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Modi:Popular leader of Muslims in Gujarat

Because they have oil?
Depends on what you see as correct..

Interesting Oil is thing which should make Country Rich and stable , So which thing is that making these countries Unstable ? you know well.

And I think out of 5 hardly 1 or 2 will be Oily all other non-oily.

But it's True that only One thing Correct and all of us can see it , just some accept some not.
That one view.. and a Hindu view..
Till we have a view of the UP Muslim.. one cannot judge.

Ok, You want culprit to act as judge, Very good....
Here is what Intelligence bureau is saying about UP.. (PS: Intelligence Bureau is under Sonia Gandhi who is pro Muslim leaderm Her son is Anti Hindu, Her son tried to declare hinduism as religion of terrorism..)

Communal situation in UP is 'volatile': IB
यूपी में कभी भी भड़क सकते हैं सांप्रदायिक दंगे: आईबी - Communal situation in UP is 'volatile': IB - Navbharat Times

Note: Its toilet paper news I am looking for more authentic source like Hindu and Indian exp.. Once I get that I will post that as well...
Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan,syria doesn't have oil, still these countries are unstable (politically).

Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan,syria doesn't have oil, still these countries are unstable (politically,Socially,Economically,humanely).
Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan,syria doesn't have oil, still these countries are unstable (politically).

Ok, You want culprit to act as judge, Very good....
Here is what Intelligence bureau is saying about UP.. (PS: Intelligence Bureau is under Sonia Gandhi who is pro Muslim leaderm Her son is Anti Hindu, Her son tried to declare hinduism as religion of terrorism..)

Communal situation in UP is 'volatile': IB
यूपी में कà¤*ी à¤*ी à¤*ड़क सकते हैं सांप्रदायिक दंगे: आईबी - Communal situation in UP is 'volatile': IB - Navbharat Times

Note: Its toilet paper news I am looking for more authentic source like Hindu and Indian exp.. Once I get that I will post that as well...

How is Sonia Gandhi's pro-Muslim view(or not) give her the authority to express opinion on the views of Muslims.
You have bought in a wholly unrelated person to prove your assertion of Muslims being the Culprit.
Where is the Muslim Leader of UP's views??
Plain and simple..

Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan,syria doesn't have oil, still these countries are unstable (politically,Socially,Economically,humanely).

Afghanistan(WOT.. unstable since Soviet occupation for its mineral resources), Somalia(African nation, Contested for throughout the last century and under all forms of rule) , Pakistan(Suffering due to its buffer status...) , Syria(Long term threat to Israel and Iranian Ally.. Iran is a pariah)..
Whatever instability that exists , is because these countries hold strategic objectives for the west..
nothing to do with their Muslims status.
Afghanistan(WOT.. unstable since Soviet occupation for its mineral resources),

It decides People that What they want in their country not their past , They don't want it , they want shariah.

Somalia(African nation, Contested for throughout the last century and under all forms of rule) , Pakistan(Suffering due to its buffer status...) , Syria(Long term threat to Israel and Iranian Ally.. Iran is a pariah)..
Whatever instability that exists , is because these countries hold strategic objectives for the west..
nothing to do with their Muslims status.

i don't think these reasons will save your wall from falling on islam.
the way non-muslims massacred in these countries it shows all (non-muslims will vanish from these countries in few decades).
Modi: Popular leader of Muslims in Gujarat. !!!

May be because he'll put them out of their misery......quicker. !!!

It decides People that What they want in their country not their past , They don't want it , they want shariah.

i don't think these reasons will save your wall from falling on islam.
the way non-muslims massacred in these countries it shows all (non-muslims will vanish from these countries in few decades).

Then thats your hate of Islam speaking..
not logic...and there is no further discussion needed with a bigot.
What is the use of voting congress in Gujarat for muslims?

Anyways, You can google "Muslims Gujarat economy" you will get answer.
Then thats your hate of Islam speaking..
not logic...and there is no further discussion needed with a bigot.

