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Most coronavirus cases in Pakistan have Iran travel history: Dr Mirza

so are you speaking o Behalf of Irnains govt? Have they mandated to Speak on Behalf of Irani state?

One wonders why the Khomeini is not asking the funder of chadar port to say this for them, As Indians are way to close and Iran was in bed with them for quite a long time and blaming Pakistan. LOL

Does Iran complain about China investing in Gwadar? Iran is under sanctions. They will take every penny of investment that they can get. How is it being against Pakistan? Iran built IP pipeline on their side while we have not completed our part of the deal.
Does Iran complain about China investing in Gwadar? Iran is under sanctions. They will take every penny of investment that they can get. How is it being against Pakistan? Iran built IP pipeline on their side while we have not completed our part of the deal.
Are you speaking on behalf of Irani govt ? yes or not ?
Are you loyal to pakistani or to shitty Khomeni ?
I am speaking for Muslims
In that case shame on your for living in the land of satan as stated by so-called supreme leader of Islam Mr Khomeni

Do you consider Shias as Muslims or not?
Anyone who is Pakistani regardless of his religious belief is brother to me, Anyone who shows loyalty to other shitty states can go to hell and live in those shitty states,

Do you consider Shias as Muslims or not?
So are you more loyal to Pakistan or Iran?
When khomenis Iran send its drone to PAK AND ITS gets shot down by PAF who do you support?
In that case shame on your for living in the land of satan as stated by so-called supreme leader of Islam Mr Khomeni

Anyone who is Pakistani regardless of his religious belief is brother to me, Anyone who shows loyalty to other shitty states can go to hell and live in those shitty states,

So are you more loyal to Pakistan or Iran?
When khomenis Iran send its drone to PAK AND ITS gets shot down by PAF who do you support?

Don't I have equal right as you to live in Pakistan?

So are you more loyal to Pakistan or Iran?
When khomenis Iran send its drone to PAK AND ITS gets shot down by PAF who do you support?

I am loyal to Islam.
Don't I have equal right as you to live in Pakistan?
Please quite the strawman argument, Where you're clearly making a boogeyman which doesn't exists.

Don't I have equal right as you to live in Pakistan?
But you don't even live in Pakistan, sadly you live land of satan, neither in Pakistan nor in Iran
Does Iran complain about China investing in Gwadar? Iran is under sanctions. They will take every penny of investment that they can get. How is it being against Pakistan? Iran built IP pipeline on their side while we have not completed our part of the deal.

They will ignore that Turkey is investing into Naval technology with India.

Iran is involved with Business. But its alright if Turks do it. Idiots around
India's state-owned Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) and TAIS, a consortium of five Turkish shipbuilders, have signed an INR160 billion (USD2.1 billion) deal to jointly design and build five 45,000-tonne fleet support vessels for the Indian Navy.

A rendering of the Indian Navy’s future Fleet Support Ship (Picture source: TAIS)

The Turkish consortium won the tender for 5 fleet support vessels for the Indian navy in May of last year. But the formal deal was signed during President Erdogan’s visit to Islamabad last month. This decision came after being put on hold for months over tensions between New Delhi and Ankara.

TAIS will carry out the modernization of the local shipyard, the design of the ships, engineering services, planning and management of production, preparation of shipbuilding material specifications and main materials.

Support Vessels are capable of acting as underway supply points or as coastal supply points where harbor installations are not available or safe enough. They provide fuel, food, ammunition and spare parts to ensure the continued operational readiness of Task Groups at all times.

In addition, they support Task Groups with their special repair facilities and feature on-board hospital for disaster relief operations. They act as Command Platforms for various types of Tasks Groups and provide navies with a tactical advantage.

The construction of the first vessel was initially scheduled to begin by the end of 2020, with the first vessel expected to be delivered to the Navy in 2024.

A rendering of the Indian Navy’s future Fleet Support Ship (Picture source: TAIS)
Iranians need to be held accountable and they will be called out.
How do you plan on holding them 'accountable'?

