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Molana Tariq Jameel Adress to PAF on C130.

Your religious dimwit listen the TV shows and things around you.There is very little islamic and i am proud to say at least seculars and liberals can express their feelings.Bring on your sharia law if you have guts. Some a$$hole like zia did damage but still cannot completely change the pakistan MA jinnah opted for,it,s just a matter of when people of pakistan will make this country a "Peoples republic of Pakistan" and there is nothing a child molesting,halva eating,bomb making mullah like you do about it.
No mullah condemned that school attack which means they are no less than TTP.
They can't bring sharia. They themselves are corrupt from core, IF THEY try it by force, then they have painful death written like we did it with lal masjid terrorists. They are threat for peace and we will demolish this mindset at any cost. They have no future in Pakistan.
It is better to create singers, scientists than these backward Mullahs which mourns for death of Hakeem ullah Mehsood & others and they never speak openly against terrorists . They All are in Same row and they have no future in Pakistan.
Remember, these Mullahs were on front line row as they sold themselves to U.S A under the shadow of Jihad. But when U.S.A stopped their aid, they became enemy of U.S.A . Such big hypocrites.
No wonder world hate them.
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Finally you are safe as long as you are saying this crap behind your computer screen.I swear i will beat the shit out if i ever get my hands on a some radical mullah.But i don,t need to do that your views are so constipated and you will soon end up in some unmarked grave.

Oooooh personal threats, err moderator :undecided::help:

If the dopey looking prick in the picture is you then im not that worried
You liberal harami types are pissing in the wind if you think the largely conservative, traditional, religiously motivated population of Pakistan will suddenly abandon islam for whichever nonsense liberal cool aid you are peddling

You and the TTP types are two sides of the same coin, both trying to force the Pakistani people to accept a ideology which goes against the moderate muslim norm

If you keep pushing your luck then both of you will be hanging from your balls from the nearest lampost
I am hopeless for you seriously. Be a hindu ,be a muslim or whatever it,s your fucking personal choice but don,t dictate someone it,s the 21st century we are living in.And this is called secularism you scum bag learn the definition first.There is a difference between atheism and secularism.
You try to scare people by raping their little kids,suicide bomb blasts etc but you don,t know how much a educated secular can get ugly when he is fighting for his rights and personal freedom.In a just a matter of months we can realize you your real aukat. Now shave those pubic hair off your face and look into the mirror.

Oooooh personal threats, err moderator :undecided::help:

If the dopey looking prick in the picture is you then im not that worried
Yes that,s me your burqa wearing wifey look at by removing her burka :lol:

They can't bring sharia. They themselves are corrupt from core, IF THEY try it by force, then they have painful death written like we did it with lal masjid terrorists. They are threat for peace and we will demolish this mindset at any cost. They have no future in Pakistan.
It is better to create singers, scientists than these backward Mullahs which mourns for death of Hakeem ullah Mehsood & others and they never speak openly against terrorists . They All are in Same row and they have no future in Pakistan.
Remember, these Mullahs were on front line row as they sold themselves to U.S A under the shadow of Jihad. But when U.S.A stopped their aid, they became enemy of U.S.A . Such big hypocrites.
No wonder world hate them.
Do you know the recipe of making a mullah?
1)Open the head
2)Remove the brain to make space for Shit
3)Fill the head with shit
4)Release him into the public
Congrats you have just made a mullah :)
I am hopeless for you seriously. Be a hindu ,be a muslim or whatever it,s your fucking personal choice but don,t dictate someone it,s the 21st century we are living in.And this is called secularism you scum bag learn the definition first.There is a difference between atheism and secularism.
You try to scare people by raping their little kids,suicide bomb blasts etc but you don,t know how much a educated secular can get ugly when he is fighting for his rights and personal freedom.In a just a matter of months we can realize you your real aukat. Now shave those pubic hair off your face and look into the mirror.

Yes that,s me your burqa wearing wifey look at by removing her burka :lol:
Secularism is kufr and those who think Islam is a personal matter only than they should their knowledge of Islam is worse than of Abu Juhal and Abu Lahab.
Secularism is kufr and those who think Islam is a personal matter only than they should their knowledge of Islam is worse than of Abu Juhal and Abu Lahab.
Here comes another mullah with his golden words .Rationality did not even come close to you.
I am hopeless for you seriously. Be a hindu ,be a muslim or whatever it,s your fucking personal choice but don,t dictate someone it,s the 21st century we are living in.And this is called secularism you scum bag learn the definition first.There is a difference between atheism and secularism.
You try to scare people by raping their little kids,suicide bomb blasts etc but you don,t know how much a educated secular can get ugly when he is fighting for his rights and personal freedom.In a just a matter of months we can realize you your real aukat. Now shave those pubic hair off your face and look into the mirror.

