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Morocco's Bollywood dream and obsession

They look the same to me also.

Indians are a different race, that feeling is natural.

I feel Afghans and Iranians are much closer in looks to Pakistanis than them. Even then Pakistani looks are unique.

We are the most beautiful and lovely people. I greatly admire the features, attitude, spirituality, and customs of our people. For me, there are simply no better people in the world.

It is a blessing of Allah swt. I don't know why some Pakistanis marry foreigners...

There are so many millions of exceptionally attractive Pakistanis that it doesn't even register with us. Even the Pakistanis that have dark skin, have different bone structures and facial features to indians. There are some South Americans who have the same skin tone as some indians yet they too are racially different to indians. Just as we are.
Foreigners often mistake me on the streets as Raza Shah Pehlavi. They stop me and tell me I look sooooooo Persian. I tell them no, so they say surely you must be Nadir Shah Durrani, you just look sooooooo Afghan. Dear Lord why was I blessed with such similar features to Iranians and Afghans? If you see me in fluorescent light I also look Turkish.

You sure your ancestry is Mohajir? The MQM guys or Mohajirs in general don't look Iranian at all.

There are so many millions of exceptionally attractive Pakistanis that it doesn't even register with us. Even the Pakistanis that have dark skin, have different bone structures and facial features to indians. There are some South Americans who have the same skin tone as some indians yet they too are racially different to indians. Just as we are.

So many light skinned Pakistani males have no qualms of marrying darker skinned females in Pakistan, and vice versa. This is because beauty is in all complexions and our ideals of beauty are unique to our country.

Outsiders will never know the nuances of our society. When I was growing up and bozorg were looking for rishte for some relative, they would always ask, "nakk ankaa teek aa?" "Nakk lamba eyy, ankaa vadiya ne?" "Parhi kinnee? Kee Zaat he? Walid di ki nokari heggi?"

Bollywood has put Indian culture firmly in the hearts and minds of Moroccans. Perhaps this explains as to when my family travelled their for a holiday Moroccans knew very little about Pakistan and everything about India.

Yup my ex girlfriend who is Egyptian American told me about the popularity of Bollywood movies in MENA region. All true. All true.
Most of Shoaib Mansoor's movies are quite good, if you wanna watch here's link to one:

It's only fair that i too recommen a good movie.
Second movie by writer director Bhaskar Hazarika. First movie got national award.
But i rate this even better.
Do watch,, and comment. Assamese language movie but with english subtitles.
Sadly for u though, lingayat women r not,, gowda. :D
Anyway u watch it too.
For your information, nature is unpredictable. There can be a surprising degree of diversity within a state. Two neighbouring districts can be very different from each other although they share same language and surnames. Some of the most beautiful women are in some unexpected places. You have been to the capital but have you seen a sleepy town at a distance of 150 km? And they are hidden from outside world because they don't appear in movies or TV serials.

Don't believe me? Are you skeptical? I was also skeptical until I came and spent considerable time here.

And that's the way it should be. The virginity of the city and the district should be preserved. The place and it's people should be prevented from being polluted by outsiders.


I have met many Maghrebis: Moroccans, Tunisians, Algerians. Yes their people do speak "Bollywood" and even a smattering of Hindi to surprise you suddenly. It's a great cultural export of India currently being ruined by untalented actors and mediocre screenplay.

As an Indian, you won't really feel any connection with the Maghrebis beyond the "Amitabh Bachan/Shahrukh Khan" talk. As some posters on this thread mentioned, they like Indians and hate Pakistanis. I don't think that is quite true. They are friendly to almost everyone. Yes that can sometimes mean a bit too friendly.

There was this Moroccan dude staying next door to me in a Jakarta hotel. He invited me inside to take a look at "herbal snuff" which turns out to be unadulterated brown heroin. :woot:LOL, they'll execute me in Singapore for carrying that box. It was definitely worth a good $1000 (he even invited me to try a sample). What kind of a man invites a stranger he just met to try out his stash of heroin? LOL, maybe I look a shady character myself by now. Of course, there's a good chance it's going to be a Maghrebi nationality. I have met quite a few more Maghrebis who were dealing in something illicit.

I love my stereotypes and prejudices. They make good pets. :cheesy:
And here I wanted to visit morocco for all the good things I heard from a navy guy who visited the country around 04/05.

Morocco cancelled.
This. A thousand times this. Thank you for saying this. The Arabs took advantage of this same "admiration" we showed them. I appreciate you that you notice it and atleast warn us against it.

