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More India troops in disputed territory

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I am not downplaying anything. We Chinese already invented gun powder, compass, paper, printing, rocketry. The Indians should boycott all these and products derived from these to be pure in their boycott of Chinese products.

Plus, the Indians can start their own assembly line of producing computer components. We Chinese don't care! Just don't use our products if you want to bash our products! If you want to use our products, don't bash them. It's as simple as that!

Brother, please do not misunderstand me, I am not an Indian here. I am not an Indian lover.

What I wanted to say that India has stockpiled a great amount of chemical weapons and it wants to use them in war with China. India has a sinister plan to occupy the entire China and slaughter all the Chinese. India has got help from a goddamn bullshit terrorist Israel and thats why India is preparing to strike China. Now, if you sleep calmly with all your bucks, tomorrow you might see some Indian demonic soldiers spreading poisonous gas at your home killing you and every body. It is a serious matter.
omg . where do you come from ?? have u been living in perpetual isolation??

do u even know how a computer works ??? looks like i'll have to do this rather sordid job of teaching an ignorant imbecile like you

lets start.
to run a computer , you need software. and those software chips are made by educated engineers in INDIA AND USA . INDIA is the second largest producer of computer chips.
u get it ??

u cant live without indian products yet i can very gladly stop buying barbie dolls and plastic toys . ....
this shud be enough for you

Like I said, you are not getting the point. The point is simple: If you want to bash Chinese products, don't use them!
Given China produces over 90% of computer components worldwide. The second largest producer is really nothing. Plus, I get it perfectly fine. You use products from India instead of China for your computer! I am smply asking you to do that!

Do not claim American-made software produced in the country of the USA. Products made by foreign scientists including Indian and Chinese people in the USA are USA products!

I do not recall ever having used anything with a Made in India label on it.

Not only the dolls and stuff. You should also stop using ANYTHING with a Made in China label on it including computer components, electronics, Ipod, WII, PS3, washers, dryers, anything. I will do the same with Indian products.

Do you Indians not know how to be realistic?

1) You tried to call products made in the USA Indian products just because there are some Indian people working in US companies here and there. There are Chinese/Japanese/Germans/X/Y/Z working in US companies all over the place. Only the Indians would take credits like that.

2) You unrealistically claimed I cannot live without Indian products and you can live without Chinese products while you were using a Chinese product to make that comment and couldn't come up with an example of an Indian product other than point 1.

This is how annoying you Indians are. You are just like the Koreans who tried to claim Chinese characters and Confucius as being Korean.
Coolstorm, please make everyone of your place aware of the Indian planning of sending thousands and thousands of troops and building chemical weapons' factories in the NEFA. You should alert everyone and make a solid public opinion of India's possible invasion.
That is exactly what i was trying to say communist,if india had chemical weapons,you wd see un sanctions on us before anything,but that is not the case....which proves the credibility of the news.....and coolstorm,without chinese input,the world wdn't be there where it is now,we all know it.......but your arrogance,propelled many here to sound foul.......thnx
The Indians remind me of the class clown that sits at the back of the class jumping up and down and making a fool out of himself to get attention. Everyone ignores him as he brings nothing worthwhile to the table so he invents silly things so people can notice him but all this while he thinks he is gaining respect but they are actually laughing at him.

If you are going to move troops to counter Chinese positions in Tibet why all the drama of big speeches and fanfare in the media? Just silently do it, no big deal, China doesn’t see India as a threat anyways, just a flea in the world.

All I see is an insecure and jealous country that has huge self esteem issues probably caused by the 200 plus years of British rule. A country with no identity nor vision as to where it sees itself in the world.

The whole world is gripped by the global financial meltdown and major issues of North Korea and Iran. More and more of the world is looking to china to help bail out the world with its huge reserves/domestic market and many are talking about the idea of the G2 of China and US as the preeminent powers for the rest of the century. Things like climate change, nuclear proliferation (N Korea), global financial reforms of the world bank and IMF, global security and cooperation are all elements that many analysts point out can only be solved by the biggest creditor (china) and the biggest debtor of the world (US).

It must irk and infuriate poor India which I believe is not even in the top ten in the world economy as it is being left out of this new global restructuring. Things that piss them off to no end is probably the annual EU-China summits (is there anything remotely equalvalent with India), Obama’s china first policy, China’s incredible penetration into Africa, China’s global military exports from Africa, middle east to South America and right in their backyard South Asia etc. Etc..

China is a stones throw away from being the second largest economy and alone has a larger economy than the BRIC countries combined. All these facts cause poor India to feel it is being left in the dust. That is why it is saber rattling and barking like a wild dog about it as it is the only way to get any attention in the global community becus truth is they are highly irrelevant to the major issues that are at play today. Trying to declare China as your enemy why China doesn’t even see you fit as an enemy , that is the sad fact.
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