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Mother faces 5-year prison term for throwing slipper at 38-year-old son

Only Bush is in favor of this decision
With all due respect... you consider a 38 years old a kid????? he should be ashamed of himself for reporting a mom who is double of his age... what harm would have a plastic slipper caused to this 38 years old baby???? ... your country your rules, but sorry to say this a BS step on the part of her Son....

I meant that especially for children this would set a legal example. Law does not discriminate age in this case as he is to be considered as a 1st Degree Relative which is quite enough to set a judicial example.
Damn, every if not every second mother in Pakistan is a specialist shoe thrower (if not physically than verbally) :D
Such legislation would really not work here.
Judge should ask Mother to throw shoe at son , but hit the target this time.I mean i can't digest this.We are being told not to raise even a voice in front of Parents and this guy is too much.
That slipper was used by Bond....James Bond. It has spikes which comes out automatically when thrown and then it also explodes. That mother should donate all her property to orphanage rather than that useless son!!
A 63-year old mother may face with a five-year-long prison sentence for throwing a plastic slipper at her 38-year-old son, who filed a complaint to the police even though she missed the target.

Good Grief !

What is the world coming to ?

Going by this analogy , my father & Grand Dad would have spent a lifetime behind bars !!

....and the Lady missed too, so whats the fuss ?

The son needs a talking to.
Definition of Weapon in Turkish Law

Prof. Dr. İzzet ÖZGENÇ

1. Fire Weapons
2. Explosives
3. All cutting , drill and bruise tools for offence and defense
4. Other tools made for offence and defense
5. Burning, poisoning, hurting, nuclear, biological....material ....suited to damage health.....

Comment and critics

"Bu itibarla, bir nesne, bir suçun işlenmesi ile ilgili olarak elverişli silah niteliğini taşımakla birlikte; başka bir suç açısından bu niteliği haiz olmayabilir. "

An object may be recognized as a weapon for a specific crime, but not as a weapon in an other crime case !


So we see, that the mother will possibly not be punished. BUT SHAME on the SON.
Come on she will not get 5 years, it's just formality and that's what the law says but she won't even get a prison sentence I think.
Cut the BS!

Despite the fact that the legal punisment the prosecutor is demanding may be unjustifiable heck we may even say that what the hell are we looking into after all the crap going on in and outside of Turkey, it is a legitimate decision taken.

The government might be getting even deeper in its Islamic fantasies, yet we are still a secular democratic state as reffered in the Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey which is an immovable part as well, stated by the Article 4.

The point is that rather than the internal situation of the case, it would set a legally fit example for future cases to show parents that making children doesnt give you the right of psychologically and physically harming them that so the kids know their rights. This isn't a tribe where people get to punished by whipping or so (hopefully it wont), it still is a country where the rule of law is supposed to be on the side of the protection of innocent wellbeings especially children. State can interfere on any family, social situation when the freedoms and wellbeings of the citizens are threatened. Even if the case gets dropped, it should highlight a point fir the lawmakers to make reforms on Family Life related Domestic Violence.
He is 38 years old!!! and his mother is 63! it was just a slipper not a nuke bro so what if she threw it at him we should respect our parents no matter what our mothers used to beat us yes no doubt but we also how much they love us if our parents say something to us it is always for our own good and this idiot will realize this one day anyway it's still your country and your rules but still i hope she won't get that type of punishment.
P.S i am not at all in favor of those parents who literally torture their kids.
@Zibago @django @Mentee
@Hell hound @Moonlight @Nilgiri

Nothing is final. At the end the judge will decide.
I really hope he go soft on her :(
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I thought subcontinent mothers were specialist in using brooms as weapons :D

Brooms are big as well but one of the most common answers to my enquiry as a child about when food would be ready (khana kab tyar ho ga) was "phir poocha to joota khalo ge" (ask again and youl get this shoe for dinner).
" The world lies in the womb of mothers " .

That is Islam Philosophy . Please close that BS topic.
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