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Modi will move India closer to Japan and China, US expert on Sangh Parivar says

dont u understand that i am much older and not going to do trashtalk with you.

but it is a problem,so dont boast around,seriously.
oh ullu da patha kehnda we cannot have it.
tell that person how full of shit he/she is

I had a sikh coworker working with me in a restaurant kitchen for some time during my studies , he always avoided eating Beef, I asked him why is he doing so since he is sikh and not a hindu. He answered that his forefathers have never eaten beef and have also advised him to avoid beef eating. He was eating all other kind of meat including what is haram for us muslims but never ate beef during my restaurant career.
You seem to think that you're making a difference with your observations on PDF. Don't for a moment delude yourself into thinking that you're somehow altruistic because of this. you're here for the same reason as everyone else, to feel good about themselves.

Now, did my advice have any bearing on you? If no, what makes you think your advice is any different?:drag:
thats not even the point.
point is u are a person who shies away from a stance everytime i see it.

I had a sikh coworker working with me in a restaurant kitchen for some time during my studies , he always avoided eating Beef, I asked him why is he doing so since he is sikh and not a hindu. He answered that his forefathers have never eaten beef and have also advised him to avoid beef eating. He was eating all other kind of meat including what is haram for us muslims but never ate beef during my restaurant career.
thats his problem,,,its written nowhere not to eat it.
all of us have hindu ancestery and many things carry over as a result
In Delhi, only in 5 stars or VERY select places, but the number of people who consume beef is significant in the sense of folks who will have tried it out but didn't probably stick to it.

As to the regular consumption of beef or red meat for that matter, bad idea if you're looking to remain healthy in the long run.

u need meat only if u r fighting.

anyway eat whatever u want,i am a vegan and drink milk only when it is fresh from the udders.
red meat=colon cancer
beef=well u will be fat as a pig with some lovely tapeworms coming out at night :angel:

Fish mere sher, Fish, best source of animal protein in the world, and milk the best source of the MOST bio-available protein in the world (whey, alas it contains too little of it though, but whey sub-factions have the highest concentration of BCAAs).
thats not even the point.
point is u are a person who shies away from a stance everytime i see it.

I don't treat my opinions with the same respect that you do. And that has something to do with the nature of this Forum.
You seem to think that you're making a difference with your observations on PDF. Don't for a moment delude yourself into thinking that you're somehow altruistic because of this. you're here for the same reason as everyone else, to feel good about themselves.

Now, did my advice have any bearing on you? If no, what makes you think your advice is any different?:drag:


Liking this aggressive Indischer

VEGAN! DIE! You're probably a PETA terrorist! :angry:

Aah PETA! Kill it with fire!
Most of the Sikhs are slowly becoming agnostic and humanistic anyway. In the past, Our Ancestors have the history of protecting Hindus from Muslim marauders . Now if the Sanghis think they kill Oppress Muslims and Christians with no reaction from us , they are in for a rude shock .

Khalsa will always protect the weak.

"Raj karega Khalsa ... aaki rahe na Koi "
Fish mere sher, Fish, best source of animal protein in the world, and milk the best source of the MOST bio-available protein in the world (whey, alas it contains too little of it though, but whey sub-factions have the highest concentration of BCAAs).

egg is actually the reference protein and not milk.
soyabean contains max protein,about 43% but 25% of energy from fish is from proteins(highest)..........so u can eat it without getting fat...............also advantage of dhea and epea

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