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Mossad’s deputy head ASSASSINATED !

Israeli Mossad’s deputy head Teseby Ashkolov was assassinated by an explosive device which blew up in his car in Spain, while another Israeli source reported that an assassination attempt aiming at Minister of Defence Ehud Barak was thwarted in Singapore. The news followed that of the bomb attack against the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi, that of the explosive device defused in Tbilisi and of the blast near two Israeli buildings in Bangkok. Further details on the assassination attempt remain vague.
Meanwhile, Israeli channel 2 reported Barak’s assassination attempt, whereas the radio station ‘Sound of Israel’ reported the Minister of Defence as saying that Iran exaggerated while expressing how advanced its nuclear programme is. Barak added that "such a declaration makes it imperative to intensify the international sanctions against Iran so as to paralyze its abilities”.
Barak confirmed in a radio interview that the Iranian nuclear programme has not reached the point of no return yet. He then suggested that Ahmadinejad's country might be behind the three attacks against the Israeli embassies.
Israeli Ministry of Exterior had declared earlier that Iran intends to carry out a series of revenge attacks against Israeli officials in response to the assassination attempts against its nuclear scientists, which Iran blamed on Israel.
Observes expected that Ashkolov’s assassination to be related to the attacks that recently took place in India, Georgia and Thailand that Israeli officials blamed Iran and Hezbollah on in revenge for its leader Imad Mugniyah, who was killed by an explosive device blasted in his car in Febrary 2008.
The New Delhi explosion injured two people, one of which is the wife of an Israeli diplomat; while another person, suspected to be Iranian, was injured in the Bangkok blast.

Car explosion kills Israel's Mossad deputy head | Main1


Who told these Jews to mess with Persians? :lol:

News not corroborated by any mainstream Media.
Officially confirmed!

Great job Iran. This strikes fear into the heart of the Zionist Satan!
where did you see any official confirmation???
first link is from yesterday and saying that it was said on bbc so there is no confirmation
the other link is an iranian channel, not a french one at all
where did you see any official confirmation???
first link is from yesterday and saying that it was said on bbc so there is no confirmation
the other link is an iranian channel, not a french one at all
The original story which started this rumor came from PressTV, everyone else just republished it.
Shows that "Israel National News" is run by degenerates who copy and paste stories without confirming them.
What if the Isreailis are playing these dramas to really put a war against Iran.......to stage another drama for US to start a War, which is Oil and World resources Hungery State.
If true its a really good news. These zionist thugs should be taught a lesson they won't forget.
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