruling family of Mudhol. They have the original firmans from Adil Shah to Sahaji Bhonsle that refer to him as Sisodia Rajput. This was BEFORE Shivaji was crowned King, so it is authentic.

Shahaji's forfathers had settled neare Ellora during Muhammed Bin Tughlaq's time. Sahaji's ancestry is also confirmed by his marriage to Jijabai, daughter of Lukhji Jadhavrao who was from the Yadava Rulers of Devgiri. (now Daulatabad)

However other maratha's like "Holkar" Ruler of Indore are from Shepard community. Peshwas were Brahmins.

Majority of Sindhi and Baloch population at the start of millennium was Jat. Baloch, from whom province of Balochistan derives its name, started migration to Balochistan around start of millennium and that migration ended only 400 Years ago.

Marathas fought Rajputs when Rajputs were under Mughal banner. When Rajputs got independent after last few years/death of Aurangzeb, Marathas left them be except demand of chauth.

There is no instance of major war between Marathas and Rajput kingdoms who were independent.Though demand for tax did alienated Rajuts from Marathas.

That is correct. As a matter of fact, the Maratha Empire was a Federation of Kingdoms shared between marathas and Rajputs. Most people do not realize that. It was pretty much like the Federal structure we have for India. Eerybody paid chauth to the Peshwas in Pune.

He+She could not prove anything.

RAjputs did fought a war against Marathas, but there is no genuine record of them fighting Sikhs. Only time Rajputs were ordered to march against sikhs, they marched so slowly that they arrived eight months late (After the war).

Even Sikhs do not blame Rajputs for any brutality against them. Sikhs of that era considered themselves to be another sect of Hindus. They become separate religion quite late.

RAJPUT-SIKH RELATIONS - In the times of Gurus [1469 - 1708]

He is just trying to stir up the Sikh-Rajput trouble under the impression I was a Rajput. :cheesy: Its an old trick, like bunching the dalits as separate :P ....... and he was dumb enough to think I will fall for that :D

But good post by you :tup:
I will make it even easier for you. The Mughals never existed in India. The Taj Mahal is Tejo Mahalya, and Lal Qila is Lakshman Kriragarh.
Have you read carefully which I gave ? Btw I have no temptation to see these buildings...
I would prefer to visit Sarnath Sanchi stupa or Ajanta alora caves over these rag tag monuments built by barbaric invaders .... N go n lick the floors of these mughalic monuments which could quench your thirst of romanticizing with barbaric Mughals .....
Ya, wanted to show what it would have looked in real life. Those holes were the places heads were kept.

A correction:

Holes in that tower were not for heads but for Spikes on which heads were mounted.
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Just give me the name of one king who pillaged, created mountain of human skull or depopulated or desecrated the temples or took women as sex slaves after winning the territory from his rival king in battlefield?

When Akbar beseiged chittor he was helped by rajput allies. The rajput allies were present when Akbar was making skull tower, where is your rage against those rajputs?

Do you know about the persecution of Sikhs by north Indian Hindu kings? Hindu Kings who betrayed sikhs, caught sikh pilgrims and handed them over to Mughals for death? Did you know that early Sikh warriors had to fight both mughals and their Hindu allies to protect themselves?

Sikhs don't count as human for you?

Despite immense enmity among the hindu kingdoms local population was not massacred unlike the Muslims invaders including your barbaric Mughals ......

They were murdered. The rajputs in the war of deccan pillaged maratha villages. The marathas returned the favor when they invaded north India.

And if you want to talk ancient India then there is the mauryas, guptas, chalukyas etc. If you think ancient Hindu India fought wars in a gentle manner you must be tripping on LSD.

These heinous crimes were trademark of Mughals n co invaders.....
Btw in my eyes whoever helped were traitor of highest orders ....

These things were common place in medieval era.

Btw not every rajput clans helped Mughals to expand the empire..... Check the history before bracketing every rajputs into that category....

The rajputs in medieval India either actively helped the Mughal empire by fighting for them or entered into matrimonial alliances and gave them political and diplomatic support. Did the rajputs join hands with the marathas or the Sikhs against mughals or did they fight for the mughals?

Again this happened in the medieval era and I am talking about the political reality of the medieval age. There was no concept of India and the rajputs did not in the least feel bothered to be fighting other Hindu kings.

Btw before opening this thread you should be little ashamed of Mughals rampant barbarism .....

Are you ashamed of those Indians who helped the mughals in their rampant barbarism?

You can romanticize with such barbarians under the over glorified military prowess however any sane would say it is not important how the battle is won but how it is fought ....

How exactly are battles supposed to be fought?

Btw you lose any credibility to condemn the isis savages seeing overjoyed support to these moronic Mughals....

Don't blame mughals when you glorify and worship those who helped and fought for those mughals.
Have you read carefully which I gave ? Btw I have no temptation to see these buildings...
I would prefer to visit Sarnath Sanchi stupa or Ajanta alora caves over these rag tag monuments built by barbaric invaders .... N go n lick the floors of these mughalic monuments which could quench your thirst of romanticizing with barbaric Mughals .....