The secularism being peddled by the liberal beghairat pakistani burger elite is akin to atheism and seeks to trample muslims and enforce a ideology which does not represent the Pakistani people

The Pakistani people
The Pakistani soldiers
They are all overwhelmingly conservative people

All and any polls dealing with sharia, islam, blasphemy in Pakistan show an enormous conservative leaning from our people

The prophet Muhammad had a beard
The Sahaba had beards

It is telling that you liberal drunken types have such a issue with muslims emulating the prophet

The pakistani people will be ruthless against the forced beghairati you are dreaming of

There is a simple test go to any place in Pakistan (except for the libe4al khangerkhanas) declare that we should all be good muslims, read the Quran and follow the example of the prophet, all will be good

Try the same peddling your libe4al bullshit about how bea4ds should be shaved off and we should ban islam in the army and make it subservient to secularism then you will be a dead man, your killer will have lawyers throwing flower pettels at him
I have traveled in C130 multiple times. It is the worse form of travel imaginable. There is no AC. The seats are just belts etc. And the noise is simply too much.
The secularism being peddled by the liberal beghairat pakistani burger elite is akin to atheism and seeks to trample muslims and enforce a ideology which does not represent the Pakistani people

The Pakistani people
The Pakistani soldiers
They are all overwhelmingly conservative people

All and any polls dealing with sharia, islam, blasphemy in Pakistan show an enormous conservative leaning from our people

The prophet Muhammad had a beard
The Sahaba had beards

It is telling that you liberal drunken types have such a issue with muslims emulating the prophet

The pakistani people will be ruthless against the forced beghairati you are dreaming of

There is a simple test go to any place in Pakistan (except for the libe4al khangerkhanas) declare that we should all be good muslims, read the Quran and follow the example of the prophet, all will be good

Try the same peddling your libe4al bullshit about how bea4ds should be shaved off and we should ban islam in the army and make it subservient to secularism then you will be a dead man, your killer will have lawyers throwing flower pettels at him
The conservative people you are talking about represent the ideology of zia ul haq not MA jinnah.And such people are tafkiri saudi servants not pakistanis.
Talks are always cheap maulana sahab.Stop us from from killings your brothers in operation zar-b-e azb and in lal masjid if you have the guts.Pray to your god to have mercy upon you because we won,t show any mercy.
We believe in the Pakistan dreamt by Iqbal which was supposed to be an Islamic state. But jinnah controversially was secular while some people think otherwise. Pity he didnt live long enough after pakistan for us to exactly know what he really wanted for pakistan. Doesnt matter for me what he believed in but for me i believe in the Pakistan of Iqbal and it is not even close to secularism which is disbelief.

In islam you cannot separate the religion and state. It was done with other religions because their followers dont actually follow them. For practicing muslims it is impossible for them to be seculars which i think takes away your morals and leads to all the ills there are in any society.

Another thing to note is we are not living under rules that are pure islamic and to start a violent war in a muslim country under a muslim ruler regardless of how far away he is from religion is haraam and seriously disliked. The people should select their leaders with a sense of responsibility. And afterwards if they dont govern by the rules of Allah it is not the peoples' responsibility unless they dont accept it as being the right thing.

Violent movements have never brought any good with regards to religion amd there has never been any single example of it. The best things for muslims is to be patient and keep educating people and whem the majority will want it, they will get it peacefully.
The conservative people you are talking about represent the ideology of zia ul haq not MA jinnah.And such people are tafkiri saudi servants not pakistanis.
Talks are always cheap maulana sahab.Stop us from from killings your brothers in operation zar-b-e azb and in lal masjid if you have the guts.Pray to your god to have mercy upon you because we won,t show any mercy.

The people I am talking about are the Pakistani people, the religious, conservative Pakistani people

They represent themselves

You are a minority, you dont represent Pakistan or its people

You are trying to peddle some weird non pakistani liberal crap that only the other beghairat liberal elite scum understand because it allows them to act like the drunken trash they are

All Pakistanis agree with the latest army action, they are our army, full of muslim soldiers why would we stop them

The muslim people of Pakistan will not show mercy to the TTP ir the harami liberals, look where Salman Taseers liberalism got him, do the pakistani people or our lawyers or anyone care about the liberal trash,,, no because he didn't represent Pakistan or our people

You wont get any mercy from the people or by Allah swt
We believe in the Pakistan dreamt by Iqbal which was supposed to be an Islamic state. But jinnah controversially was secular while some people think otherwise. Pity he didnt live long enough after pakistan for us to exactly know what he really wanted for pakistan. Doesnt matter for me what he believed in but for me i believe in the Pakistan of Iqbal and it is not even close to secularism which is disbelief.

