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MQM Warns of 1971 repeat in Karachi.

MQM members have been dying since long time, its just MQM was quite because of the government

i can give you pictures of MQM members tortured and killed even before elections by rangers



so what?
mqm members deserve worse.
the sh it they do is crazy.
i say throw these sons of bitches into lion cages. till they get their heads straight that karachi is atying with pakistan and if they dont like it go back to india.

MQM has many criminal elements no doubt but the way the establishment is handling the situation in Karachi and Balochistan by kidnapping, torturing and dumping their bodies is going to back fire very badly. Mark my words if things go out of control in Karachi we are looking for a bigger bloodshed then 1971. This time MQM has also grown very strong, this is not 1992, this is 2013 wake up before its too late.

trust me this is the only way to deal with these traitors, i was talking to an ssg commando who came to usa for training and he said that authorities wont punish them so what do they expect?,and that these guys arent innocent people who are people killed they are killers themselves.
Who are killing MQM members..... agencies?

I think MQM's threat shouldnt be take lightly...they are highly organized, has militant wing and has support of bulk of mohajir community.

In my opinion karachi should be granted autonomous status within country.

Karachi isnt all these immigrant from India.. it has immigrants from KP, Punjab, all over the place.It is the melting pot of Pakistan and as such really dictates its stability economically. If you take Karachi out, fault-lines all over Pakistan will chasm like dominoes.
MQM is playing a political card or rather its tried and trusted card for concessions from the PUnjab Centre.
However, due to the PPP and PTI effect along with Talibanization of Karachi it does not have all the seats it wanted.
Moreover, there are only so many times you can cry "Wolf!" and get away with it.
so what?
mqm members deserve worse.
the sh it they do is crazy.
i say throw these sons of bitches into lion cages. till they get their heads straight that karachi is atying with pakistan and if they dont like it go back to india..

This approach will never work. Because in that case, the Sindhi's have every right to tell all Pathans and Punjabis to get the Heck out of Karachi since it does originally belong to Sindh.. and No Sui gas should ever go close to Punjab.. Its Baloch gas...and the Baloch for that matter are very prepared to pay back such attitudes of calling them traitors and what not by throwing the rest of Pakistan out. The Sindhi's started shouting out "Pakistan Na Khappay" till Zardari told them not to... I would suggest more level heads otherwise all these ideas of lion cages and what not will end with breakups and conciliatory speeches...and these SSG's will end up having to hear their commanders say "Hathiar Daal do!".

The approach that worked with PTI will work well here. Attack the Mohajir tag by disavowing it.. There was little Ethnicity in the PTI youth approach.. so a common theme along that line will be needed.
However, a division along certain lines will be required as Pakistanis are generally prone to thinking more by their tummies or ankles instead of the grey thing in their head. Better to have a youth , Insaaf, Worker, Businessman, Middle class etc theme instead of an ethnic one.
They are just playing with people's sentiments by playing racist politics. They know that the people are going to reject them as Karachi has had enough with this party and its british Fuhrer.
When MQM is not in government, it raises all hue and cry for its 'killed' workers. When it is in government, which it was for the last 10 years, it never raises any voice or make any effort to prosecute those who killed their workers.

All this posturing is going on to show how powerful they are at blackmailing. MQM wants to be in the government, thus all this drama baazi of strike and 'youm e soug'. Its like a cheap prostitute. Its in the government and still talks like an opposition party. While not in government, it does these blackmailing tactics to not lose its significance.
so what?
mqm members deserve worse.
the sh it they do is crazy.
i say throw these sons of bitches into lion cages. till they get their heads straight that karachi is atying with pakistan and if they dont like it go back to india.

Thats playing into their hands. MQM is a merchant of hate. It will create so much hatred against their supposed persecutors, in this case 'Punjabi' rangers and 'Punjabi' government.

The solution is part law enforcement and and a bigger part political defeat. If elections are held under army watch in Karachi, I bet they will lose a lot of their seats. Their disproportionate representation is because of their badmaashi in Karachi.
If they were target killers and criminals, then Rangers did right.

