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MQM Cuts The Comedy Show#N246

I understand the "streetlights" debacle could be blamed on MQM but what about the "generator blast" issue? who did that...?
My theory Suggest PTI Karachi Management might have done that because they got scorned by Imran Khan in his 9th April Visit as well for not Enough Crowd so by this Jalsa's quite low turnout this could have been Embarrassment to PTI Karachi. The timing is quite important here as the Lights Closed EXACTLY when Imran Khan was about to reach Pedestal Bridge which means he was almost About to see Crowd by his own Eyes clearly.
Supporter, my brothers are Ex-workers of MQM. I lived in an MQM dominant area. Dastagir. I know this stuff very well :). I am pretty sure that enticing a Sunni-Shia fight, disposing off your own people. Killing about 300 people in factory, etc are not any form of self defense, they do not kill their own workers when they leave, they kill them when their work is done. If MQM was being targeted by anti-mahajir groups, then they should not have formed an alliance with them, like they are doing now, with PPP, etc. What you have seen were the decent people who joined MQM not knowing about their hidden crimes, just like my bros, when they learn about it, they immediately leave or distance themselves from this curse. I have no soft corner for other parties, such as JI, ANP or PPP either. MQM is just the worst offender in all of these.

Do you know why did Mustufa Kamal leave :)

Then the BIG question is why can't Karachites see that and give a chance to other parties? I am sure there are other ex-workers like you...ironic thing is the recent Jalsa of MQM which clearly shows that MQM vote bank still believes in them... there are few possibilities for such a behavior:

1. They are too naive and have blind faith in MQM (Highly unlikely)
2. They are too scared to leave MQM support (hmmmmm)
3. They do not trust anyone else or they think the other options available are worse (Very Likely)
4. They are giving another chance to MQM to reform themselves (as @Gazi above mentioned)
Then the BIG question is why can't Karachites see that and give a chance to other parties? I am sure there are other ex-workers like you...ironic thing is the recent Jalsa of MQM which clearly shows that MQM vote bank still believes in them... there are few possibilities for such a behavior:

1. They are too naive and have blind faith in MQM (Highly unlikely)
2. They are too scared to leave MQM support (hmmmmm)
3. They do not trust anyone else or they think the other options available are worse (Very Likely)
4. They are giving another chance to MQM to reform themselves (as @Gazi above mentioned)

That jalsa was not that big of success comparatively :) Karachi-ties want other political party to take MQM's position most of them are in favor of PTI. The problem is massive rigging and their terrorism, do not overlook the fact that MQM killed PTI's female candidate in the last election. You cant cast vote to any other political party in an MQM dominant area (where MQM's military wing has a strong position). And their are few areas where MQM is weak.

Galy milo bahi ...................... I am awam and welcome to my agenda of drowning these politicians one day :butcher:

Don't understand :(
enjoy that sea of people man, please enjoy it as much as you can because that all what you will get for next 20 years just like last 20 years. f'ing disgusting dirty NA 246, I swear I am never coming back to at least Karachi again.
haha look like you not enjoying much there, I understand it as Awe ka Awa hi bigdda hua hai:sad: it's almost seven years now and LB elections not held, Sind Government didn't release funds city is under commissioner rule, we seen a lot of development works when MQM given chance to administrate the city. We need a change in the system give the powers to local authorities in shape of Mayor or Nazim. And it's not only Karachi, all over in Pakistan accept Paposh areas the other parts are dirty with load of craps. Take easy and enjoy your trip it's Pakistan!
Fear can bring people out of their homes.

Don't spread lies, it is where I live and no one was forced to go there. Vast number of people went to enjoy and support MQM because they don't want outsiders to rule them. PTI is bringing people from other areas and they are not Urdu speaking and this has increased MQM's support again.

Why block a whole flyover? Why couldn't they do it in some ground or park?

kindly ask same question to JI & PTI first.

I don't understand it, even MQM was involved in many illegal activities.

What are these Karachiite people admire Altaf Hussian so much? How did he get so popular forever?

Hard to find smart and honest people with high IQ level intelligent in Karachi. :undecided:

Because Karachites can access their elected people when they want, they sit in there areas and listen complains and if one have issue with them they can disagree or complain about them at "90". When Mush's local government system was in place it was very good time for Karachites because they were able to put there complains to Nazims which had power and funds to resolve them.

When rest of Pakistan criticize Karachi they forget they criticizing Dubai of Pakistan the most educated, Professional and largest middle class city of Pakistan.
kindly ask same question to JI & PTI first.

