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Modi Says India Will Give 'Fierce Reply' If Provoked

The cowboy hat didn’t suit him, would have looked fiercer had Modi worn a peacock headdress.

or just have his buddy sit on the top of his head
this from the same Modi that is too scared to even mention china by name? the same Modi that stated in a public address that no chinese are on indian lands?

ah i figured it out, whatever the chinese do/take, he'll just say it was never indian land to start with and therefore no reply needed. brilliant plan.

That is actually a very effective and cunning plan.


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India will, would, could, should.......if provoked
killing of 50 soldiers, taking 39000 sq Km was just a tease not provoking...lol

what a miserable state

jay modi, agli baar bhi modi sarkar
Barking dog that doesn't bite is the almost perfect defition for all indians along with modi.
is he scared of china? why not directly take chinas name?

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