I don't think . This your blind approach towards Islam will lead more problems in your countries. I don't mind if will accept and say "Yes there is problem and Islam need a Repair in foundation part or Awareness about Avoiding Extremism in Religion "

Evolution is necessary , If someone avoiding Evolution that thing is Self-Destruction.
(i.e what happening in world compare to any other religious , non-religious killings , Muslim killing Muslims For islam are more )

Best Luck.
How is Sonia Gandhi's pro-Muslim view(or not) give her the authority to express opinion on the views of Muslims.
You have bought in a wholly unrelated person to prove your assertion of Muslims being the Culprit.
Where is the Muslim Leader of UP's views??
Plain and simple..

Muslims are united when they do crime, They save the criminals. I have seen it in bhagalpur. I was there when riots started (By Muslims) I was there when other party retaliate.

Till date no Muslim leader came up and condemn Godhra Train burning. Trust me No Muslim leader will come up and say "My Mulsim brothers you are doing wrong''. Muslims never condem there bad doing.

UP has seen 7 major violence in 6 months, Muslims are feeling that they will not touched by Police. Trust me If these feeling continue and they touch Hindus (which eventually they will do) They will face something worst than Gujrat....

As a eye witness of Bhagalpur riot :

(I was 7 or 8 year old, I still have dim memory of those horrific days. Kar seva was in progress, Mullayam singh massacared Hindus in Ayodhya. It was Dussehra in Bhagalpur, Muslims disrespected Goddess durga statue, Hindu objected. Since Bhagalpur city is Muslim dominated they killed many Hindus. Till that time everything was pro-Muslim. Police was protecting muslims and Leaving Hindus to die. (On order of Mulla Lallo yadav). Muslims slaughtered students of a local hostel just 2 km away from where I was staying.

Things changed when a Police officer was burnt alive by muslims , he was tied to his jeep and burnt alive, probably he was a SP or DySP. Police became angry, from there it became anti Muslim riot. ) .
To Pakistanis: I think Gujrat Muslims know the ground realities of Modi and BJP much than you guys, since they are natives to Gujrat and have been living there all their life. Admit it, you guys just hate BJP (and Modi) because traditionally they have been anti-Pakistan, and you use the Gujrat riots card as it pleases you :hang2:

Here is a 65% Muslim district in Gujrat voting for Modi and BJP for your viewing pleasure:

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Someone give her few AK-47. Say these words out loud in open without anonymity. Support them openly. Send hate letters to family of soldiers died and tell them they deserved it. Ask for the bloods of these soldiers and people won't let you live in India.

Soldiers do their duty, they have to follow orders. Go kill the politicians, why kill these soldiers ?

Soldiers are virus, get a life, don't disrespect them. Virus are people like you who destroy the very own body where they live.

People like you are afraid in going public to show their support.

These "slave"s saved millions of lives and still do while you through mud at them. I think for people like you, few million oppressed but alive Maoists worth more than the millions of lives of the soldiers and the billions they protect.

Leave Maoists coming to power, we would have lost Kashmir and various other parts to China and Pakistan without these "slaves" and will actually would have been living as "slaves". What about that circumstance. And Maoists if came to power will have to rely on these "slaves" to protect the country.

People like you are the problem, not the solution. I see SC/ST in every govt. institutions, having important ministries etc. Go out and look.

People will kick you out from the society if you disrespect our soldiers. You want attention rather than doing something for your beloved Maoists. I can give you the link where you can transfer money to the people who have taken non-violent route.

Blood,Gun. Blood Gun. Don't bring SC Bose. He wanted it against the foreign ruling power and didn't want killing of his fellow countrymen. Don't disrespect that great leader.

Go on do something and then let us know. Otherwise refrain from bringing your propaganda. :enjoy:
Now thats the real propaganda bile..Hail hitler.

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