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More Chinese Navy in Indian Ocean, US OK, India not

And you know this because... ? :disagree: next you’ll be blaming the United States for India’s poor relations with Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. IMHO, India’s done a pretty good job of making enemies out of almost all its neighbors.

Want proof? Just look at all the Thanks this post will receive from your adoring neighbors!

no it's just China with which the American angle is considered.
USA wanting to counter the growing Chinese influence is an open fact.Many believe that the sudden deepening of Indo-american relationship testifies the fact that they want us to be used as the counter (or bait)...now you might differ...that'd be your opinion.
India is a part of south-Asia and not the americas...we need to solidify our place by making peace...and believe me this is exactl what we are doing..
though the Chinese initiatives worry me...specially the string of pearls concept...but it's the American/Brit base in Diego Garcia closer to my country that is a bigger concern.

"IMHO, India’s done a pretty good job of making enemies out of almost all its neighbors."
yeah we didn't have a continent to ourselves when our fore-fathers decided to call this place home....the sub-continent is indeed a small place for a very large population and complicated boundary issues....
there are international borders as well as "line of controls" and "line of actual controls"....

"Want proof? Just look at all the Thanks this post will receive from your adoring neighbors!"
haha....i was going to skip discussing this one..just then I saw some Pakistani thanking you...now you'd know what I mean.
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Indian government think-tank, it was such like a British twin brothers. They like to make a small cheap, but they also pretend that he is innocent
Indians of the military struggle is a good strategy。First, they pretend to negotiate the territorial issue with the Chinese ;and then they step up preparations for war.
Where's our The art of war? It seems a bit backward compared with indian?
Caution: India will be unlucky.Witness to History shows that all the arrogant people are just paper tigers .
Indian government think-tank, it was such like a British twin brothers. They like to make a small cheap, but they also pretend that he is innocent
Indians of the military struggle is a good strategy。First, they pretend to negotiate the territorial issue with the Chinese ;and then they step up preparations for war.
Where's our The art of war? It seems a bit backward compared with indian?
Caution: India will be unlucky.Witness to History shows that all the arrogant people are just paper tigers .

Caution:use a better translator.History shows that the point of the post gets lost in shoddy translation.
Caution: the only place where the translator misinterpreted Hunter911 noticeablely is "They like to score a small cheap point, while pretending to be innocent."
“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利” i see no hope as many chinese on the boundary negotiation,and this kind of china-india debate really bores me,we stick to this way,india will force china to be a threat,we should learn to ignore the thread like this,it's hopeless to end
A nation's strenghth is ultimately built up by its industry base (advanced manufacturing, not back office non-core IT service activities) and its economy scale. China's current self-sufficient overall industry base dwarfs India's. Chinese economy is about 4 times larger (even with hugely undervalued Yuan), and the gap is growing day by day due to higher growth rate based on much larger economy base, which translates into much larger absolute growth of wealth.

This is the fundamental reason why India could hardly form a threat to China (not now and not in the foreseeable future) and why ordinary Chinese never take India "threat" seriously (even though it seems that most Indians do), no matter how mainstream Indian media and Western media paint the picture. The former media do so out of jealousy, bloated ego and its domestic political gain, while the latter doing so out of the obvious intention to curb Chinese influences via other people's (ordinary Indians) expenses.

Most ordinary Chinese realize how the game is played at its outset. However, with their misplaced ego, by acting as the dispensable foot soldiers of the US to confront THE new global superpower on the rise, Indians are taken as fools by both the West and the East, most importantly by their very own politicians, in the grand global chess board.

Future is in the making with the history keeps repeating itself. If Indians keep behaving in this irresponsable manner by abrassively engaging in millitary buildup with China and threatening almost all of her neighbours, then bitter 1962 again will be waiting down the pipeline. The difference of this time is that China will be slightly affected in her due course, but India will be crashed and burned. Most importantly, India could never afford a better chance to start up again in her development ladder. Damn you for forcing China into this position!
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A nation's strenghth is ultimately built up by its industry base (advanced manufacturing, not back office non-core IT service activities) and its economy scale. China's current self-sufficient overall industry base dwarfs India's. Chinese economy is about 4 times larger (even with hugely undervalued Yuan), and the gap is growing day by day due to higher growth rate based on much larger economy base, which translates into much larger absolute growth of wealth.

This is the fundamental reason why India could hardly form a threat to China (not now and not in the foreseeable future) and why ordinary Chinese never take India "threat" seriously (even though it seems that most Indians do), no matter how mainstream Indian media and Western media paint the picture. The former media do so out of jealousy, bloated ego and its domestic political gain, while the latter doing so out of the obvious intention to curb Chinese influences via other people's (ordinary Indians) expenses.

