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MQM Warns of 1971 repeat in Karachi.

We do have problem with MQM they have to abandon militant wing at all costs and contribute in the development of Karachi like they did in the era of Mush, but i must say PTI burgers have no right and no moral grounds to target mqm coz their leader termed master of suicide bombing as "pro-peace".
I m requesting to SS and NS that uill never become a peaceful party. The should stop thinking like this. One day they or next government has to take ugly decision to clean this mess. If they want to play safe than use CJ. Which will be enough for government to goto Interpol to catch the asshole.

Or even do khi operation to wipe out M

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apart from the headline there is nothing in the body of the article to reflect what article heading is suggesting, am i missing something?
=ice_man;4382669]so its like this:

MQM in government is not killing because they are victims of Amaan committee, ANP and what not!

I would like to remind you ANP of 2 years back they were accusing MQM of killing of their workers later on when kicked out of their areas they found out it was the taliban it was a little to late for them.

but now when it is outside the government they claim "SOMEONE IS KILLING" them!

but who is killing who last 8 years 1000s have died at the hand of naa maloom afraad! has MQM raised any voice? did MQM raise any voice in last 8 years?

They are on record with many press confrences and strikes , what are you on about they havent raised any voice !!??

oh bhai there is no CONSPIRACY against any ethnic race in Pakistan. please grow out of this and think like a Pakistani! MQM the only political card it has is ethnicity!

we all think like pakistanis thus why on the forum , i dont think any one works here for a political party therefore no need a loyalty certificate from any one. We are all from different walks of of life and groups of people who seek our rights. Its a party who the people of karachi choose to give their mandate too they know more and have insight into these matters and they are accusing of being cornered or they wont have said this

Fracker Or even do khi operation to wipe out MQM[/QUOTE said:
was tried various times using various methods FAILURE was the result in the end , try again and they will know people suport MQM and ganjays have acknowledged it
MQM is keeping its governor in place & then crying about breaking Pakistan? weirdest turn of events! and the weirdest of events is that last 8 years they sat in government and were sitting no matter what happened or who died.

NOW that they claim to be in opposition (while keeping their Governor). they say their "workers" are being killed. by rangers??

@pak-marine till 2 years back MQM denied it had any terrorist target killers in its ranks! but when shanawaz was caught it said yes he is ours BUT we have kicked him out of our party! then they denied that they took bhatta and did china cutting!

now they agreed that they do that too!

doing dharnas,& press confrences doesn't solve anything. first thing first make governor Sindh resign & secondly prove it that rangers are killing innocent MQM workers.

then the world will believe until then NO ONE believes these fake allegations from a party that supports Nawaz as Prime minister & keeps governor Sindh & claims to be in opposition too!
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Very very sad nd painful to hear that these innocent Muslims are still victimized may the Allah swt help them.
How is this Political party activist considered shaheed what was he doing for Islam ? every A hole, thief murder Terrorist is now shaheed wtf.

any innocent killed is a shaheed, its not very jafria islam for you to declare someone terrorist

infact the aurangzeb farroqi will be on your shia arse for now, MQM is the only jafria party i mean it has big numbers of shia, pray that MQM stop SSP from hunting your jafria arse :victory:

just look at shia tweets about PS-128 now :victory:
Can anyone tell me supposedly who will play the role of "India" in this case????
W.11;4383094]any innocent killed is a shaheed, its not very jafria islam for you to declare someone terrorist

No Islam doesent considered any innocent killed shaheed

infact the aurangzeb farroqi will be on your shia arse for now

I cant blame you that you find me attractive but unfortunately for you i am not homo sexual as you are but good luck with that

MQM is the only jafria party i mean it has big numbers of shia, pray that MQM stop SSP from :victory:

Sorry MQM isn't a shia party nor does it works on behalf of shia the fact it was created by Zia speaks volumes, workers or activist might be shia or not i dont know but they have nothing to do with Islam.

A Wahhabi activist of a terrorist party is telling me how good his terrorist party is for me to have around.

hunting your jafria arse

some one needs to come out of closet

just look at shia tweets about PS-128 now :victory:

Again i ask you what has he done for Islam?
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