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You already are man... India already is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan so it wont be anything new for us

This have continued for years. Let us both be realistic for a moment, Both Pakistan and India are always trying to hurt each other. What i call stupid is a defense minister admitting and boasting about it on a public forum. That was stupid!!

An Indian threatening Pakistani about terrorism???? As if we are not already facing it. I guess you never watch news dear, we are already fighting a war against foreign sponsored terrorists and Pakistan have had the most number of terrorism related causalities. So you need to find something else to threaten us with. The point simply was that it was quite amusing to watch that idiot sit on TV and talk so irresponsibly. In case you have not noticed, most of the senior Indian members have also denounced his remarks in the previous posts. I do not need to comment further on this.

Proxy - Not using terrorist alone .There are many ways of using proxies .And we don't breed terrorist in India and then send to Pakistan . Just sending money to the it own terrorist will do the trick and neutralizing them with other terrorist too.Its actually a social service :P we are helping you
STFU. We need to change and adapt. By not doing so, we were attacked relentlessly and colonized moron. The death of innocent Indians bother me. I don't a damn anymore. An eye for an eye, time to make the whole world blind.
Change and adapt is good, but killing civilian is not.

why are you surprised, both countries have supported terrorism in past, starting from 1971 Pakistan civil war. that was the start of this.
more recently it seems india has broken all records on supporting terrorism on this side

Unfortunately for you, India has been doing this since the beginning. The proxy war between Pakistan and India has always been fought using this method.

India isn't better than what you may think, it's just like any other nation. Parrikar is simply opening up and being honest about what India is already doing.
No where in the article has the DM said to fund terrorists in Pakistan. As many of senior posters have already explained he is talking about using YOUR TERRORISTS in India to extract information and convert them into actionable intelligence for our armed forces. When they can me dumb enough to cross border and blow themselves up, why can't we use these dumbos for our benefit. If they can spill the beans for some money what's wron in that ?? @OrionHunter, @doppelganger, @Bang Galore you guys may want to help these guys explain.
Wait, wait, wait, doesn't India have a knack for this?

India ordered a set number of Su-30MKIs and then increased that order gradually

India ordered a set number of MiG-29s and impressed by its performance and its suitability for its aircraft carriers it proceeded ahead with orders for the naval MiG-29K version.

India ordered a set number of Mirage 2000s and was then impressed by its performance in Kargil and then pursued Dassault for more (didn't come to fruition)

India ordered a set number of C-17s and is now impressed by its performance and is hence following up on purchasing further C-17 whitetails

India inked the deal for 6 C-130s back in '08 and inked another deal for a further 6 C-130s back in '13 and it is very likely that India will order further P-8is (an expected 16 more despite the initial order being 8).

Looks like India/GoI have backed themselves into a corner here and they are using this as some sort of a bargaining chip as to effectively say "give us a better deal".
What is the point of jF 17 flying or not,is it flying over Kashmir valley AKA your jugular Veins (Rivers) ?
They are flying over Kashmir, yes not over Indian occupied Kashmir, have you not seen people waving Pakistani gulag in Indian occupied Kashmir, they are creating more thunder there don't worry.
Well as much as we might morally disagree with him, we have to know that that's how geo politics works, it's a VERY DIRTY GAME indeed.
Countries will do what they think is in their interests, even if it means their action will lead to the death of hundreds /thousands of civilians(just look at Syria) as long as their objectives are met who cares? Lol , that's what matters. Unfortunately that's the simple truth. If you dont like it, then it's better not to engage in politics in the first place, then better be a doctor or pastor etc, that way least you will be involved in a field where there is some sort of morality /sanity :) lol

Well as much as we might morally disagree with him, we have to know that that's how geo politics works, it's a VERY DIRTY GAME indeed.
Countries will do what they think is in their interests, even if it means their action will lead to the death of hundreds /thousands of civilians(just look at Syria) as long as their objectives are met who cares? Lol , that's what matters. Unfortunately that's the simple truth. If you dont like it, then it's better not to engage in politics in the first place, then better be a doctor or pastor etc, that way least you will be involved in a field where there is some sort of morality /sanity :) lol
Change and adapt is good, but killing civilian is not.

