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Modi Says India Will Give 'Fierce Reply' If Provoked

Since Chinese incursion in Ladakh, Modi had been very angry. In response he issued

1- Statement that not even 1 inch of Indian land is occupied. ( He is right, not 1 inch, but 1000 sq km 8-) )
2- He shied away from naming "China", continues to shy away until now.

He is also truthful about fierce response.

He is giving fierce responses after eating tons of "Daal".
How many Chinese dead? Oh wait, too ashamed to give the number.
You should be thankful that the Chinese government choose not to disclose the number to avoid escalate the issue further. There are deaths on the Chinese side but the number is definitely not what you like to hear because it will hurts your indian feeling real bad and bring absolute shame to your sad little nationalism.

You should learn honor from your Pakistani brother instead of trolling at forum everyday.
Looks like it is impossible to provoke India. What has China not done to India in the last few months... but! :p:
of course,his,scared,

They have 5 times our GDP
5 times our forex
and second best equipped military on the planet .

we,will avoid war at all costs
but fight if we have too
Looks like it is impossible to provoke India. What has China not done to India in the last few months... but! :p:

Cant DM you. I read your post and agree with your concern wholeheartedly. So I deleted that other thread. It was a general question. I didn’t want to have any specific secrets revealed, but I agree the risk something may get revealed was too high. Thanks.
We dont need a full scale war, just be a pain in their neck.

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