Most ordinary Chinese realize how the game is played at its outset. However, with their misplaced ego, by acting as the dispensable foot soldiers of the US to confront THE new global superpower on the rise, Indians are taken as fools by both the West and the East, most importantly by their very own politicians, in the grand global chess board.

Future is in the making with the history keeps repeating itself. If Indians keep behaving in this irresponsable manner by abrassively engaging in millitary buildup with China and threatening almost all of her neighbours, then bitter 1962 again will be waiting down the pipeline. The difference of this time is that China will be slightly affected in her due course, but India will be crashed and burned. Most importantly, India could never afford a better chance to start up again in her development ladder. Damn you for forcing China into this position!

China has a cheap export driven industry..India has a better domestic consumer base.Different models.

Anyway India will end up having the 3rd largest economy after US and China so that makes her an automatic player in the global market.And does it not makes sense to tie up with one of other 2 economic powers ahead of you?

There will be no war between China and India.It is near impossible to sustain a continuous conventional war across the Himalayas. Any serious war will end up nuclear and India also has nukes.So India will lose but she will drag China way down the economic ladder when she does.
China has a cheap export driven industry..India has a better domestic consumer base.Different models.

Anyway India will end up having the 3rd largest economy after US and China so that makes her an automatic player in the global market.And does it not makes sense to tie up with one of other 2 economic powers ahead of you?

There will be no war between China and India.It is near impossible to sustain a continuous conventional war across the Himalayas. Any serious war will end up nuclear and India also has nukes.So India will lose but she will drag China way down the economic ladder when she does.

China's economy is not powered by cheap exports you dimwit.
China has a cheap export driven industry..India has a better domestic consumer base.Different models.

Anyway India will end up having the 3rd largest economy after US and China so that makes her an automatic player in the global market.And does it not makes sense to tie up with one of other 2 economic powers ahead of you?

There will be no war between China and India.It is near impossible to sustain a continuous conventional war across the Himalayas. Any serious war will end up nuclear and India also has nukes.So India will lose but she will drag China way down the economic ladder when she does.

What do you mean by different models? Crawl out of that stone hut and look around. There is ONLY 1 model throughout the world history: that is manufacturing based, export-driven model! Name single exception amongst the already fully developed countries? Come on, name 1 exception. After one fully develops, one could afford to choose to have some niche path sometimes. But during developing, there is only 1 proven way up: make sth and sell as much as you can to the world market. Indian's so called "IT service" model is nice, but for the long run the model will not work.

And don't talk about bullshit of "India has a better domestic consumer base" in front of specialists here. What do you exactly mean by 'better"?

India has a Larger consumer base by head count? No!

More consumer consumptions by dollar count? no!

More quality in average consumption? No!

Higher percentage of domestic consumption within GDP than export-driven?
Probably yes! And? Does that automatically qualify "better"? Hell NO!

Some sub-Sahara African countries' GDP, even North Korea's, have nearly 90%of it is domestic consumption-driven. Still, they are the poorest. Guess what the % of export In German and Japs' GDP? Without proper significant manufacturing and export, how the heck , and with what (hope not self-printed toilet paper) one can follow domestic consumption-driven model properly? Economically speaking, there is no such a thing as the higher the level of domestic-driven, the "better" will be the economy model. Read some Economics ABC, man. That's embarrassing.

On War, whenever there is a huge difference on deterrence levels, there is always a possibility of war, even for nuclear powers. The fact of the matter is that India is still not a nuclear power strictly speaking. Nuclear deterrence is only effective when one can absolutely destroy the other's majority assets, and have absolutely credible mean of second strike at any time. Still, under this definition, only UNSC 5 countries are the real nuclear powers. The rest nuclear nations can not reach this level yet. India's biggest N bomb is only 0.05 mega ton, which is 1% of what China has, let alone H bomb. So try to show down with China with a firecracker in hand? You must be joking!
Making Walmart products and having western countries set up manufacturing units for cheap labor is not the same as building an advanced manufacturing base,but let us leave that for now.

I guess if India's nukes are so low in power..then they should keep making as much as possible till they are able to achieve the unacceptable damage position wrt to China.
China has a cheap export driven industry..India has a better domestic consumer base.Different models.