You guys have the concept of Turkish nationalism EMBEDDED in you. My sister lives in Istanbul and my niece and nephew naturally attend a Turkish school. The sense of nationalism you imbibe in your school kids and the reverence for Ataturk and the Turkish nationhood in your school curriculum is what makes you guys confident in yourself. We do not have that as Pakistanis. Our leaders never bothered to develop that. And we fell prey to the concept of Ummah as our national identity. Which is why we keep bending over backwards for other Muslim nations.
We have had these discussions many many times before.
I asked Pakistanis,'who are you?'
99% said,'im a Muslim first'
What do i care if you are Muslim or not,why does it matter,wouldnt it be surprise if you were not a Muslim since 99% of Pakistanis are Muslim?
And not forget your sectarian bs,blasphemy law(a real joke).
You have this slave mentality since British rule,why when you are a sovereign country,the only one of us with nukes(real pride)?
Un fvking real.
You always play the sidekick of someone,first it was the KSA/UAE etc and now its China.
''Ummah'' brother,''Iron'' brother blah blah,its ridiculous.
We Turks get frustrated by your insecurity,you're making us mad(angry) at you.
How long you think we will be calling the only non-Turkic people 'brothers' if you keep this inferiority complex?
This is unacceptable,man up!

Btw,dont take it personal,it is meant in general.
And here I wanted to visit morocco for all the good things I heard from a navy guy who visited the country around 04/05.

Morocco cancelled.

That's a ridiculous reason to cancel visiting a country. Based on Internet views alone, you shouldn't make such cancellations.

Maghrebis are a great people generally. Yes, some are shady characters. You might not attract that type, I do.
We have had these discussions many many times before.
I asked Pakistanis,'who are you?'
99% said,'im a Muslim first'
What do i care if you are Muslim or not,why does it matter,wouldnt it be surprise if you were not a Muslim since 99% of Pakistanis are Muslim?
And not forget your sectarian bs,blasphemy law(a real joke).
You have this slave mentality since British rule,why when you are a sovereign country,the only one of us with nukes(real pride)?
Un fvking real.
You always play the sidekick of someone,first it was the KSA/UAE etc and now its China.
''Ummah'' brother,''Iron'' brother blah blah,its ridiculous.
We Turks get frustrated by your insecurity,you're making us mad(angry) at you.
How long you think we will be calling the only non-Turkic people 'brothers' if you keep this inferiority complex?
This is unacceptable,man up!

Btw,dont take it personal,it is meant in general.
That is not the case.
The issue us that in 7 decades we still haven’t formed a real national identity.

In Pakistan, if you ask anyone “who are you?”
The answer would be Baloch, Pashtun, Panjabi, Shina, Hazara, Sindhi etc.

Ask him again who are you?
This time he will identify with his tribe or caste (in case of Panjabi)..

We are still divided and rarely united as “Pakistanis”, only when shit hits the fan..

We are not insecure no, some clowns perhaps but not as a ppl. It’s the opposite, but only in the ethnic sense.

While in Turkey, irrespective of ethnicity you are all “Turks”.

Sure it did!


That's just one small result of your "success" here (no need to even extrapolate how it goes in real world). Read it thoroughly as much you want. This is what happens when you try juggle and you don't know the first basic competency of it.

Lot of Turks in that very thread tell me about the reality of what they actually think (in places outside of here)...its actually quite revealing...I doubt they would tell any Pakistani about it anymore....not after they got treated that way by people they once thought were bros. True nationalists of Turkey know this especially well.

But you can wish it all away as "everything fine, situation great and peachy and brotherly" while not taking heed of the reality and counter-current developing. That attitude worked out great with your Eastern wing compatriots....so it will work out just fine similarly with iron-bros obviously. Just have to believe strong enough and tighten grip selectively according to that, whatever squeezes out can be denied or ignored....its fine, those things are merely irrelevant and of no consequence.

Recently, it was funny especially listening to one Chinese poster I know here (in real life circle) tell me what he thought about the huge insta-threads here about mere rumours about US military goodies (given all the other threads same posters go hoo hoo haa haaa bout china-bro-stronk). I just told him it was a "former" iron-bro legacy, he got it :D . It wouldn't be so funny to lot of the salty-type lot in here though.

When you aren't rooted to something actually deep, it shows. The artificial emotion-swinging cringey stuff comes out with little effort and in large scale prevalence.

what do you actually expect from teenagers? Most of the Pakistani demographics (forum) are kids..

In reality, on the streets.. things are much different than internet forums.
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