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Modi will move India closer to Japan and China, US expert on Sangh Parivar says

leucine is an essential amino acid,not protein
and egg contains all 9 essential amino acids., and that includes leucine.

and egg is the reference protein with npu of 96 compared to 80 for milk

Leucine is a protein sub-faction, ergo amino acid. I mentioned the metabolite HMB for that reason, leucine alone won't work, it takes a very specific 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs to do the trick.
Leucine is a protein sub-faction, ergo amino acid. I mentioned the metabolite HMB for that reason, leucine alone won't work, it takes a very specific 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs to do the trick.
man u can troll the whole day long,,,lol

npu determines how much protein u eat actually gets used in the body.

here milk is only 80 percent compared to egg,,,,there is no comparison.
the quality of protein depends on NPU
Just want to say this,RSS was the only organization in west punjab trying to help Hindus/Sikhs migrate and also later in Delhi providing them with shelter/food and all.

This is what the Sardars of punjab who never had to move will never understand,i dont find any hate for RSS from any Sikh who had to migrate from West Punjab.
man u can troll the whole day long,,,lol

npu determines how much protein u eat actually gets used in the body.

here milk is only 80 percent compared to egg,,,,there is no comparison.
the quality of protein depends on NPU

Milk is not in question here, I already stated that while milk itself contains the most bio-available protein it has too little of it, that said protein is whey, were you to run a utilization score for egg white concentrate and whey concentrate- whey will always win.

What do you think amino acids are if NOT protein sub-factions, all proteins are amino acids to begin with.
The milk abroad is not the same as in India.

Dont believe stuff that is made based on research on westerners and their dietary systems, and not yours.

White people are not some different species
Sikhs are a small minority in this big country. Nagpur wale Chaddis will march in Delhi, one day and Sikhs nor Christians or Buddists cannot do a thing. it will be Mohan Bhagwat's army marching all along India creating the 100% pure Hindiustan. Also, ethnic cleansing and the process of "100% pure" achieving will start. it will not be with Sticks and Chaddis. RSS apologists will be find even in (supposedly)secular institutions which are supposed to protect our country and it's people.

Jains, Sikhs, Boudh are supposed to merge with "RSS-Hinduism" - that is their ultimate goal. the sweet talks of "dharmic religions" are nothing but hogwash. you can see, RSS apologists opining that Sikhism is part of Hinduism or something similar. only Sunni Muslims will be aggressive against militant Hindus, rest of the communities be it Christians, Sikhs all wants to live peacefully here, even if accepting Saffron terrorists ruling the country.
I cannot speak of Jains or Buddhists ..But You see Modi does not enjoy same kind of public support in Punjab as in the rest of India . .General public opinion in punjab is that he is extremist pro hindutva, who took away land from sikh farmers....Unfortunately I have to say Sikhs also suffer from the same militant mentality as the Sunni Muslims . Minority we may be But we will not go down without a fight .

PS. I have supported Modi as a PM ,But I think these Sanghis and Bajrang dal are Modi's worst enemies . I hope better stick to economic reforms ,otherwise country will experience rampant turmoil and lash back from the minorities.
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