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Moeed yousaf's another brilliant interview to CNN

Well he knows what he is doing which is why he has the job. What I wanted to say was that he lets Becky interrupt a lot. Becky makes the whole thing sound like an interrogation instead of an interview.

@araz this is what I actually meant!
Regarding false information being spread by India and its Proxies, he did mention it and said so. What I think he is doing is putting up a friendly nonconfrontational face that once allowed on the screen is not considered too adversarial. You also have to remember that it is Pakistan's image and the fact that its narrative has not been portrayed in the international media for so long that the West's agenda and narrative has now been accepted as divine truth.(Na'odho BILLAH). Now we have to put up a friendly face and initially get our view point across. The time to go on the offensive is not there as yet.
This remains my opinion and I could be totally wrong. The important thing is someone has taken up Pakistan's cause. And the days of nincumpoops like Gilani and Ganja Shareef are gone.
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