Licking floors maybe your favorite past time, don't put it on others.

If you cannot talk sensibly then do not comment.
Akbar was so much feard and hated that when he went to Prayag, the residents rushed to close their doors on him. That is how much popular "Akbar the great was " :lol:

In anger, Akbar destroyed the city to rubbles and all temples in it and killed cows inside the temples.

Today there is not a single Ancient Hindu structure in Prayag which is as holy as Banares. Akbar later changed the name of the holy city to Allahabad.

It is evident from this example that Akbar's subjects were horrified and scared upon the arrival of their king into their city.

This is what Monserrate, a contemporary of Akbar, writes, "The religious zeal of the Musalmans has destroyed all the idol temples which used to be numerous. In place of Hindu temples, countless tombs and little shrines of wicked and worthless Musalmans have been erected in which these men are worshipped with vain superstition as though they were saints. Not only did the muslims destroy the idols, but usurped the existing temples and converted them into tombs of insignificant people."

Let us take a glimpse into the lust habits of Akbar the Great.

During the Treaty of Ranathambhor between Akbar and the chiefs of Bundi (who owned the fort) was made, the first condition of the said treaty read that the chiefs of Bundi be exempt from the custom, degrading to a Rajputs, of sending a ‘bride' to the royal harem. :woot:

To narrate the incident, V A Smith writes, "A treaty was drawn up on the spot, and mediated by the prince of Amber {Jaipur], which presents a good picture of Hindu feeling. [The terms were]

(1) that the chiefs of Bundi should be exempted from that custom, degrading to a Rajput, of sending a dola [bride] to the royal harem;

(2) exemption from jizya or poll-tax;

(3) that the chiefs of Bundi should not be compelled to cross the Attock;

(4) that the vassals of Bundi should be exempted from the obligation of sending their wives or female relatives ‘to hold a stall in the Mina bazaar' at the palace, on the festival of Nauroza [New Year's Day] and so on.

Licking floors maybe your favorite past time, don't put it on others.

If you cannot talk sensibly then do not comment.

Wow.. You could not tolerate a sentences "Lick the floors" then how do you expect from us to tolerate your glorification of inhumane breeds in the form of Muslim invaders n who were responsible of killing thousands of innocents..... You must have courage to condemn mughalic acts .....
Akbar had a wonderful tradition of holding MEENA BAZAR during New Year :coffee:

That was the days when ALL households had to send the women to by picked up by Akbar and put in his harem.


After Akbar picked a few thousand, the other courtier would get to have their pick. Mind you, Akbar could pick the wife of his courtier too if they caugth his fancy.

He turned all of India into a huge Prostitution Den........ and the women Prostitutes.

Now you know where the custom of Ghungat comes from :sick:
Wow.. You could not tolerate a sentences "Lick the floors" then how do you expect from us to tolerate your glorification of inhumane breeds in the form of Muslim invaders n who were responsible of killing thousands of innocents..... You must have courage to condemn mughalic acts .....

Are you illiterate?

I am telling you if you hate the mughals so much for what they did then why are you glorifying the rajputs who helped and aided the mughals in their "barbaric deeds"? Are you in the habit of licking the floors and boots of these rajput mughals?

You are the perfect example of a hypocrite.

You will close your eyes when rajput soldiers massacre maratha villagers in the battle of deccan or persecute sikh pilgrims all under the order of Mughal emperors but you will curse and abuse the mughals.
Akbar had an eye on Bairam Khan's wife and married her soon after Bairam Khan was murdered.Akbar did not hesitate to have caused this violent and tragic end of his erstwhile guardian for the satiation of his lust.

In 1558, when Bairam was more than 50, he married his 19 year old cousin Salima begam. Meanwhile, Bairam was sacked and Akbar asked him to go to Mecca and on his way to Mecca, Bairam Khan was assassinated on 31st January, 1561, at Patan by some Afghans. Akbar was then 19 year old and hence Akbar and Salima Begam were of the same age. After his convenient "death", Akbar married Salima.

How about Akbar's harem ? Which had 5000 women.

Itmad-ud-daula, the father-in-law of Jehangir, has thrown some light on some other features of the inmates of this harem. If someone had given birth to a female child, she was saved because in future she could be used as a sex-slave. But, if anyone happened to give birth to a male child, he used to be murdered or blinded as in future he could never pose a threat to the throne.
Akbars Vazir Abul Fazl writes, Despite an exclusive harem of 5,000 women, and all the virgin prostitutes of the realm whose virginity was at Akbar's exclusive royal command and could not be violated without special permission by any courtier, the honour of the wives of noblemen and courtiers was itself always subject to Akbar's sexy pleasure."

Whenever Begams or wives of nobles, or other women of chaste character, desire to be presented, they first notify their wish to the servants of the seraglio and wait for reply. From thence they send their requests to the officers of the palace after which those who are eligible (sic) are permitted to enter the harem. Some women of rank obtained permission to remain there for a whole month."

The above passage is a clear admission that Akbar used to compel wives of courtiers and noblemen, toward whom he felt sufficiently attracted to remain within his harem at least for a month at a time.
Are you illiterate?

