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Modi elected, Jinnah vindicated

he can .. i dnt know about their religion ..muslims all over the world is one nation .. that is what our religion said .. thats why we help muslims all over the world .. be it against afghan russia war, arab isreal war, US afghan war, kashmir invasion of india, even our frnd chines frnds complain that our people is helping their freedom fighters ...

Yes yes, See Pigs are flying...
Delusional Pakistanis and there Delusional Ummah..
Ok, lets help Balochistani Freedom Fighter, TTP Brothers, Karachi Seperatists, Fata Seperatists as well..

Don't your god talk about peace? What kind of religion which follower is talking only about war..

Every action,’ Narendra Modi once quoted Newton’s third law of motion, ‘has a reaction.’ Modi was referring to the murder of parliamentarian Ehsan Jafri. As blood flowed in the streets of Gujarat in 2002, a Hindutva mob had surrounded Mr Jafri’s home in Gulbarg Society.

Bunch of lie, he never said that. Mr Pakistani I will tell you the truth which Islamic/Islamized media don't tell you

Our Shia Brother Ehshan Jafri was surrounded by Rioters, He fired on mob, which made the situation bad to worst. By the time police reach Jafri was killed.

Police fired on rioters and 3-4 rioters were dead. If BJP wanted Jafri die why they send police and why police killed 4 rioters?

Our Shia Brother Jafri died because of sunni wrong doing, If he wouldn't have fired he would have got some more time and police would have saved him..
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he can .. i dnt know about their religion ..muslims all over the world is one nation .. that is what our religion said .. thats why we help muslims all over the world .. be it against afghan russia war, arab isreal war, US afghan war, kashmir invasion of india, even our frnd chines frnds complain that our people is helping their freedom fighters ...

Turkish treatment of Indian Muslim was even worse than British treatment of Indian Christians. Right Punjabis who never ruled own land can claim they ruled for 800 years or Pashtuns who were massacred throughout Mughal rule can too claim they ruled us for 800 years.
‘Every action,’ Narendra Modi once quoted Newton’s third law of motion, ‘has a reaction.’ Modi was referring to the murder of parliamentarian Ehsan Jafri. As blood flowed in the streets of Gujarat in 2002, a Hindutva mob had surrounded Mr Jafri’s home in Gulbarg Society.

They were armed with kerosene and, more damningly, lists of Muslim voters and Muslim-owned properties provided by the state. Using gas cylinders to blast through a wall two inches thick, they made their way into Gulbarg. Mr Jafri called the police, he called the politicians, and he called Narendra Modi. None came.

Mr Jafri fired at the rioters to disperse; they ended up storming his house. Muslim women taking shelter there — hoping the ex-Congress MP would protect them — were raped. When they got to Mr Jafri, they hacked off his hands and feet before severing his head. A pyre was improvised, and his body set on fire.

Ten years later, a Special Investigation Team concluded its findings — and they found for Modi. The report confirmed Modi used the word ‘action’ for Mr Jafri firing first, and ‘reaction’ for what followed. That proved nothing on Modi’s part, said investigators; Ehsan Jafri was to blame. Having called Mr Jafri’s firing ‘self-defence’, it changed the story a few pages later to say he in fact ‘provoked’ a ‘violent mob’, the same that would maim and murder him. File closed.

And this past week, there came the sound of another file closing. Narendra Modi escaped the past by convincing India he was the future. And whatever his faults, NaMo has been dead honest: he never apologised. The closest he came to expressing remorse was, “(Jab) ek chhota kutte ka bachcha bhi car ke neeche aa jata hai, toh humein pain feel hota hai ki nahin? Hota hai.”


Modi rode the waves of a saffron tsunami that flung Delhi wide open, stunning the BJP itself. The former chaiwalla led the lotus boys to their best-ever showing in any election: 272 seats was the magic number for the Lok Sabha; the BJP won that and 10 more, with 282. This is a straight majority, the first in 30 years.

Six times as many as their nearest rival. It’s fitting that the BJP’s biggest win means the Congress party’s worst-ever loss. ‘There is a lot for us to think about,’ said Rahul Gandhi, dazed to the very end. To digress: a shout-out to Shashi Tharoor is deserved, who skipped over sleaze and scandal to retain his Thiruvananthapuram seat for the Congis. Part-novelist, part-diplomat, and part-snake charmer, Mr. Tharoor’s life is a Bollywood B-film waiting to happen.

No doubt this is a watershed moment — just not the way the Indian press says it is. Yes, this has been the world’s biggest election. Yes, this is a mega-mandate, and from the world’s biggest democracy. And yes, this is the dawn of a new day.

Because Narendra Modi talks about rolling out ‘the red carpet, not red tape’ for big business. Because the Congress is corrupt, weeps the press, but money bores Modi. Where PM Manmohan was weak, they say, PM-elect Modi talks about his 56-inch chest. And in an age of dynasts, he is childless (and celibate, for good measure).

Yes, the Indian citizen voted for all that, and may just get it: economic growth instead of anemia, business instead of bureaucracy, decisive Modi instead of the doddering Gandhi-Singhs. But while India becomes India Shining — it will lose its soul on the way. If it hasn’t already.

