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Modi elected, Jinnah vindicated

Bunch of lie, he never said that. Mr Pakistani I will tell you the truth which Islamic/Islamized media don't tell you
Our Shia Brother Ehshan Jafri was surrounded by Rioters, He fired on mob, which made the situation bad to worst. By the time police reach Jafri was killed.
Police fired on rioters and 3-4 rioters were dead. If BJP wanted Jafri die why they send police and why police killed 4 rioters?
Our Shia Brother Jafri died because of sunni wrong doing, If he wouldn't have fired he would have got some more time and police would have saved him..

Shia or Sunni, for Hindutva trolls like you Muslims are all evil.
Most Indians have accepted secularism, which is a great thing for India. There will always be racism and people who will not accept diversity, but they can be...

Pakistan has a lot to learn in terms of following the Islam in terms of tolerance.

We have plenty of Mullahs who preach hate, destruction, and killing of minorities based on what their belief.. the day we have less of them is when we will move forward as a nation. For now...stay put and kill TTP.

Valid observations

Surprisingly, this time those who either voted in droves on traditional lines or did not vote at all have bucked the trend.

This applies to minorities, SC/ST , Urban dwellers and most importantly ladies. People for once have voted through their heads & not hearts.

This is the reason why parties like AAP have stood second in a number of places. The resentment among people including village folk thanks to the media was palpable. No one feel for the sops & employment schemes .

For once India voted correctly & this has served as a wakeup call . The BJP now has to perform of perish in the next elections.
Congratulations, now our neighbors can have a healthy sleep as India have validated TNT... How did we validate that ?? Bcoze after 8 decades a Hindu has been elected as PM with a huge majority.

Now let the fear mongering begin that all Muslims are dragged to streets and behead. Stop the fear mongering. It's just democracy doing its job. If he dose not deliver what he promised he too will be wiped out.

Sometimes these things really upsets me. We (all south east Asian countries) are capable of great things but we chose to get involved in petty things. Why dose it have to matter if TNT is right or wrong, we can just co-exist. No one is asking or forcing you to do what we are doing. But just be happy by what you are doing. If they have separated us, lets not add to it. Rather lets get together at intellectual and cultural level. Some work has already been done but we need more.

Why blame the governments when we at grass root level WE can change things...

PS: I am not aligned to Modi/UPA/BJP/AAP or any of the three letter acronym-ed political party. They are bureaucrats, I am a technocrat. I am who changes things at ground.

Apparently, insecurity and ability of seeing what they want to see, of some Pakistani members and "thinkers" have no parallel.
@Leader when tabdeeli brainfarts of Taliban Khan spreading like disease on internet, PPP or PML-N supporters were so scared to post anything on internet but when result came, tabdeeli went to the gutters and Noora won and all Noora supporters started to showup on the internet. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

WTF are you on about silly orange. Leave or I will eat you.

AnnoyingOrange is a very popular youtube channel about a talking orange who annoys everyone in the kitchen particularly the talking apple. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
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But India was ruled by Turks not the Punjabis, can an Indian christian claim that he ruled India and Pakistan for 200 years because British were Christians.

Mughal rule was mostly limited to northern India

Indian subcontinent never came completely under Muslim rule.

BTW Mughals were Uzbeks.
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Congratulations, now our neighbors can have a healthy sleep as India have validated TNT... How did we validate that ?? Bcoze after 8 decades a Hindu has been elected as PM with a huge majority.

Can you elaborate on this part above ?
I just hope that such threads are banned because they get infested by foOktards and I sincerely hope that this immature and idiotic talk of vindication or indictment must stop !

Pakistan doesn't need any justification to exist nor does our Father need any vindication for something that was decided more than half a century ago and supported by the bulk of his constituency - It was Our Decision and its Irrevocable !

Just like India doesn't need to give any justification to the British as to why did they go for Independence or not we don't need to give any justification for why we went for ours.

Countries and People decide for a myriad reasons and at a particular point in time; we're happy being Pakistanis and Pakistanis themselves should stop looking for vindication for that because there isn't any need - It was Our Land and it was Our Future and we decided accordingly & Indians in turn should stop coming up with ludicrous 'what if' moments in turn !

Its not as if the Brits are asking Indians, Pakistanis & Bangladeshi why did you go for Independence ?

Was it Economic Emancipation ? 53% of Indians, 49% of Pakistanis and 58% of Bangladeshis are living in multidimensional poverty so good luck selling that as justification !

Was it for Social Emancipation ? Our regions are riddled with everything from issues pertaining to minority rights, rapes, female feotus infanticide, rampant corruption, nepotism, acid attacks etc. etc, etc, - So again good luck selling that !

Was it for some sort of a Cultural or Linguistic Emancipation ? For godsake English is our Official Languages and our children know more about Macbeth and Monets than they know about our own literary and artistic works because in many ways the Brits were successful in making us 'British Indians' - the Civilized Savage from a Colonial Point of View !

And we imitate the West in almost everything we do from the Suit-Piece being the symbol of Professionalism with even our social paradigms extracted from there !

Maybe we should stop with this BS ?

Was it then for Political Emancipation ? Hunnnh ? What does that mean ? We don't Vote because its the fun thing to do...we vote because we want something's done...usually those somethings are 'Economic and Social Progress' or 'Emancipation' in a Colonial Backdrop, which isn't there !

Besides votes based on Tribes, Castes, Biradaris, Religion and what not is rampant in our countries and that speaks volumes about our Political Emancipation - Maybe we just traded in the Gora Sahib for the Bhura (Brown) Sahib !

At any rate I dunno what kind of political emancipation we were looking for when millions...tens of millions of us flocked to become Citizens of Her Majesty the Queen all over again since '48 !

And if we're gonna have 'what if' moments...what if we had stayed a part of British India ? The Gora Sahib grew out of his failures much....much....much quicker than we did and moved towards a more progressive and rational being before we even knew what those terms meant - Hes still way ahead of us on that front !

Likewise there are a plethora of 'what if' scenarios in case India and Pakistan were not Partitioned and not all of them are as 'Happy Ever After' as our usual brain-wave of choice makes it out to be !

So enough with the BS....enough with these endless brain-waves of 'Why was Pakistan Created' and 'Vindication' and 'Justifications' 'cause they reek of intellectual hypocrisy and little more !

That is our point precisely.

Pakistani members should not try to use Modi's victory for justifying TNT; it is weird and only shows their insecurity.
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