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Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11

I have all the evidence I need to debunk all the propaganda spread by the regime on how the false flag occurred.

Anyone with half a brain would know no Arab can carry out such an attack on that scale. Only a truly despotic and tyrannical regime could have the resources to carry out such a false flag and cover it up to justify passing of repressive laws and launch fascist wars.

Only the truly brainwashed humans believe regime propaganda that 19 Arabs brought down 3 WTC buildings and hit the pentagon.

You gotta be seriously stupid to believe the official story of the regime-inspired attack.

The majority of US people doesn't believe it as well,.....well of course there are stupid people also living in USA......:D The clever one that want us to believe Bush version must be "A Hard Core Tea Party Movement members"...who try to cover something....:bad:
Anyone who believes this tripe is irredeemably stupid. We just have to hope that they have no children to whom they pass on their stupidity genes
seriously dude,
Seems much more rational than the story of a bunch of super duper terrorists taking over an airplane and crushing it into a building.
You seem to have faith in Rambo series.
. .
I want to know why is this thread still open?
I mean yes sure it gives you a good laugh. But seriously, some members might seriously believe this BS.
Close the thread mod.
@BATMAN sahib, yes commercial planes can do a lot of damage to the towers like WTC. There are no confusions,no conspiracies but simple engineering. :-)

The CIA KNOW AL-Qaeda came to US...(Saudi intelligent has also given that information)..and CIA let Al-Qaeda people to enter US soil...and never give the information to FBI.......This is A Total Conspiracy bro.....and please see my post earlier about Navyseal Team Leader who didnt get support from Pentagon to capture Osama in early US invasion to Afgan....and please search that information,

They just try to make a context dude....Dont you see Republican debate candidate (2008) when Almost All CANDIDATES want to stay in Iraq for 100 years ????
common man !! not again this same BS , whole world know that USA made the top 3 biggest joke of this century ... even now Americans laughs on their own Govt statements

1. 9/11 was planned and executed by Al-(so called)Qaeda
2. Saddam has WMD's
3. OBL was killed in Abottabad

these are nothing but fairy tale stories for future coming soldiers in US army :sarcastic::omghaha:
I have all the evidence I need to debunk all the propaganda spread by the regime on how the false flag occurred.

Anyone with half a brain would know no Arab can carry out such an attack on that scale. Only a truly despotic and tyrannical regime could have the resources to carry out such a false flag and cover it up to justify passing of repressive laws and launch fascist wars.

Only the truly brainwashed humans believe regime propaganda that 19 Arabs brought down 3 WTC buildings and hit the pentagon.

You gotta be seriously stupid to believe the official story of the regime-inspired attack.

Please, share.
It was very important event which change the world.
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‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’

By Gordon Duff

Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and Veterans Today have changed history.
Who is Gordon Duff from Veterans Today?

Lets see:

. . . .
Be afraid Sir, for "they" have a much higher reproductive rate too.
Don't give any of your bikes to anyone of them. It will get them laid more often and US will pay for it. :haha:
Don't give any of your bikes to anyone of them. It will get them laid more often and US will pay for it. :haha:

No worries man, I heard they prefer Honda CG125. :D

(and I have none of those.)
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