How exactly do you hold a foreign government 'accountable' for incompetence in dealing with an epidemic that their own people are suffering from even more than most other countries?

This is not to say that Iran's response was not abysmal and their lack of coordination with Pakistan poor, but I fail to see what bashing them over their failed response will accomplish. We need to look to the future:

1. Control the current epidemic in Pakistan
2. Build up our domestic resources and capabilities to handle similar future situations
3. Engage with countries that host large numbers of Pakistanis to come up with a plan to better coordinate in the case of a future outbreak.
I don't need to prove my loyalties to 16yos on the Internet acting 'dEfEnSe AnALystS'. Alhamdulillah my grandparents served this country with arms and so do my brothers in uniform at the LOC. Unlike you madrassa retards who know nothing. You don't even know about the Arab AQ fighters in Waziristan lool.

You're defending the US bases and would do anything to act smart. Which fails tbh. Nobody takes you serious.
Having GrandFathers or Fathers served for Country and being a Servicemen oneself has a Great Difference.

You can be the Son of Ghaznavi, But you can never be Ghaznavi.

If you know this, Grandchild of Zulfiqar Bhutto is a LGBT troll in some random club, Dancing like “Hijras”.

As for My Family History, I have once given a Hint, That was enough of how My Great Great Great Grandpa fought till the last breath in 1857 rebellion but that doesn’t matter, doesn’t make me some warrior or a Victor or a Martyr.
Thread closed for moderation for a few minutes.

First exporting terrorism and sectarianism to us and now Virus, no wonder khomenis sons mother in law in infected
Is closing border with iran is rocket science?
Listen to Imran Khan's comments on this issue from yesterday's press conference.

He pointed out that the Iranians messed up their response (for whatever reason). They are suffering for the poor response by the Iranian government ( I posted a thread on that yesterday based on a Foreign Policy Article).

The Iranian people are suffering more than anyone else, and they have only their own government to blame. This was not a 'conspiracy' by Iran to 'export the virus' to Pakistan - the Iranian government was just completely incompetent (for various reasons touched upon in the article linked above).

Sectarian extremists are bigger threat to Pakistan currently. Unfortunately many in this nation are sleeping to this ticking time bomb just like they were sleeping until TTP terrorists were at about a mile away from Islamabad.

@Topic, covid spread in Pakistan is not only the failure of govt but shows the stupidity of people of Pakistan too who defied quarantine regulations. Open orders to police should be given to shoot those duffers. This will stop the spread plus one less stupid to worry about in Pakistan.
It's not just Pakistanis (of all sects and ethnicities) that are stupid - White folks in developed countries are just as stupid. Here in the US you have people attending 'Cronavirus Parties' and there have been several cases of people getting the virus from said parties.

Are you speaking on behalf of Irani govt ? yes or not ?
Are you loyal to pakistani or to shitty Khomeni ?
@JafarQureshi -- as someone from a primarily Shia family, this was a simple question that you should have answered as, "my loyalty is to Pakistan". If you're one of those who places religion over nationalism, the answer could still have been, "my loyalty is to Islam & then Pakistan".

Do you consider Shias as Muslims or not?

@salarsikander --- this too, like above, required a simple answer, "yes, I consider Shia as Muslim".

Overall, when it comes to criticizm or support of Iran, neither side is blameless.

Some critics of Iran get bent out of shape if someone supports Iran and refutes the criticism of Iran and start calling them 'Iranian bootlickers' or that they are 'more loyal to Iran than Pakistan'.

Some supporters of Iran get bent out of shape if someone criticizes Iran and take it as an attack on all Shia.

Both of the above are extreme positions.

And quite frankly, as I pointed out a couple of posts above, this argument over blaming Iran is pointless. They are dealing with a much more massive epidemic than we are. Criticizing Iran is not going to end the outbreak in Pakistan. The lesson that can be learned here is that the GoP needs to engage with Iran after this outbreak and come up with better protocols for Government to Government coordination to better control the next outbreak.

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