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MPT-76 Battle Rifle | News and Discussions

Pfff, and you didnt do a backflip while shooting? :coffee:

I aint going to say anything more... although... tell me something... if thts the case... i bet firing a MG3 full auto in a standing position would be something impossible for you guys to even think off? 
Ive seen the video of you doing a triple,shooting in between second and third hitting the target.:omghaha:

As i said... i wasnt "aiming" at anything...
I aint going to say anything more... although... tell me something... if thts the case... i bet firing a MG3 full auto in a standing position would be something impossible for you guys to even think off? 

As i said... i wasnt "aiming" at anything...
We were not aiming at you or Sinan,just joking.
The MPT is just about the term ''indigenous''.
As i said u wont believe tht... although let me make it clear tht i wasnt aim at anything.. it was more like a casual thing... comprende mi amigo!

Yea i know, just joking. Do that in prone position while aiming to a target at 50 - 200 meters, use both hands and you will lose aim...
I aint going to say anything more... although... tell me something... if thts the case... i bet firing a MG3 full auto in a standing position would be something impossible for you guys to even think off? 

As i said... i wasnt "aiming" at anything...
Yeah dude its just so boring in our section so we make a little bit fun, thats why im in Iranian section the last few days, there are some interesting conversations. :lol:
SOURCE : KKK Modernizasyon Çalışmalarına Bir Bakış - Savunma ve Havacılık Dergisi | Facebook

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Yüzde 100 yerli üretim olacak piyade tüfeğinin 2014 yılı ortalarından itibaren kullanılmaya başlanılacağını açıklayan Bayar, açıklamalarına şöyle devam etti:

"Savunma sanayinde yaşanan bütün bu gelişmelerin yanında mili piyade tüfeğinin seri üretimine 2014 yılında başlayacağız. Milli piyade tüfeğimizin bütün tasarım testlerini tamamladık. Pilot üretimleri başladı. Önümüzdeki sene de seri üretimine başlayacağız. Milli piyade tüfeğini 2014 yılının ortalarında kullanmaya başlayacağız. Tüfeğimizin üretim planlamasını 10 yıla yaydık. Buna bütün Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin envanterinin yenilenmesi diye bakarsak böyle olması gerekiyor. Deneme tüfekleri aslında silahlı kuvvelere verildi. İlk parti üreteceklerimiz de verilecek. Mevcut envanterdeki tüfek sayısı 500 ila 600 bin seviyelerinde. Hepsini yenilememiz gerekmeyebilir. Ama bunun önemli bir kısmı yenilenecek ve bu da bir plan dahilinde yapılacak. 10 yıla yaydığımızda da bunun maliyeti 1 milyar dolar civarında olacak."

Füze gerilimine son noktayı koydu - GÜNCEL Haberleri
By looking at the mechanics of the rifle and the physical design of it I don,t really see anything special about. Take off the carrying thingy on top and lit ooks just like any other modern rifle. I thought we would have at least went with a bulpup design.

@cabatli Have any tests been conducted regarding reliability?
@cabatli 53 @Neptune

I don't understand this.

First MKEK came up with the Mehmitck-1, then Kale came up with MPT, then Sarslimaz with SAR-21.

Now, 'WHO' has the contract or is it a competetion?

Any new updates?
@cabatli 53 @Neptune

I don't understand this.

First MKEK came up with the Mehmitck-1, then Kale came up with MPT, then Sarslimaz with SAR-21.

Now, 'WHO' has the contract or is it a competetion?

Any new updates?

sir, plz look into this thread this @airpower183 guy is trolling there . .i know this is not the right section but plz. . .its a request
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