And if MQM was quite because of government, then double lanat...for the sake of government you let your own people die? Forget about that, now MQM is killing its own people for political and ethnic mileage. And while you were in government, you couldn't do anything to save those people? Couldn't catch the culprits?

A few journalists said during the election period that the guys caught in the MQM election office blasts were MQM guys.

This is all to get ethnic mileage...agay agay dekho kia kuch hota hai! Karachi will be turned into a hell hole by MQM's quarrels.

no point talking to them the MQM fan boys are totally brain washed! and I am sure most of them have relatives who are on MQM payrolls!

because clearly ANY Patriotic Pakistan will never ever even talk about breaking Pakistan! so whatever MQM tries to defend itself and play mazloomiyaat why are they daring to talk about breaking Pakistan!!!

Secondly and most importantly they claim to be in opposition BUT they are still keeping their governor! and he ain't resigning!
Why BLA, MQM and ANP are so obsessed with 1971?
MQM members have been dying since long time, its just MQM was quite because of the government

i can give you pictures of MQM members tortured and killed even before elections by rangers



jhotti khabrein aur propaganda MQM kaay ilawa koi nahi kaar saktaa!!!

there is NO PROOF of this news! except ofcourse MQM fake photoshopped baqwaas!

& you have GOVERNOR Sindh tell him to take notice!

stop killing your own PEOPLE and blaming others please!

one day you will be held responsible.
They are just playing with people's sentiments by playing racist politics. They know that the people are going to reject them as Karachi has had enough with this party and its british Fuhrer.

the bughead while speaking at a party meeting in London said that writers/journalists should stand up and write that "Only dahi sindhis (rural sindhis) are ruling Sindh" he further said that its his and his followers' right to rule Sindh.

in another thread which was opened by an MQM activist, i pointed to this very attidue of MQM walas.
Why BLA, MQM and ANP are so obsessed with 1971?

one answer:

ETHNIC POLITICS! that is all they have if all ethnicities live normaly then how will they survive? Hitler did it, so did BAL THACKREY!
when some guys are executed by armed men on the basis of their race and no justice is served what is it than besides genocide .
لندن: متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے قائدالطاف حسین نے کہاہے کہ جمہوریت کامطلب عوام کی حکمرانی ہوتاہے لیکن آج صوبہ سندھ میں صرف دیہی سندھ کے مقامی سندھی بولنے والوںکی حکومت ہے اورجو مہاجر گزشتہ65برس سے سندھ میں آباد ہیں وہ حکومت سے باہرہیں۔

اگرقیام پاکستان کے بعدملک میں لسانی وثقافتی تقسیم ختم ہوچکی ہوتی توآج سندھ میں محض سندھی بولنے والوں کی حکومت نہ ہوتی اورسندھ کی نصف آبادی اس حکومت سے باہرنہ ہوتی۔ ایم کیوایم رابطہ کمیٹی لندن اورپاکستان کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے الطاف حسین نے کہا کہ قیام پاکستان کی جدوجہدمیں مسلم اقلیتی صوبوں کے مسلمانوں نے 20 لاکھ جانوں کانذرانہ پیش کیا،اس جدوجہد میں دشمنان پاکستان نے ماں،بہن اور بیٹیوںکی عصمتیں تارتار کیں اورکچھ آگ اورخون کی ہولی میں چلتے چلتے جل کے مرگئے اورکچھ لوگوں کا سفر جاری رہا۔