In islam you cannot separate the religion and state. It was done with other religions because their followers dont actually follow them. For practicing muslims it is impossible for them to be seculars which i think takes away your morals and leads to all the ills there are in any society.

Another thing to note is we are not living under rules that are pure islamic and to start a violent war in a muslim country under a muslim ruler regardless of how far away he is from religion is haraam and seriously disliked. The people should select their leaders with a sense of responsibility. And afterwards if they dont govern by the rules of Allah it is not the peoples' responsibility unless they dont accept it as being the right thing.

Violent movements have never brought any good with regards to religion amd there has never been any single example of it. The best things for muslims is to be patient and keep educating people and whem the majority will want it, they will get it peacefully.
But MR Jinnah before dying made somethings very clear and as a pakistani do what your father of nation said .And even what islam says or some other religion says we should not give two hoots about that.
“….Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter betweenman and God”. [Jinnah, Address to the Central Legislative Assembly, 7 February 1935]
“…. You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any otherplace of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed.That has nothing to do with the business of the State.” [Jinnah, Presidential address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, Karachi, 11 August 1947]
“….I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan.” [Jinnah, Press Conference, 14 November 1946]
“….no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one casteor creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizensand Equal citizens of One State.” [ Jinnah, Presidential Address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, 11 August 1947]
“…. Now, I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal, and you will find that in duecourse of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, notin the religious sense because that is the personal faith of the individual, but in the politicalsense as citizens of the State “. [Jinnah, Presidential Address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, 11 August 1947]
” The constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed by the Pakistan Constituent Assembly…..Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught Equality of men, Justice and Fairplay to ‘EVERYBODY’…..In any case Pakistan is NOT going to be a theocratic State – to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims – Hindus, Christians and Parsis – but they are ALL Pakistanis. They will enjoy the SAME rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.” [ Jinnah, February 1948.Talk on Pakistan broadcast to the people of USA]
But MR Jinnah before dying made somethings very clear and as a pakistani do what your father of nation said .And even what islam says or some other religion says we should not give two hoots about that.
“….Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter betweenman and God”. [Jinnah, Address to the Central Legislative Assembly, 7 February 1935]
“…. You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any otherplace of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed.That has nothing to do with the business of the State.” [Jinnah, Presidential address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, Karachi, 11 August 1947]
“….I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan.” [Jinnah, Press Conference, 14 November 1946]
“….no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one casteor creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizensand Equal citizens of One State.” [ Jinnah, Presidential Address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, 11 August 1947]
“…. Now, I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal, and you will find that in duecourse of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, notin the religious sense because that is the personal faith of the individual, but in the politicalsense as citizens of the State “. [Jinnah, Presidential Address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, 11 August 1947]
” The constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed by the Pakistan Constituent Assembly…..Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught Equality of men, Justice and Fairplay to ‘EVERYBODY’…..In any case Pakistan is NOT going to be a theocratic State – to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims – Hindus, Christians and Parsis – but they are ALL Pakistanis. They will enjoy the SAME rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.” [ Jinnah, February 1948.Talk on Pakistan broadcast to the people of USA]
there is a differnce between an Islamic State, and a theocratic state you know?
But MR Jinnah before dying made somethings very clear and as a pakistani do what your father of nation said .And even what islam says or some other religion says we should not give two hoots about that.
“….Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter betweenman and God”. [Jinnah, Address to the Central Legislative Assembly, 7 February 1935]
“…. You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any otherplace of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed.That has nothing to do with the business of the State.” [Jinnah, Presidential address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, Karachi, 11 August 1947]
“….I am NOT fighting for Muslims, believe me, when I demand Pakistan.” [Jinnah, Press Conference, 14 November 1946]
“….no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one casteor creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizensand Equal citizens of One State.” [ Jinnah, Presidential Address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, 11 August 1947]
“…. Now, I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal, and you will find that in duecourse of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, notin the religious sense because that is the personal faith of the individual, but in the politicalsense as citizens of the State “. [Jinnah, Presidential Address to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, 11 August 1947]
” The constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed by the Pakistan Constituent Assembly…..Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught Equality of men, Justice and Fairplay to ‘EVERYBODY’…..In any case Pakistan is NOT going to be a theocratic State – to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims – Hindus, Christians and Parsis – but they are ALL Pakistanis. They will enjoy the SAME rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.” [ Jinnah, February 1948.Talk on Pakistan broadcast to the people of USA]

As i said i dont care what jinnah thought of the end product and what it has become now. I believe in the pakistan of Iqbal which goes with our religious beliefs. Jinnah's efforts for Pakistan are well appreciated but i wont mirror somebody's concept and keep running after it.

We muslims have one role model for mankind and we follow his sunnah and teachings.

As a muslim i dont care what jinnah wanted or believed in if it were to defy the religion of Allah.
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