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Sure sure. Funny how you are not questioning the indians who are nitpicking the images of Pakistanis. I wonder why?.................:azn:........funny how those who try to defend the indian narrative always end up being found out as being indians themselves. Anyhow, I have been to Pakistan over 35 times and around 30-40% of our population resemble those pictures I posted.

By the way, what part of Pakistan are you from?............:azn:

You mean I am a false flagger or is this a taunt at me being Muhajir?

Anyways continue with your Barbieland fantasies. I have lived 4 years of my life in KPK. Even 60-70% of Pathans have black hair and dark brown eyes. Aap ko pata nahi konse Pakistan mein aise 30-40% Nordic features wali blonde log dikh gaye?
Because this country was formed on the basis of Islam. Its a federation of several ethnicities unlike states like Turkiye or Bangladesh or Japan which are majority homogeneous.

Because several govts since the late 60s used Islam as a political tool. Although islamist parties never gained power but to appease them even “secular” parties did their best to garner their support.

These are the same ppl who used to vall Jinnah “Kafir e Azam” and were against the formation of Pakistan that today act as the contractors of Islam.
No we want,you still havent learnt the Turkish mindset,have you?
You will find 2 types of Pakistanis.
Nationalist types & Islamist types.

Both can be observed on PDF.
You can have @Indus Pakistan or Im muslim types.

And thirdly a majority which are like me, in the middle..

Thats a dilemma.
You probably know a bit about me brother.
I myself initially was a pro ummah retard... specially when I joined here.. a teenager with not much exposure..
You mean I am a false flagger or is this a taunt at me being Muhajir?

Anyways continue with your Barbieland fantasies. I have lived 4 years of my life in KPK. Even 60-70% of Pathans have black hair and dark brown eyes. Aap ko pata nahi konse Pakistan mein aise 30-40% Nordic features wali blonde log dikh gaye?

I am a real Pakistani and not a false flagger. I have been to Pakistan over 35 times so I know the ground reality. I am not an indian fantasists who makes up stories that fits their narrative.

Now what part of Pakistan are you from...................:azn:?
Cherrypicking. This phenotype exists only in the northwest. You will not find native people like this in the plains of Punjab, Sindh or central Balochistan. I can bet you this a thousand grand. Stop lying and stop being disingenuous. You sound like an Nordic race Hitler youth propagandist when you post these cherrypicked photos.
when many dark pakistanis are better looking than lighter ones

but Pakistan is a large country of 230 million , there are like 42 million pashto speakers in pakistan , add to this other groups in north like kohistanis, gilgit, shina etc and lighter punjabis , they would be non insiginificant. Still as you said many north pakistanis/pashtuns arent that lighter skinned.
Why can we not be South Asians? Is there anything offensive about being South Asians? Why must we keep Arabs, Iranians and Turks as reference points to compare ourselves with.

I am being honest. This will bite. But to any non Pakistani, we look complete South Asians. Northwestern South Asians. We don't look like Arabs, we don't look like Persians. Our nose bridges, our jawlines, our skin tones all belie the fact that we come from the subcontinent. The only Pakistanis who have the "honor" of looking like Middle Easterners are the Pathans and Gilgitis. Unless we can't accept this basic fact, we can't even proceed to have a sense of basic nationhood. Forever in limbo we will remain.

Pakistanis take their ethnicities very seriously. Of course it's mostly made of Punjabis, Sindhis, Pakhtuns, Balochis, Urdu Speaking, Seraikis, Kho, Hazara, Gilgitis and other smaller groups etc. Even in Punjab people will talk about them beings Jatts, Rajputs, Arains, Awans, Maliks..

Only from Indians internet trolls did I heard about this "Persians, Arabs, Turk" thing the first time. But I guess it mostly derives from their inferiority complex of Pakistan having good relations (at least in 20th century) with Arab world, Iran, Turkey, Central Asians but as well China & USA. Hence the whole obsession with 'isolate Pakistan'.
I am a real Pakistani and not a false flagger. I have been to Pakistan over 35 times so I know the ground reality. I am not an indian fantasists who makes up stories that fits their narrative.

Now what part of Pakistan are you from...................:azn:?
To be honest, you are embarrassing yourself and Pakistanis in general.

Nobody gives a fk if you are a few shades lighter.. but God damn man..
Let it be!

@The Maverick you too clown!
All diaspora who lose connection with their culture become confused. It is the nature of immigration.

Pakistanis in Pakistan have no such complexes. If we welcome American toruists into our home or Sikh pilgrim and try to talk about commonalities, it doesn't make us self-hating.

Some of those pictures look like my family members. We Pakistanis are a beautiful people. Ma sha Allah.

Hindi Punjabi

Hindi Punji

I am from punjab
I live and work with Pakistanis
Pakistanis take their ethnicities very seriously. Of course it's mostly made of Punjabis, Sindhis, Pakhtuns, Balochis, Urdu Speaking, Seraikis, Kho, Hazara, Gilgitis and other smaller groups etc. Even in Punjab people will talk about them beings Jatts, Rajputs, Arains, Awans, Maliks..

Only from Indians internet trolls did I heard about this "Persians, Arabs, Turk" thing the first time. But I guess it mostly derives from their inferiority complex of Pakistan having good relations (at least in 20th century) with Arab world, Iran, Turkey, Central Asians but as well China & USA. Hence the whole obsession with 'isolate Pakistan'.
agreed pakistanis strongly associate with their ethnicity and country, funny thing is that I have seen far more indians trying to build connection with lighter ethnicities online.
worry about Pakistanis?! NEVER!
You guys always end up on all fours!
The most stable position to be in.
worry about Pakistanis?! NEVER!
You guys always end up on all fours!
The most stable position to be in.

So says the person who belongs to the country that has given away over 38,000 square kms of indian territory to China and is now begging the Chinese to not attack them........:lol::



worry about Pakistanis?! NEVER!
You guys always end up on all fours!
The most stable position to be in.

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View attachment 641732 Hindi Punjabi

Hindi Punji

I am from punjab
I live and work with Pakistanis
Indian can be beautiful as well

this is from birmingham (your city) , that is how most brit pakistanis look

you seem to think only euro/light looking = better looking

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I am a real Pakistani and not a false flagger. I have been to Pakistan over 35 times so I know the ground reality. I am not an indian fantasists who makes up stories that fits their narrative.

Now what part of Pakistan are you from...................:azn:?

But you have complex about Pakistani look ……. You keep pretending to be like Iranians and Turks
Your not
I know I live an work with you people
Your South Asian

Every other post we are different WE are different.
MAJORITY of Your LOOK south Asian ………..that's FACT
so stop your Turkish nonsene
You have nothing in common with them not languge not looks not lifestyles nothing
RELIGION …… half the world is islamic incluxing your east Pakistan bretheren Bangaldeshis
Haha you live in a world of your own. Punjabis have aquiline noses, green eyes and blonde hair now? Rohail Hayat is a Punjabi with light brown hair and coloured eyes, even he does not look like the extreme cherrypicked Kalash photos this guy posted. Stop with weird racial revisionism you have going on.

We do have long noses, large eyes, and half of our people have light features (skin, hair, eyes.) Even dark-skinned Punjabis look totally different from Indians. Mostly they are villagers or poor laborers who spend alot of time in the sun.

Nose, eyes, jaw, hairline, facial hair are different from Indians. Let me give you a traditional example of Punjabi facial features.



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