You have no idea what you are talking about ,it's the millions migrant workers from poor area who are still making cheap exports for the world.because of the exchange rate of RMB,those production base are already gradually moving to midwest .with USSR's help at starting point, china have a much stronger heavy industry than india even 50 years ago,that's how we was able to "copy" aircraft ,tank and NS at that time.please explain to me how does the "better domestic consumer base" make sence if people earn lower salaries

here is a comparison in software area,you can see china is shareing every piece of globe cake,and it is obvious that our domestic consumer is not that worse as you imagined


total number(Billion) export(B) proportion of total number
china 82.8 10.2 12.5%

india 47.8 31 64.85%

Ireland 31.2 29.7 95%
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Making Walmart products and having western countries set up manufacturing units for cheap labor is not the same as building an advanced manufacturing base,but let us leave that for now.

I guess if India's nukes are so low in power..then they should keep making as much as possible till they are able to achieve the unacceptable damage position wrt to China.

Remarks as economically illiterate as these are laughable at best.

Low tech export was the start as no one can jump to the moon at the first try without sending men into the lower earth orbit first (except India who plans to somehow skip that?). Cheap manufactoring has always been the start, as England, USA, Germany, Japan, etc.etc. all started with not that long ago. In the past decades, we see wallmart and every other consumer stores packed with Made in USA, Made in Germany, Made in Japan, Made in Taiwan, Made in Korea, etc. Now it's universal Made In China. It's called the natural economic development ladder. That's also how one develope its overall industry base, from low tech to high tech. Yeah, with that call center model, ever encouter something "Talked In India" ? LOL.

The high tech propotion of China's export nowadays is much larger than her low tech one. The fake intuition and twisted media reports give one wrong impression otherwise, since China has so many people even as we have already moved into high tech arena long ago, still we are in prefect control of the low tech ones at the same time, unlike tiny nations such as England or S Korea who can not afford to do so.

Viturally everything one can see everywhere is Made-In-China! Far more than clothes and toys, Chinese suppliers are the key and single majority suppliers of products of top fortune 500 companies, which include nearly ALL world leading brands across all industries, light or heavy industries. e.g. nearly all Sony products suppliers are Chinese, almost 3000 of them; So is Apple, and Chinese export of industrial machine tools is far more than toys, etc. etc.etc.

This is how China has built up her comprehensive industry base across the fields since 50s. That's why China was able to built her own frist nuclear sub independenly in 70s. That's why and how China can now independenly make an advanced plane, an advanced tank, or even an advanced rifle while India call center gurus can't talked up with, without heavy foreign assistance in most of the key technologies.
Remarks as economically illiterate as these are laughable at best.

Low tech export was the start as no one can jump to the moon at the first try without sending men into the lower earth orbit first (except India who plans to somehow skip that?). Cheap manufactoring has always been the start, as England, USA, Germany, Japan, etc.etc. all started with not that long ago. In the past decades, we see wallmart and every other consumer stores packed with Made in USA, Made in Germany, Made in Japan, Made in Taiwan, Made in Korea, etc. Now it's universal Made In China. It's called the natural economic development ladder. That's also how one develope its overall industry base, from low tech to high tech. Yeah, with that call center model, ever encouter something "Talked In India" ? LOL.

The high tech propotion of China's export nowadays is much larger than her low tech one. The fake intuition and twisted media reports give one wrong impression otherwise, since China has so many people even as we have already moved into high tech arena long ago, still we are in prefect control of the low tech ones at the same time, unlike tiny nations such as England or S Korea who can not afford to do so.

Viturally everything one can see everywhere is Made-In-China! Far more than clothes and toys, Chinese suppliers are the key and single majority suppliers of products of top fortune 500 companies, which include nearly ALL world leading brands across all industries, light or heavy industries. e.g. nearly all Sony products suppliers are Chinese, almost 3000 of them; So is Apple, and Chinese export of industrial machine tools is far more than toys, etc. etc.etc.

This is how China has built up her comprehensive industry base across the fields since 50s. That's why China was able to built her own frist nuclear sub independenly in 70s. That's why and how China can now independenly make an advanced plane, an advanced tank, or even an advanced rifle while India call center gurus can't talked up with, without heavy foreign assistance in most of the key technologies.

Oh man this is height of ignorance........ china is only a manufacture base because china keep is currency artificially low.

As far as place are hi-tech areas are concerned , nothing great in coping..... see planes, tanks , us copy guns ,etc.... all says the truth..

In the world no company wants to deal with china because now everyone aware that china only buy to copy. Denial is the front one.

many of the key technology is home grown......even European agree with it, if want list what EDAS says about Indians
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