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Mohammad Rizwan praying on NYC streets

Your thoughts on this? is Rizwan being a public nuisance? or do you support his right to pray anywhere he wants to show off his piousness for Allah in front of others?
Pakistani cricket players do it . By this they try to show to the world their piousness purity and good character . They dont forget to post it on social media .
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that's insane wtflol
He's supposedly quite the pious types. I believe he thinks converting a non Muslim is part of his religious duty.

Personally I am against worshipping in public, whatever religion it is. Muslims praying on the highway and blocking traffic, Hindus erecting pandals or taking out processions and doing the same. I have seen essential services getting stuck in traffic due to this. Unpardonable. He is not obstructing anyone, but nothing stops 10 other from joining him and soon it can become a crowd. I also don't like the whole subjectiveness around it. When do you draw the line? Best is to restrict people inside their places of worship.
I believe he thinks converting a non Muslim is part of his religious duty.

did he claim this? or are you projecting this onto him.
He is not obstructing anyone, but nothing stops 10 other from joining him and soon it can become a crowd.

Yeah but this is just speculation, he was by himself, thats the only element thats of consequence.

When do you draw the line?

you draw the line where obstructions occur, where one's right infringes on another's, for example if he is blocking the street and people can't cross the sidewalk. but again he didn't do anything of the sort, him praying is about as mundane and someone stepping out and doing stretches on a sidewalk, which would be of no concern to anyone, but if 100 people together are doing exercises and stretches that is an issue for people trying to walk on the sidewalk.
citations needed.

causing hate from who? the pajeets living halfway around the world who have some sort of hate fetish with muslims? or actual new yorkers? the people that actually live there? they don't even know who the fk this guy is, nor do they care.

You know how ordinary/mundane something like this is here? You go to new york there are halal cart guys on every block and they all pray on the side for zuhr, asr, etc. they can't afford to pack up the cart to leave their spot and then set up again every time they need to pray, and they can't leave the carts unattended, so they take a 5 min break pray right next to their carts, then go back to work. Same with the Taxi drivers. its a complete nonissue for anyone of relavence, who gives a fk what some people on the internet sitting in modistan think, it doesn't concern them. lol
NY is ho
citations needed.

causing hate from who? the pajeets living halfway around the world who have some sort of hate fetish with muslims? or actual new yorkers? the people that actually live there? they don't even know who the fk this guy is, nor do they care.

You know how ordinary/mundane something like this is here? You go to new york there are halal cart guys on every block and they all pray on the side for zuhr, asr, etc. they can't afford to pack up the cart to leave their spot and then set up again every time they need to pray, and they can't leave the carts unattended, so they take a 5 min break pray right next to their carts, then go back to work. Same with the Taxi drivers. its a complete nonissue for anyone of relavence, who gives a fk what some people on the internet sitting in modistan think, it doesn't concern them. lol
If the state doesn't allow to adopt religious practice on public path , then its against Islamic teaching. It's same like huge number of masjid in Paksitan on qabza wali zameen ... and people knows and still goes for prayers ........... ooo ji Allah ki zameen ha ... but Holy Prophet Peace be Upon him set the rules for religious place.
Real chad muslims always have their eyes on the prize. They see the big picture.

all people are saying is that it's a bit cringe
Nope. Just the usual suspects.

Pajeets burning. But murtads burning even more. Stay burning.

He didn’t harm no one. It’s a free country he can do whatever he wants.
Pajeets are probably worried about muslims blocking US railways tracks and roads due to prayers? Saare jahan ka dard inke dil me jo he. PHULL SAPPORT to NYC metro to get their sidewalks free from muslim occupation :lol:

The less said about ex-tomatoes (murtads) the better. Murtads talking about cringe is a level of irony I didn't think mankind could unlock :lol:
If the state doesn't allow to adopt religious practice on public path ,

wut? where is the illegality? you are more than welcome to cite it, there is no illegal element here, praying in public falls under 1st amendment rules of freedom of assembly and expression in the US. Its about as legal as dancing in public. You are creating a strawman.
He's supposedly quite the pious types. I believe he thinks converting a non Muslim is part of his religious duty.
There was this incident years ago, caught on camera and mike where someone was trying to convert a sri lankan player and telling him how all muslims go to heaven.. here:


I genuinely want people to take a minute, sit down and actually read this article

When someone with -100 IQ level decides to write an article
yeah, second one is fake news I think.. the sri lankan one was real, its all on camera and they picked up the audio too.. Ahmed Shehzad wala.

Doubt Babar would say anything of the sort, he comes across very polite, soft spoken, reserved etc during interviews.
109 posts (this one is 110) about an individual praying in the street in New York.

We are a very strange lot.
Thanks for this attitude of the old guard , now it has become the birth right for some to Block traffic ,occupy grounds, any available public space to pray.
yeah, second one is fake news I think.. the sri lankan one was real, its all on camera and they picked up the audio too.. Ahmed Shehzad wala.

Doubt Babar would say anything of the sort, he comes across very polite, soft spoken, reserved etc during interviews.

I remember watching that Shehzad incident live, really odd behavior during and after a cricket match of all places.

Its a symptom of Pakistani society in general, it all went a bit weird after the Zia/CIA Islamist experiment in the 80s. Imagine this happening now :lol:

I remember watching that Shehzad incident live, really odd behavior during and after a cricket match of all places.

Its a symptom of Pakistani society in general, it all went a bit weird after the Zia/CIA Islamist experiment in the 80s. Imagine this happening now :lol:

they're quite the pious bunch, Matthew Hayden spoke some about it about how the squad would all gather and bray 5 times a day etc during his sting as temp coach (but just in passing and as an observation, wasn't having a go at them or anything)

who these guys in the pic, Sarfaraz Nawaz ? and ??

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