No where in the article has the DM said to fund terrorists in Pakistan. As many of senior posters have already explained he is talking about using YOUR TERRORISTS in India to extract information and convert them into actionable intelligence for our armed forces. When they can me dumb enough to cross border and blow themselves up, why can't we use these dumbos for our benefit. If they can spill the beans for some money what's wron in that ?? @OrionHunter, @doppelganger, @Bang Galore you guys may want to help these guys explain.
Nowhere in the article says what you just claimed.

Parrikar is not advocating terrorism in its traditional sense or the sense in which it has been used by Pakistan - ie to target civilian populations using terrorists.

India does target terrorists, so does US, UK and every decent nation.
Bold claims, but your claim doesn't match his words.
Parrikar is not advocating terrorism in its traditional sense or the sense in which it has been used by Pakistan - ie to target civilian populations using terrorists.

India does target terrorists, so does US, UK and every decent nation.
Nice joke, we know the state terrorism by these so called decent nation.

USA killed millions in Vietnam, north Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Japan, etc etc.
India killed 2.5 lakh Sikh people, 1.10 lakh kashmiris, Asam, nexalist etc etc.

Go and piss some where else about your so called decency.
Let the fanboys assume :D

Once these beauties will induct into Service more will come for sure
Enough of this mrca saga nonsense.
36 jets after a decade long process. The so called mother of all deals was fuc....ked up in end.
Keep on dreaming about more rafales. Indian has already wasted a lot of time of worlds aircraft manufacturer during this mrca drama.
He said...will use terrorist to kill terrorist...where does general public fit in. Haven't you seen in Kashir, Assam and other states...in Kashmir there are surrendered terrorist who are against others...similarly in Assam surrendered ULF, NDFB have been used to target and kill active members...this is an effective way of eliminating terrorist without harming the civilians.
He is asking to use mercenaries to kill the bastards....
I don't support this. Covert Ops behind enemy lines, OK but terror attacks, No, Hell No. We are better than this. No need to kill the body when you can surgically remove the cancer. What wrong has the common public done to us ?? Why are we harming them ?? As far as Terrorist and their sympathizers are concerned, use them as target practicce or subjects to improve your chemical and bio weapons. But we should not be touching the general public.

By your stupid non-violence logic, India shouldn't have armed+funded Mukti-vaahini terror groups in Bangladesh.
By your logic, India should never goto war because any war kills civilians of enemy nation.

You are as silly as that ch*tiya Gandhi. This is why india is known as pu$$y, a phattu. ;)

I fully support blowing up civillians in Pakistan, if that's what is needed to send a deep fear down their throats. Clear message is necessary tobe sent - "Don't mess with Hindus, or we will F*ck you". ;)

White-nations are feared because they talk in this language. Finally, Parrikar is showing some brains. :tup:

Fear(a big danda in gaa*d of islamic bullies) is necessary to keep peace. This is why Mohammed was born only after moronic buddha made delhi kings incompetent(non-violent pu$$ies). Before Ashoka, noone dared to raise sword in whole of Arabia(Aravsthan) against native peaceful cultures(pagans). The sh1t began after ashoka destroyed Bharat's defence budget & posture, in big way. :disagree:

The result of buddha's philosophy is what made Dalai Lama a beggar, without own home. If he had followed Kshatriya dharma, his nation(Tibet) wouldn't have suffered takeover from China. Anyways, in my view TIBET is better under China than under white-men(USA). And now the way Aung-sang Syu Ki is behaving like a Christian stooge of USA and wants Myanmaar to become american colony(she wants USA army bases in Myanmar), i feel its better that China took over TIBET. i don't want aung-sang syu ki type christian converts(stooges of white-men) in the region. Dalai Lama should be kicked in his a$$ and banned from entering Inddia. He is white-men's dog now. :tdown:
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