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Moed Yusuf: In Foreign Policy, Pak is Punching Way Beyond It's Weight!!!

How building of Rome is progressing:

How are all these a loss or relevant? Bangladesh gaining her independence is not a loss to me. Nor Kashmir it was always yours but I took half of it. I gained.

You talk about isolating Pakistan just look at your borders? Bordering 5 enemies who is isolated. Surrounded and weakened and also kept out of Eurasia effectively. Limiting you is not my only politics there is other geopolitics. But I am pretty sure we have gained everything we set out to do so far... The remaining piece is all of the sub-continent but that is for the long run
But not good enough. It isn't getting Pakistan the result it desires.


1. CPEC going full steam ahead
2. Afghanistan back in the hands of its people.
3. america, the west and india are out of Afghanistan.
4. Pakistan's exports are increasing.
5. Pakistan's income tax collection is increasing.
6. 10 Billion Trees being planted.
7. Gilgit-Baltistan a Province of Pakistan.
8. FATA now part of Pukhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan.
9. A Prime Minister who actually cares for and acts for the poor of Pakistan.
10. Said NO to america for bases in Pakistan.
11. Said NO to saudi on it's bogus war on Yemen.
12. Establishing new bilateral ties with Russia, Turkey, Iran, Algeria and Malaysia.
13. indian influence and presence in Afghanistan rapidly vanishing.
14. Greater and closer alliance with China and potentially Russia.
15. Defeated indian attempts to put Pakistan on faft black list.

How about you go figure out why your country keeps lieing to the world about its GDP, its increasing poverty, its Covid Deaths, its failure in Chabahar - Iran, its failure in Afghanistan, its failure in launching satellites.

I could do this all day long, pal!!
How building of Rome is progressing:

* Op Gibraltar: How it ended?

* 1971: Pakistan lost the Eastern wing

* 1990s: Khalistan insurgency failed

* 2019: Kashmir article 370 scrapped

What an idiot. Nations fights some time they win some time they do lose . Very recently india bold out for 76 right? but there was a day india made around 700 right? Mr chawal.. like you were slave for 1100 years now you got freedom for last 74 years rit? There is another example USA was supper power n fought many wars right? now China is superpower so time do give you chance once in life time. So enjoy your fuckinh freedom before it is taken away.
How building of Rome is progressing:

* Op Gibraltar: How it ended?

* 1971: Pakistan lost the Eastern wing

* 1990s: Khalistan insurgency failed

* 2019: Kashmir article 370 scrapped


At least we haven't reached the point where we need love jihad laws to stop our women from running away with other men.
What an idiot. Nations fights some time they win some time they do lose . Very recently india bold out for 76 right? but there was a day india made around 700 right? Mr chawal.. like you were slave for 1100 years now you got freedom for last 74 years rit? There is another example USA was supper power n fought many wars right? now China is superpower so time do give you chance once in life time. So enjoy your fuckinh freedom before it is taken away.
Stop! He's already dead.” | "You Are Already Dead" / "Omae Wa Mou  Shindeiru" | Know Your Meme
4 millions indians died recently due to coronavirus. Worry about them and their families:

I say this all the time


And these guys celebrate a car crash in Pakistan that might kill a old man..

This is why I found all that liberandu crap about #weStandWithaindianPeople shit abhorrent

There are millions of articles about the covid disaster in India, and I find to greater joy then posting them over social media in response to some Indian gloating about deaths in Pakistan

"Oh your happy a soldier died to a terrorist attack!!!,, Well here enjoy your Millions of dead Hindus you prick"

It just goes to show the abnormal obsession indians have with Pakistan and Pakistanis despite the fact that the living conditions of an average indian is FAR worst than that of an average Afghan or Somalian.......... 8-)

It's in thier DNA, Hindutva baniya will never accept Pakistan as a better place to live and more powerful than them.

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