الطاف حسین نے کہاکہ برصغیرکے مسلمان، پاکستان آئے تویہاں قیام پاکستان سے پہلے سے علاقے موجودتھے،یہاں کی اپنی اپنی قومیتی،لسانی،ثقافتی اور علاقائی شناختیں تھیں،65 سال قبل بھی کوئی پٹھان تھا،کوئی سندھی تھا،کوئی بلوچ تھا،کوئی سرائیکی تھا ،کوئی ہزاروال اور کوئی کشمیری تھا،میں آج پاکستان کے عوام سے سوال کرتا ہوں کہ وہ اللہ تعالیٰ کوحاضر وناظر جان کراپنے ضمیر کے سامنے اس سوال کاجواب دیں کہ جب پاکستان بن گیااور65 سال قبل سب پاکستانی بن گئے توکیا پاکستانی شہری ہونے کے ناطے،پاکستان میں پہلے سے موجودلسانی،ثقافتی اور علاقائی شناختیں ختم ہوگئیں؟۔ الطاف حسین نے کہاکہ ہندوستان کے مسلم اقلیتی صوبوں کے مسلمانوں نے پاکستان ہجرت کرتے وقت یہ سوچابھی نہ تھا کہ انہیں پاکستانی شناخت کے علاوہ کسی اورشناخت کی ضرورت بھی پڑے گی لیکن65 برس کے دوران انہیں کسی نے بھیا،مٹروا،تلیر،غیرملکی اور کسی نے ہندوستان کے بھگوڑے کہااورآج تک یہ طعنے دینے والے بڑی تعدادمیں موجود ہیں جوہم سے کہتے ہیں کہ تم لوگوں کا یہاں کیا کام ہے تم ہندوستان سے آئے تھے، جاؤ واپس ہندوستان چلے جاؤ۔

پاکستان میں پہلے سے موجود قومیتوں نے دیگرتحقیری القابات کے ساتھ ساتھ ہمیں مہاجر بھی کہاجسے ہم نے اپنی شناخت بناکرمتحد ہونا شروع کردیا اور کہا کہ ہم بھی پاکستانی ہیں،اگر سندھی،بلوچ،پختون،پنجابی اوردیگر قومیتوں کے لوگ اپنی اپنی علیحدہ لسانی وثقافتی شناختیں رکھنے کے باوجود پاکستانی ہوسکتے ہیں توہماری بھی اپنی پہچان اور زبان ہے اسی لیے ہم نے اپنی شناخت کیلئے لفظ’’مہاجر‘‘چنا،ہم نے اپنی شناخت کواس لیے نہیں چنا کہ خدانخواستہ ہم اس کی بنیاد پرکسی سے برتری یافوقیت حاصل کریںگے یااس بنیاد پر ہم کسی علیحدہ وطن یا صوبے کامطالبہ کریں گے۔

الطاف حسین نے کہاکہ اگر کسی دانشوریاکالم نگار نے اس بارے میں لکھاہوتومیں معذرت خواہ ہوں لیکن ایسی کوئی تحریر میری نظر سے نہیںگزری اور میں نے آج کے دن تک اخبارات میں کسی دانشوریاکالم نگارکاکالم نہیں دیکھایا کسی نے اس جانب اشارہ نہیں کیا۔انھوں نے کہاکہ ہمیں جواب دیاجائے کہ بلوچستان اور سندھ میں سوسال پہلے سے موجود پختونوں، بلوچوں اور پنجابیوں نے کیااپنی زبان اورشناخت یکسر تبدیل کرلی؟کیا انھوں نے اپنی زبان چھوڑکرسندھی یا بلوچی زبان بولناشروع کردی اورکیاانھوں نے اپنی ثقافت سے رشتہ ناطہ توڑلیا؟۔ الطاف حسین نے کہاکہ جوبھی میرے ان نکات کاجواب دیناچاہے ضروردے لیکن اگروہ سچ،حقائق اور دلائل کی بنیادپرجواب دیں توان کی مہربانی ہوگی۔

لو جی بھیا آپ بھیا کی طرھ ایکٹ کرنا بند کرو تو ھم آپ کو بھیا نہیں بولیں گے۔
when some guys are executed by armed men on the basis of their race and no justice is served what is it than besides genocide .

so its like this:

MQM in government is not killing because they are victims of Amaan committee, ANP and what not!

but now when it is outside the government they claim "SOMEONE IS KILLING" them!

but who is killing who last 8 years 1000s have died at the hand of naa maloom afraad! has MQM raised any voice? did MQM raise any voice in last 8 years?

and currently MQM has governor Sindh! why is he sitting in government!

oh bhai there is no CONSPIRACY against any ethnic race in Pakistan. please grow out of this and think like a Pakistani! MQM the only political card it has is ethnicity!
ye UK may bheta kuta bhoonkana band karay Karachi kay halaat kudhe behtar hojayeengay!
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