I did, you were a little to hasty in posting your question. Please see my Post#24

Secondly, Just because JI or PTI or XYZ did it doesn't make it right, neither does it give MQM the right to do something like this, especially since they CLAIM to be an educated party!!
Then the BIG question is why can't Karachites see that and give a chance to other parties? I am sure there are other ex-workers like you...ironic thing is the recent Jalsa of MQM which clearly shows that MQM vote bank still believes in them... there are few possibilities for such a behavior:

1. They are too naive and have blind faith in MQM (Highly unlikely)
2. They are too scared to leave MQM support (hmmmmm)
3. They do not trust anyone else or they think the other options available are worse (Very Likely)
4. They are giving another chance to MQM to reform themselves (as @Gazi above mentioned)

MQM is a racist party. Its politics is based on mohajir nationalism. Nationalism is huge attraction but its a negative force.
haha look like you not enjoying much there, I understand it as Awe ka Awa hi bigdda hua hai:sad: it's almost seven years now and LB elections not held, Sind Government didn't release funds city is under commissioner rule, we seen a lot of development works when MQM given chance to administrate the city. We need a change in the system give the powers to local authorities in shape of Mayor or Nazim. And it's not only Karachi, all over in Pakistan accept Paposh areas the other parts are dirty with load of craps. Take easy and enjoy your trip it's Pakistan!

You do realize that the City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal whom you are praising here has left MQM and run to Dubai to save his life? Just imagine! The best city nazim Karachi ever had, has been forced to leave Pakistan out of fear for his life and his family due to MQM threats.

But as the British police have closed in on him in recent months, his organization has showed signs of internal strains. Some leaders have left Pakistan after falling out with Mr. Hussain, including Syed Mustafa Kamal, a former mayor of Karachi.


What has MQM done for LB elections? Nothing. It wants LB elections on party basis like PPP and PMLN instead of being based on performance and free from politics. This is just cheap tamaasha of MQM to paint itself as 'victim'.
I did, you were a little to hasty in posting your question. Please see my Post#24

Secondly, Just because JI or PTI or XYZ did it doesn't make it right, neither does it give MQM the right to do something like this, especially since they CLAIM to be an educated party!!

You are just doing it to marginalize a political party. every political party has criminals in it and JI is also supporter of terrorism there people were involved in it but all Pakistanis keep blind eye on them because they were sons of soil??
You are just doing it to marginalize a political party. every political party has criminals in it and JI is also supporter of terrorism there people were involved in it but all Pakistanis keep blind eye on them because they were sons of soil??

What am I doing? All I did was say this in Post#24:

"Be it JI, PTI , MQM or anyone else, no one should be allowed to block public roads / infrastructure."

Brother kindly note, I am very well aware of JI's politics. I intricately know what kind of hypocrites they are. I have never endorsed them, and never will.
MQM is a racist party. Its politics is based on mohajir nationalism. Nationalism is huge attraction but its a negative force.

I think you meant to say Mohajir "ethnic-ism" but don't you think PPP vote bank comprised of mostly people with Sindhi ethnic origin and same goes for ANP for Pakhtoons etc... what I am trying to point out is that this phenomenon is not secluded to MQM only.
You do realize that the City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal whom you are praising here has left MQM and run to Dubai to save his life? Just imagine! The best city nazim Karachi ever had, has been forced to leave Pakistan out of fear for his life and his family due to MQM threats.


What has MQM done for LB elections? Nothing. It wants LB elections on party basis like PPP and PMLN instead of being based on performance and free from politics. This is just cheap tamaasha of MQM to paint itself as 'victim'.
:hitwall: we discussed MK zillion time dig some old thread and find out the answers don't have much time to discuss it again as I have a busy day ahead. Chao
haha look like you not enjoying much there, I understand it as Awe ka Awa hi bigdda hua hai:sad: it's almost seven years now and LB elections not held, Sind Government didn't release funds city is under commissioner rule, we seen a lot of development works when MQM given chance to administrate the city. We need a change in the system give the powers to local authorities in shape of Mayor or Nazim. And it's not only Karachi, all over in Pakistan accept Paposh areas the other parts are dirty with load of craps. Take easy and enjoy your trip it's Pakistan!

lol...I was born in Paposh area lol I savor memories of my childhood and early youth in Paposh (5B if you know) so obviously i visited there...let me give you the news its no better.
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