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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

Ther is No civil war, No one support China in VN. there r pro-US group and neutral group in VN politburo, and the pro-US group is winning.

Thats will be very bad for China coz US navy can intervene the oil rig conflict to 'protect' its 'VN ally'
if the pro US group winning.
I am not sure who will lose more.after that vietnam is no more commrade. CCP will bulling Vietnam in hard way
hmm.....this is getting interesting and worrying. Well, if a Chinese citizen has been killed in this riot/protest then its more serious than i thought and thinks might get out of hand if Vietnamese authorities don't act to stop this. Its obvious that the authorities sanctioned/allowed the protests. However this might backfire on them if the people start claiming they are too soft on China, and the government starts cracking down harshly, it could even turn into a mini civil war where the people might want to topple the communist government which they see as being too close ideologically( they learn/adopt most of their policies from china) and economically to china. So the communist party should threat carefully on this. Other foreign powers(U.S of course) might also want to use this opportunity to influence/stir trouble so the communist government could be topple and replaced with a more democratic leader/party which will be more close and subservient to the U.S(the way the Philippines is) which i don't think is a bad thing.:D. It will be perfect of the U.S can have a ally/democratic regime in Vietnam this will all but complete the U.S posture against China, and also enable the U.S to reduce Russian influence in Vietnam. SO the U.S will basically kill 2 bird with one stone(like in Ukraine).:enjoy:
As for Vietnam, its in a difficult position, it cant really afford to get too close to the U.S as it will antagonize Russia. Vietnam can't also expect to have Russia support on this issue, since China and Russia have more close ties and share similar world issues/interests. So Russia wont take a stand with Vietnam on this. So Vietnam is in a very tight situation/almost isolated, unlike its ASEAN peers, Its a communist authoritarian country like its northern neighbor and also has large territorial claims with other claimant in the SCS. Vietnam government should calm down and think very carefully its position/role in the region. It will have to either remain communist with Russia as a partner/patron(while knowing Russia wont support it in its dispute with China) or be more reasonable and ally with the U.S(though i admit this will mean loosing its sovereignty and becoming almost a puppet like the Philippines) but this is the best situation i see, since there's no way Vietnam can expect to win any Naval battle against even against Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore(forget about China). so Vietnam has to forget Russia and ally with the U.S, its the only solution if it wants to keep at least most of its maritime territory.
Anyway will be interesting to see how things play out.:-):azn:

on another note, why are Indians on here cheering Vietnam to keep burning Taiwanese, hongkong and Chinese mainland shops? :disagree::what: strange to see some people encouraging their neighbor to burn/harm its own house. This is not a good image for Vietnam IMO. so you should be advising/hoping for calm to prevail, except you wish to see Vietnam have a bad image. :disagree:
You'e not "british", you're more like false flagger to me, troll.
Rumor said the pro US group may take control of our politburo. The man named Cu Huy Ha Vu that backed by US will go back to VN and take the lead.

So, China will face with new competitor in VN: thats USA. TW-Sing r always listen to US.

They can go back home and work on rice fields and their fruit gardens again. Some can go to the conflict zone and keep fishing :pop:

lol, you want a dissident to become your leader?

Then you better to be careful, since your comment here has been monitored by your own government.
if the pro US group winning.
I am not sure who will lose more.after that vietnam is no more commrade. CCP will bulling Vietnam in hard way
Hard way ?? hard like 1979 ?? Oh that time, China lost in the conflict. :laugh:

lol, you want a dissident to become your leader?

Then you better to be careful, since your comment here has been monitored by your own government.
I dont have any problem with the Govt. my dad, one of member of communist party is big enough to protect me :pop:

btw: that rumor is wide spread in VN now, I just let u guys know what is the rumor said
I don't know why you're laughing at this, Chinese did exactly the same thing to Japanese owned factories in China.
I dont have any problem with the Govt. my dad, one of member of communist party is big enough to protect me :pop:

Unless your dad is a red princeling.

But if he is a red princeling, then he will slap your face for supporting a dissident.
Unless your dad is a red princeling.

But if he is a red princeling, then he will slap your face for supporting a dissident.
No hes not red princeling, but hes a hero from the war with French and got a good position :pop:
All it take a couple of gunshot a couple of death Vietnamese.

Vietnam want to ally with Japan to contain China, one oil rig turn Vietnam upside down.
we lost in 1979 only in your history book
Okay, then prove that u can defeat VN in land conflict now, the world will see lots of PLA guys go home in body bags:pop:

Vietnam about to turn into Syria.
Poor dream, I repeat: No VNese support China, so dont dream abt civil war between pro China and pro US group in VN:pop:
Vietnam about to turn into Syria.
That is China, not Vietnam. Protesters in Vietnam are targeting only ethnic Chinese or Chinese businesses

Meanwhile in China, your own Han are about to stage another Tianmen Square protest since it is almost June now.. Your Uigher are exploding left and right, your Tibetan are roasting here and there. Sooner or later, China will be fragmented into several independent countries like Uigher, Inner Mongolian, Tibetan, Zhuang Yue, Hmong. I see at least 5 indepent countries already. When China breaks apart, we will launch a military offense to take back the Paracel and Taiping Island.
Okay, then prove that u can defeat VN in land conflict now, the world will see lots of PLA guys go home in body bags:pop:

Poor dream, I repeat: No VNese support China, so dont dream abt civil war between pro China and pro US group in VN:pop:

There is a corrupt government control everything in Vietnam, these corrupt government control the military, they won't allow anyone to toppled their ruling of the country.

That is China, not Vietnam. Protesters in Vietnam are targeting only ethnic Chinese or Chinese businesses

Meanwhile in China, your own Han are about to stage another Tianmen Square protest since it is almost June now.. Your Uigher are exploding left and right, your Tibetan are roasting here and there. Sooner or later, China will be fragmented into several independent countries like Uigher, Inner Mongolian, Tibetan, Zhuang Yue, Hmong. I see at least 5 indepent countries already. When China breaks apart, we will launch a military offense to take back the Paracel and Taiping Island.

Tianmen Square didn't collapse the communist China when China was starving, how the heck as of now Chinese want to revolt against the government with China economy 2nd in the world, most of Chinese live a better life.
lol, you want a dissident to become your leader?

Then you better to be careful, since your comment here has been monitored by your own government.
I forgot to tell u that CU Huy Ha Vu is the son of Cu Huy Can, the first minister of agriculture of Viet Minh govt in 1946.
What factory is being burnt?

Japanese cannot stop investing in Chinas economy even after the riot.

Why should they? China paid the damage and it created more money for japan. The only ones who suffered were poor chinese people whose car got smashed.
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