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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

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Oct 17, 2019
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Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries including Palestine, But Pakistan is not Recognizing Israel for Palestine, Even Main Holly Place for Muslims is in Makkah..



Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries including Palestine, But Pakistan is not Recognizing Israel for Palestine, Even Main Holly Place for Muslims is in Makkah..

India is an important country for the world economy. You can put any monkey in Modi's chair and he will get the exact same honours. Modi basically stole the credit for a robust economy which tool 15 years to build, 10 years under Dr. Manmohan Singh, a legendary economist, and 5 years under Vajpayee (who is the only BJP leader I respect).

Modi is only capable of taking credit for other people's work. He cannot do anything on his own. But yes, he does have a lot of experience in genocides.
India is an important country for the world economy. You can put any monkey in Modi's chair and he will get the exact same honours. Modi basically stole the credit for a robust economy which tool 15 years to build, 10 years under Dr. Manmohan Singh, a legendary economist, and 5 years under Vajpayee (who is the only BJP leader I respect).

Modi is only capable of taking credit for other people's work. He cannot do anything on his own. But yes, he does have a lot of experience in genocides.

Ohhh pls ...... Don't give credit to corrupted congress party. They have wasted out last 10 years (2004 - 2014)b y doing nothing

A remote control PM (Manmohan Singh) with hand of Rahul was a worst situation for India. Rahul is a son of Gandhi family, he does not deserve for CM candidate.
RIP in advance to those bharati Muslims who are relying on them. few Arab social media users who want some fame overnight don't represent all Arabs, Arab dictators don't care whether you live or die.

Organize yourself.

Ohhh pls ...... Don't give credit to corrupted congress party. They have wasted out last 10 years (2004 - 2014)b y doing nothing

A remote control PM (Manmohan Singh) with hand of Rahul was a worst situation for India. Rahul is a son of Gandhi family, he does not deserve for CM candidate.
Lol. India achieved a lot during the 10 UPA years - from RTI Act to Nuclear Deal. The economy was robust. But corruption was at incredible levels. Modi has drastically reduced corruption but has strangled growth and weakened independent institutions. It's a headache for objective voters. Who is worse?

Ohhh pls ...... Don't give credit to corrupted congress party. They have wasted out last 10 years (2004 - 2014)b y doing nothing

A remote control PM (Manmohan Singh) with hand of Rahul was a worst situation for India. Rahul is a son of Gandhi family, he does not deserve for CM candidate.

Wasted 10 years? I wouldn't put it that way. son. It was under Congress that India's economy got such a flying start. I remember the days when the economy was growing at 10-12% per year. The youth had hope, and optimism back then. There were MORE JOBS than people qualified to fill those jobs. Yes, all this is true. Now under Modi, we are back to the famous "Hindu rate of growth."

Not to mention that I would not have to worry about getting killed for no reason in case I were born Muslim.

Of course, your "goli maaro" Modi is a fine gentleman (sic). You can have him all you want, he reflects the people like you in more ways than one.
More honors and medals the better...

Modi the divider-in-chief was more apt and important for India than any symbolic model. India was never more divided religion and region wise as it is now.

Pakistan need to award a model to Modi for doing what the country couldn't achieved in decades. As it is said when God want to destroy and punish a nation or a group of people, they are made blinded by hate and bigotry and what is wrong is deemed as right and what is right is perceived as wrong by the people who were punished...

Godspeed to Modi...

Lol. India achieved a lot during the 10 UPA years - from RTI Act to Nuclear Deal. The economy was robust. But corruption was at incredible levels. Modi has drastically reduced corruption but has strangled growth and weakened independent institutions. It's a headache for objective voters. Who is worse?


I still remember when Atal bihari ji was in central. And what was the situation and how many opportunities we lost in 10 years.
Lol. India achieved a lot during the 10 UPA years - from RTI Act to Nuclear Deal. The economy was robust. But corruption was at incredible levels. Modi has drastically reduced corruption but has strangled growth and weakened independent institutions. It's a headache for objective voters. Who is worse?

Fair question, my objective voter.

As a human being, the only thing you need to ask yourself is would I trust someone with power if he is perfectly willing to suppress and genocide the weakest elements of my society? Not to mention someone with the perfect experience of massacring 2000 Muslims in cold-blood. Will I trust any psychopath to run my life? You might, I won't.

Just because I am not a member of that weak strata of society, does that make it right?

The economy, corruption, etc. should really be lower priority.

Also, RTI is a very important freedom which UPA gave to all human beings in India. You don't treat it non-seriously. According to original RTI provisions, even the PM was to be held accountable. Not anymore. Narendra Modi has diluted RTI to a great extent. A lot of RTI's were filed to verify whether Narendra Modi indeed has a Master's degree in Political Science. They were not entertained because of so-called national security. Why? Because Modi is not really very educated. There is no proof that he even graduated from high school. And what happens when you elect a less educated person in a position of such important privilege? The results are all before us.
Lol. India achieved a lot during the 10 UPA years - from RTI Act to Nuclear Deal. The economy was robust. But corruption was at incredible levels. Modi has drastically reduced corruption but has strangled growth and weakened independent institutions. It's a headache for objective voters. Who is worse?

UPA was better. It was corrupt but at least the economy was growing. Under Modi you don't even have that. Getting rid of corruption is never worth getting rid of growth.
Fair question, my objective voter.

As a human being, the only thing you need to ask yourself is would I trust someone with power if he is perfectly willing to suppress and genocide the weakest elements of my society? Not to mention someone with the perfect experience of massacring 2000 Muslims in cold-blood. Will I trust any psychopath to run my life? You might, I won't.

Just because I am not a member of that weak strata of society, does that make it right?

The economy, corruption, etc. should really be lower priority.

Also, RTI is a very important freedom which UPA gave to all human beings in India. You don't treat it non-seriously. According to original RTI provisions, even the PM was to be held accountable. Not anymore. Narendra Modi has diluted RTI to a great extent. A lot of RTI's were filed to verify whether Narendra Modi indeed has a Master's degree in Political Science. They were not entertained because of so-called national security. Why? Because Modi is not really very educated. There is no proof that he even graduated from high school.

Lol, I agree. I prefer Harvard and Oxford economists running the country. Yes, Modi is semi-literate. But I split my vote now - I didn't want BJP at the center but wanted BJP at the state level.
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