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Modi Obsession on PDF

Real reasons for this Modi obsession on PDF?

1) A lot of Indian members here are hardcore Modi supporters and have been for a long time
2) Pakistanis as a whole are scared out of their minds by Modi which is in part split 90-10 between sheer jealousy and buying into the propaganda their media spouts about the "butcher of Gujarat".

I'll quote myself to further explain my views:

Good for you! I remember analogies being made between Imran Khan and Modi, both progressive and promised development. It must hurt that Modi got into office and by a significant majority against Imran Khan...

I'm pretty convinced a lot of the anti-Modi sentiment shown by Pakistani members here is fuelled significantly by jealousy whether they'd care to admit it to themselves or not. The "Hindu fanatic", "butcher" etc are all just an attempt to justify their dislike for the situation.

But let's admit it, most educated and aware Paksitanis would give their left arms for a leader like Modi who promises development and economy first and has been elected into a position with the ability to do so thanks to the number of seats who won.

The fact is you know under Modi India is going to be moving foreword whilst your country is floundering with the second-rate politicians like NS and Zadari. India is getting away from you and it kills you.

I've said it before and I'll reiterate it-99% of this anti-Modi sentiment in Pakistan is through sheer JEALOUSY. Remember last year all that Imran Khan fanboying on this forum? Imran Khan was projected as Pakistan's Modi in the sense he was offering development and governance who appealed to the youth, the so-called Imran Khan wave was going to sweep Pakistan and change their country. Sadly for them, IK was defeated and they were lumped with the inept Nawaz Sharif, I remember many Pakistanis at the time taking solace in that Modi would equally be quashed come election time, now look- he has been elected and in overwhelming fashion giving him a clear mandate from the INDIAN people. I've seen the youtube videos, there were Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims all celebrating on the streets when Modi won.

Anyway, the Pakistanis secretly know that Modi is going to push India foreword and further away from them and on top of that is not going to put up with any of their nonsense. It is a lose-lose scenario from them and hence this policy of trying to tarnish his name.
@chak de INDIA

Even few of "Experts" and High position holders are questioning the Secular characteristic of India just because another Hindu has become a PM. Of course you can have your own personal opinion about a person or leader, but you can't generalize entire country of 1.2 billion ( if you want to understand the scale, total population of the world is around 7 billion right now )

Then stop being secular KRAIT.

Start being communal like me.

Those damn foreigners. :mad:
I understand that Modi is a street fighter, and he beat up Kejwiral so badly that he ran home crying.

Rahul Gandhi did not even show up to the fight. He asked his mother Sonia to lecture Modi instead.

But Modi tracked down Rahul to his house and beat him up in the bathroom. Nobody has seen Rahul since then.

You have summed it up better than most Indian Political pundits....
Of course we all were little (OK I admit, very excited) about who will be next PM of India, especially Indians. But as soon as results were declared and BJP got clear majority, Modi is all set to become PM.

Now everyone on this forum is talking about Modi. Nothing wrong about it. But obsessiveness is obvious.

Even few of "Experts" and High position holders are questioning the Secular characteristic of India just because another Hindu has become a PM. Of course you can have your own personal opinion about a person or leader, but you can't generalize entire country of 1.2 billion ( if you want to understand the scale, total population of the world is around 7 billion right now )

So guys, and of course gals (not being sexist), what's your opinion ?

There are few reasons for this Modi obsession

1) his controversial role in Gujarat riots and his controversial speeches which just revolve around hindu nationalism and you know Hindu is someone who is follower of religion originated in India which exclude follower of Christianity and Islam and BJP has connection with extremist RSS as it consider political wing of BJP and were involved in many riots and anti-Muslim/Christian violence

2) Mostly Indian here are blind nationalists who were supporting modi and so in response Pakistani started teasing them by bashing Modi..again not because he is Hindu but because he is the voice of Hinduvata guys aka those who believe in hindu nationalism and Hindu interests. Hindu nationalism is not same as Indian nationalism
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