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Motorway Police official & Army officers scuffle on the Motorway.

And I thought I made serious contribution to PDF. Ahh well as long as a review is positive it mattesr not what type of review you get.
Yes, I know you make serious contribution...where did I say you are narrating jokes. I like your posts and also I like to disagree with you and that's fun for me...while I see most people get angry when you disagree with them but I enjoy that :)
Though we have agreed on many occasion :)
By the way, is it you in your DP?
That was very emotional.
No. I think after some time you reach a point where you have said what you wanted to say and after that you find yourself just repeating what you said before - ad nausum. I think I am reaching that point. Although a good discussion with some Chinese members here on CPEC awaits.

By the way, is it you in your DP?
I wish. I am a old worn out man.
No. I think after some time you reach a point where you have said what you wanted to say and after that you find yourself just repeating what you said before - ad nausum. I think I am reaching that point. Although a good discussion with some Chinese members here on CPEC awaits.
I've been on this forum since 2010 and that's exactly what this place turns into. That's why I mostly read and use it as a source for news. Once in a while I'll troll the Indians to keep things fresh.
I also troll them. If I am frustrated or have had a bad day - best place is PDF and unload it all on the Indian's. Have fun doing it. Kind of release. Ha ha ha ....
This place used to be a lot more fun when I first joined. There were no gloves and even the mods were having a field day. Chinese Indian rivalries were epic. Arab Persian rivalries were worse. Pakistanis and Chinese would team up on Indians and make them cry. But they dulled the place up and made it some Aman ki Asha bullshit site.
Not all Policemen/policewomen are "terrorists"

They are not terrorists .................... but a worst breed of corrupt cowards who know only how to kill people in fake encounters, fire at unarmed civilians, but when the time comes to face the real challenge they run like cowards. All the terror attacks that happened inside Pakistan were mainly successful because we have a corrupt, politicized, incompetent police force.

And these motorway guys are no angels I have a bitter experience with them, where the idiot SHO instead of listening to my complain was venting out his frustration trying to tell me how a SHO sitting in Islamabad police station would be enjoying an air conditioned room and how he is suffering because he is on motorway duty.

And I wouldn't believe a word that's appearing in their reports because they are masters in how to fake the reports and include false charges. It's their typical routine first act ghunda and when the other party beats the sh*t out of you claim the victim hood.
This type of behavior is expected from the police but it's very unprofessional for the army personal to behave like this
following is what i heard from colleagues and friends in army..
One major sb serving in SSG was on his way home on exstation leave when he was stopped by the motorway police for over speeding. Major sb introduced himself to which the motorway police guy used words like "army walay hou tou kya??? asman se naheen utre. barae dekhe hain tumhare jaisay. etc etc" to which major sb asked him to mind his words and language. meanwhile the second patrol car reached the scene and the major sb got into a scuffle with the two motorway police men. The second motorway police guy's mamoon or a close relative is a serving general and he kept on saying that. the second serving major who was a unit colleague of the first one was passing by when he saw the incident, disembarked and joined in. by this time 6/7 motorway officers had reached the scene. QRF (army's quick response force vehicles) were called and things got physical after both the parties used words like BC/MC.The two majors were initially beaten by the 6/7 motorway police guys. By the time the QRF reached the scene the two initial motorway officers had left the scene and the QRF guys took every one to attock fort where a truce was decided. Meanwhile the two motorway police guys lodged a complain or an FIR and the whole episode was depicted as a fault of the serving major.
bottom line...
- major was at fault for over speeding.
- major was right in identifying himself which was taken as a means to influence or pressurize
- the whole episode was made to look like a army issue whereas it was due to a few serving individuals
- the motorway police ppl can gather to support and man handle 2 majors but QRF can not... why?
- i am a civilian and know of 2 incidents (one involving myself) where motorway police officials were harsh, arrogant and called in support in no time. My offence was i questioned his behavior. This does not make every patrolling officer a crook and the above episode does not make the army men culprits as well. Point is things were blown out of proportions due to inflated egoes and may be personal issues / vendetta.

lets stop pointing fingers and wait for the results of the investigation.
Why? Because the motorway police were enforcing the law, while the QRF was aiding and abetting the lawbreaker.

who said they were enforcing the law??? that's your assumption. can be right and can be wrong.

The army men have a different story to tell.... they say they ganged up coz the colleagues were being victimized.

lets not take sides based upon our assumptions. both parties were imbecile and should have maintained composure. we get angry for being told we are wrong and we would also get angrt if the person whom we are saying that you are wrong questions our statement.
who said they were enforcing the law??? that's your assumption. can be right and can be wrong.

The army men have a different story to tell.... they say they ganged up coz the colleagues were being victimized.

lets not take sides based upon our assumptions. both parties were imbecile and should have maintained composure. we get angry for being told we are wrong and we would also get angrt if the person whom we are saying that you are wrong questions our statement.

It is the responsibility of the motorway police to enforce the speed limit. The Army officer was exceeding the speed limit. Is that too hard a concept to understand?
Please don't. Eveybody lately is kicking me for being "senior". Maybe this is sign that my time has come to fade away into oblivion.

Don't be silly and stop that dismal line of thought :guns: . Without you, even lurk-space will become intolerable. PDF needs you, prickles, biting tongue and all. And what you have displayed off-line and don't bring online, for reasons known only to you, is awesome; the day you uncover your batteries will shock and awe the janata.
It is the responsibility of the motorway police to enforce the speed limit. The Army officer was exceeding the speed limit. Is that too hard a concept to understand?

No its not too difficult to understand... what is difficult to understand is probably why people are saying that the army man is to blamed.... were you, me, or the rest of us there??? No, we were not.

how can we put the blame on one person based upon 2 piece of paper and what we believe is to be true. I was stopped last month near pindi bhattian while i was crossing in the right most lane at 125... the motor way police guy was arogant and before i could complete my sentence that i was crossing a car he cut me off mid way by saying "dont make excuses, your crying wont help". that still does not make every patrolling officer wrong.

why is it difficult to comprehend that please stop taking sides and that too based upon nothing concrete.
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