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Most Afghans want US troops

Fun fact: The U.S. never funded the rise of the Taliban. Sadly some elements of the Pakistani military and Saudi Arabia did. They did however fund the mujaheddin, which gave rise to the Taliban by committing war after the Soviets left against each other and Civilians.

Back on topic: Most Afghans want the U.S. but are too afraid of the local Taliban or spies in their Village just looking for a reason to have them killed and steal their land. These people know that if they have proper roads they can actually do something with the surplus food they have and get their children educated to have better lives. Afghans want their daughters to be educated and not be forced to sell them off inorder to pay off debt.

Nope thats your views and a few people that you know. You did not carry out any surveys. you just have a feeling. Why are you flying a pakistani flag?
Because I was born in Pakistan? So anyone who shares different opinions from yourself you're gonna question his backround?
The Taliban is killing an armed combatant.
TTP is killing civilians going about their daily life.

If you cannot see the obvious different, you sir need to check your eyes!

That's talibans also did before US and NATO went to Afghanistan. So it's okay for talibans do that in Agfahnistan?

It's not only us who is confident of this!

Pakistan's ISI still supporting the Taliban, say Afghans - Telegraph

Pakistan puppet masters guide the Taliban killers - Times Online

Officials Lay Out Details of How Pakistan’s Spy Agency Supports Militant Groups - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Pakistani agents 'funding and training Afghan Taliban'

Recording reveals Afghan attack plot - Asia - Al Jazeera English

Pakistan: "The Taliban's Godfather"?

Wikileaks: Pakistan accused of helping Taliban in Afghanistan attacks - Telegraph

There might be drawers of files filled with evidence against them but due to this that some other people are also involved no evidence is inquired by international courts, It's not a bad thing if a country's intelligence is doing this for protecting it's country/public interest in the region but it's our fault that we are not capable of handling this so good.

lol @ your evidence . These news just suggest that Afghans think ISI supported Taliban and Pakistan is accused of helping talibans in Afghanistan .

These are all allegations without any proofs. Afghans can assume whatever they wish but their assumptions are mere assumptions without any evidence

Secondly dude who is helping those Talibans who is fighting with our soldiers and butchering them? Where they are getting all this weapons and training from? should i accused Raw or Afghans, Uzbek blah blah
Most Afghans want any regime that can bring peace to Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pashtun warlords do not see it this way. Each wants to rule Afghanistan to the exclusion of the other. One side is not really much better than the other. Afghanistan is full or tribalism and education is what is needed instead of military action.

The Northern Alliance warlords are useless. They will never bring peace to Afghanistan in a million years of trying. Only the Pashtuns will bring peace to Afghanistan. They are the major stabilizing or destabilizing force in Afghanistan and are the majority. If Afghanistan is to progress, it will be under a regime that satisifes the Pashtuns, and not under a regime that is openly hostile towards Pashtuns(or perceived as that way). The idea that successful puppet regimes could be created in places like Afghanistan was ridiculous from the start.

well its true. I wonder how Taliban ruled Afghanistan without the help of local Afghans? majority peoples (mostly Pashtuns afghans) were with them. You cannot rule a country without the support of its inhabitants :)
well its true. I wonder how Taliban ruled Afghanistan without the help of local Afghans? majority peoples (mostly Pashtuns afghans) were with them. You cannot rule a country without the support of its inhabitants :)

Sure you can .. what do you think is meaning of dictatorship, totalitarianism, Authoritarianism. Thus you can rule a country by the barrel of a gun
Sure you can .. what do you think is meaning of dictatorship, totalitarianism, Authoritarianism. Thus you can rule a country by the barrel of a gun

You mean to say that we can send some peoples with guns in India and they will take over india and will establish their rule there without any help/support of local peoples

Truth is some Afghanis(democratic republic of Afghanistan) did welcome Russia when they invaded

Truth is majority(mostly pashtuns) Afgahni supported taliban rule. Most Talibans were belonged to pashtun tribes of Afghanistan including their leader Mullah Omar. Mullah Omar and his fellow talibans were not foreigner but Afghani.

and Now some(majority non pashtun those who were fed up with talibaans) even support the invasion of US in their country

Afghans need to blame themselves before pointing fingers at others
USA did funded the Mujahideen, back in the Soviet War in Afghanistan.

And now the USA is fighting the same groups, which it funded with various weapons. What a tragic irony.. to fund someone, so he can kill you.
USA did funded the Mujahideen, back in the Soviet War in Afghanistan.

And now the USA is fighting the same groups, which it funded with various weapons. What a tragic irony.. to fund someone, so he can kill you.
Afghans need to blame themselves before pointing fingers at others

For once i would agree with you on something, but you are telling only half of the story. We must be blamed, yes, but we shouldn’t be the only one to be blamed, our neighbours and superpowers are to be blamed big time too, as they invested trillions of dollars just to make Afghanistan miserable as it is now, do you think it was easy for a weak country like Afghanistan to counter mighty America and the Soviets? While they had already made their plans to beat each other in our soil and on our expenses? We didn’t have the weapons factory, where did it come from? We were poor people with no money, where did the groups get money from? Our neighbours along with the superpowers brought this on us, and off course we share the blame too. Secondly, Afghanistan never ever had the disease of extremism, thanks to Americans and Pakistan for their gift to us, but the thing is, both of those countries are now burning with the same fire that they lit in our home. And please don’t confuse people with different groups.
well its true. I wonder how Taliban ruled Afghanistan without the help of local Afghans? majority peoples (mostly Pashtuns afghans) were with them. You cannot rule a country without the support of its inhabitants :)

well, i am afraid it is not true. We had a full blown civil war in Afghanistan with no prospect of ending, masacares took place, huge destructins took place and the fight was going on with full strenght.
this is the funniest lie ever compiled by the US intelligence service.

Aryan_B, what if I were to say that Commander Speaks' statement was pretty accurate?

The developments taking place today were simply unimaginable under the brutal dictatorship of the Taliban: True

The enemy has long lost control and Afghanistan’s infrastructure is being revitalized with new schools, factories along with many other constructional developments.: Also True

To prevent any Taliban atrocities from recurring we will continue to assist ANA until they are fully capable of independently protecting the nation: Correct

Rather than simply shouting PROPOGANDA! let's debate what he says. What did he say that was false?
I think in simplest terms, if the Afgans decided to collaborate with their eastern and central Asian neighbors with whom they share cultural and religious ties instead of inviting the godless communist soviet, we will not be having this argument today. Costly mistake, big payoff.
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