I am telling you if you hate the mughals so much for what they did then why are you glorifying the rajputs who helped and aided the mughals in their "barbaric deeds"? Are you in the habit of licking the floors and boots of these rajput mughals?

You are the perfect example of a hypocrite.

You will close your eyes when rajput soldiers massacre maratha villagers in the battle of deccan or persecute sikh pilgrims all under the order of Mughal emperors but you will curse and abuse the mughals.

The Rajputs had treaties which forbade such Barbaric Deeds.

Those were the conditions under which the Rajputs stopped fighting with the Mughals.

The Rajput Soldiers did not rape and kill maratha villagers or their women. Do you have any evidence they did ?

Where is the proof they persecuted Sikh Pilgrims ?

YOU are the hypocrite.
Akbar was so much feard and hated that when he went to Prayag, the residents rushed to close their doors on him. That is how much popular "Akbar the great was " :lol:

In anger, Akbar destroyed the city to rubbles and all temples in it and killed cows inside the temples.

Today there is not a single Ancient Hindu structure in Prayag which is as holy as Banares. Akbar later changed the name of the holy city to Allahabad.

It is evident from this example that Akbar's subjects were horrified and scared upon the arrival of their king into their city.

This is what Monserrate, a contemporary of Akbar, writes, "The religious zeal of the Musalmans has destroyed all the idol temples which used to be numerous. In place of Hindu temples, countless tombs and little shrines of wicked and worthless Musalmans have been erected in which these men are worshipped with vain superstition as though they were saints. Not only did the muslims destroy the idols, but usurped the existing temples and converted them into tombs of insignificant people."

Let us take a glimpse into the lust habits of Akbar the Great.

During the Treaty of Ranathambhor between Akbar and the chiefs of Bundi (who owned the fort) was made, the first condition of the said treaty read that the chiefs of Bundi be exempt from the custom, degrading to a Rajputs, of sending a ‘bride' to the royal harem. :woot:

To narrate the incident, V A Smith writes, "A treaty was drawn up on the spot, and mediated by the prince of Amber {Jaipur], which presents a good picture of Hindu feeling. [The terms were]

(1) that the chiefs of Bundi should be exempted from that custom, degrading to a Rajput, of sending a dola [bride] to the royal harem;

(2) exemption from jizya or poll-tax;

(3) that the chiefs of Bundi should not be compelled to cross the Attock;

(4) that the vassals of Bundi should be exempted from the obligation of sending their wives or female relatives ‘to hold a stall in the Mina bazaar' at the palace, on the festival of Nauroza [New Year's Day] and so on.

list of temples destroyed all over India
VHSIndia – List of Mosques in various states which were built after demolishing Hindu temples
1.it is well known that Shah Jahan used to have regular sex with his eldest daughter Jahan Ara. To defend himself, Shah Jahan used to say that, it was the privilege of a planter to taste the fruit of the tree he had planted.

While commenting on this matter, Francois Bernier wrote, “Begum Sahiba, the elder daughter of Shah Jahan, was very handsome and of lively parts, and passionately beloved by her father. Remour has it that his attachment reached a point which it is difficult to believe, the justification of which rests on the decision of Mullahs or the doctors of Islamic law. According to them, it would have been unique to deny the king the privilege of gathering fruits from the tree he had himself planted.”

2.According to Peter Mundy, another European traveler, Shah Jahan had illicit sexual relation with his younger daughter Chamni Brgum.

Gaylord Babur from his BaburNama

little known fact about Zahir-ud-Din Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire is that he was a homosexual or a bi-sexual at any rate and this is by his own admission in the Baburnama. In fact it was accepted among the Turks to have sexual liaison with boys. Many Turkish nobles kept 'catamites' i.e. young boys as sex slaves. Thus admission of homosexuality in his biography was not construed odd.

The incident narrated below is after his first marriage to his first cousin, daughter of his fathers brother.

'...during this time there was a boy from the camp market named Baburi. Even his name was amazingly appropriate. I developed a strange inclination for him - rather I made myself miserable over him. Before this experience I had never felt a desire for anyone, nor did I listen to talk of love and affection or speak of such things. At that time I used to compose single lines and couples in Persian. I composed the following lines there.'

May no one be so distraught and devastated by love as I;

May no beloved be so pitiless and careless as you.

Babur composes another line for his beloved boy lover after coming face to face with him on the street but unable to show his affection owing to the people around him.

I am embarrassed every time I see my beloved.

My companions are looking at me, but my gaze is elsewhere

He confesses of deep love. 'I wander bareheaded and bare foot around the lanes and streets through the gardens and orchards paying no attention to acquaintances or strangers, oblivious to self and others.'

When I fell in love I became mad and crazed. I knew not this to be part of loving beauties.

'Sometimes I went out alone like a madman to the hills and wilderness sometimes I roamed through the orchards and lanes of town, neither walking nor sitting within my own volition, restless in going and staying.'

I have no strength to go, no power to stay. You have snared us in this sate my heart
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