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Most racist countries in the world - Map

We don't hate you because of your skin color, none of that would matter if not for the bad history between Indo-Pak. Actually I have a few sikh friends around here, idk why you guys act like retards online though. :lol:
Internet is where n=one speaks his/her mind. I have seen many pakistanis posting dark skinned indians calling them ugly. If you are denying it, you are just being dishonest.

AFAIK, Indians are extremely racist. But they are a few shades better than Pakistanis. You will never see actors painted black to portray dark skinned people any more.. It is considered insensitive. But thats not the case in Pakistan. Such archaic behavior is still prevalent.
Sounds like BS... a frnd of mine got it last year... i got no issues with my country men... but foriegners... hell no!

What about this guy huh? He was as Pakistani as you my friend. :pop:


His family is still in Pakistan today afaik.
We might be racist.... But you are not far behind.... and someone from your country says so.....

We are racist, like our parents were

Growing up I was often told by my parents to stay out of the sun. Like most middle class Pakistanis, they were worried that the complexion of my skin will become dark if I spent too much time outside. My aunts flung concerned glances at me and my cousins during summers, especially when we were returning home after playing cricket, and made taunting comments about our tanned skin. Thus, from a very early age I learned that having dark skin was something to be embarrassed of.

My classmates were also familiar with this racial demarcation, so making fun of kids with a darker skin tone was quite common. The discrimination against dark-skinned people in Pakistan is as prevalent among adults as it is at the school level. For most front desk, sales and customer relations jobs, preference is given to fair-skinned candidates because many companies believe that employees with a white-complexion can make a better impression on the clients. While looking for a suitable spouse for their sons, parents almost always give extra points to fair-skinned girls. I still remember being flabbergasted when a few of my male cousins rejected scores of girls solely on the basis of the color of their skin.

Let’s face it. We are racist without even realising it. But, it is not our fault. We’ve been conditioned since childhood to hold the fairer-skin tone in higher regard. Now the million dollar question is how this discrimination came to be so deeply rooted in the culture and social fabric of Pakistan?

Link . We are racist, like our parents were – The Express Tribune Blog
Internet is where n=one speaks his/her mind. I have seen many pakistanis posting dark skinned indians calling them ugly. If you are denying it, you are just being dishonest.

AFAIK, Indians are extremely racist. But they are a few shades better than Pakistanis. You will never see actors painted black to portray dark skinned people any more.. It is considered insensitive. But thats not the case in Pakistan. Such archaic behavior is still prevalent.

What happens online is different from real life. :coffee:

Nah you guys are clearly much more racist. Pakistan is less racist because it was built on the idea that common religion trumps racial or linguistic divisions. Ergo it was distilled in most Pakistanis at a early age.

In India it is different but that is for you to figure out.
@ares DUDE you missed the point...They WANT to have a different colour...They are not trying INHIBIT THE PRODUCTION OF MELANIN or in simple words BLEACH themselves! Tanning salons just SPRAY colours on you OR you can just INDUCE these melanin cells to produce more colour...

first you say 3 then add Australoid making it 4....

So basically, these terms are

I guess you are missing the point here ...White people, who have very light skin people prefer a darker skin tone as they feel, it makes them look more attractive.Similarly Indians who in general have darker tone make it little lighter for the same reason.

Only difference here is tanning is possible by natural means(because of availability melanin cells in the body) but is also one of the major causes skin cancer..where as skin lightening can only be done artificially.

None of these make a person racist!!

PS: As you must know, girls are heavy on the make up..apply toner and what not to artificially enhance their features..alter the skin tone(face)..these are mean to look more appealing and not because they are racist..or can not stand their natural look.
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Pakistanis aren't racist because there were other bigger things to hate(due to their religious sensitivities) in the questionnaire. ;)

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