With some 20 winners, this Lok Sabha will have the lowest number of Muslim parliamentarians in history. Despite their near-300 MPs, not a single Muslim hails from the BJP: a representation of four per cent in a country where Muslims make up four times as much.

Meanwhile, the RSS is on the march — everyone’s favourite Hindutva troopers know little else. For the longest time, the BJP had shrugged off their wilder cousins: their aims embarrassed coalition partners. But what better bridge to respectability than Shri Modijee himself, the RSS pracharak since boyhood?

The RSS threw itself in this campaign the way one does for their own — and a win for Modi means an open door for the Sangh.

The teasing’s already begun: on the eve of election, ageless RSS demon MG Vaidya crawled out of the morgue to demand Muslims relinquish the land where Babri Masjid once stood. For Vaidya, the masjid embodied ‘an invader’s arrogance,’ and Modi would do well to deliver on Ram Temple in its stead. Expect this sort of thing to get worse.

But was the Indian outcome that obvious? Was Mr Jinnah’s fear of Hindu majoritarianism valid all along?

Not if India’s starry-eyed founders had their way. Jawaharlal Nehru once wrote, ‘there shall be no unfair treatment of any minority. Indeed we should go further and state that it will be the business of the State to give favoured treatment to minority and backward communities.’

But this isn’t Nehru’s India: his daughter saw to that. As of May 16, it is the RSS’s. The same RSS that despised Nehru and murdered Gandhi. And the same RSS that has begun praising Indira: it was Indira Gandhi’s India that rewarded her party in 1984, while Sikhs were butchered en masse.

And it was Indira’s India again that saw Modi re-elected chief minister of Gujarat in December 2002 with a two-thirds majority, moments after the massacre. Because the brutal fact remains: Narendra Modi was re-elected chief minister of Gujarat because of the violence, not in spite of it.

That he was elected by millions more last week means no one cares anyway. Or cares enough.

The fireworks blaze orange across Uttar Pradesh, which didn’t return a single Muslim to parliament for the first time. India’s magic has fallen victim to Modi majoritarianism. And the reality of India has vindicated the idea of Pakistan.

Ironic then, that the reality of Pakistan could do so much to unravel its own idea.

Modi elected, Jinnah vindicated – The Express Tribune

Jinnah was vindicated the moment pakistan because an Islamic nation. As far as you start the great Hindu muslims divide do not forget, it was steamed by both jinnah and gandhi when they decided to split the nation which left 100,000's of thousand dead and shattered.
Ehsan Jafri did not call Modi in 2002... he kept on calling congress leaders who refused to help him...There is no call record to prove that what you are saying is true.
It's all there if you are least bit interested in addressing the topic rather than the author.

Zakia Jafri, the MP's widow, says her husband called Mr Modi for help but it never came.

Survivors of the Gulbarg massacre say he fired his gun in self defence as the violent mob attacked the complex.

Mrs Jafri has accused Mr Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ministerial colleagues, including top police officials, of conspiracy in the riots.

BBC News - Gujarat report says MP Ehsan Jafri 'provoked murderers'
Its the very same widow who has been shown the door out of Supreme Court of India for Lying.... was she sleeping for 4 years... she made these statements in 2006 full 4 years after riots... stinks of political motivation.

That's pretty disgraceful stuff to say about this poor lady even if you are a huge supporter of Mr.Modi. The particular incident of her husband's death is an extremely sad one & whether or not Mr.Modi could have done anything about it, it remains a terrible blot along with all the other deaths that happened during the riots.
That's pretty disgraceful stuff to say about this poor lady even if you are a huge supporter of Mr.Modi. The particular incident of her husband's death is an extremely sad one & whether or not Mr.Modi could have done anything about it, it remains a terrible blot along with all the other deaths that happened during the riots.

Disgraceful???? Really...whats disgraceful in calling a liar a liar?? She has been lying for past 7 years.. even under oath...despite of the fact that she could not submit a single proof to back her allegations.

This is true, yet again.... Indians have elected a terrorist to Premiership..

Mer desh...mera vote...mera PM... Tu kaun???
Disgraceful???? Really...whats disgraceful in calling a liar a liar?? She has been lying for past 7 years.. even under oath...despite of the fact that she could not submit a single proof to back her allegations.

Has she been tried for contempt of court? For lying? If not, I suggest you don't decide that she is. In the face of a mob bent on killing, are you suggesting she's at fault for not being able to prove something? Maybe her recollections are wrong or maybe it did happen the way she said. There is never going to be clear cut evidence either way. Calling her a liar is pretty disgraceful in my opinion.
We got problems of our own to solve, the people of india gave their verdict in favor of Modi, we as a civilized nation need to respect & accept this verdict, frankly it wont make any diff if we dont, Modi is still going to be PM of india, so we need to be realistic and should move on. On the other hand we have indian muslim staff in our company who are cautious and some what scared after Modi's win, this is also a fact.
Has she been tried for contempt of court? For lying? If not, I suggest you don't decide that she is. In the face of a mob bent on killing, are you suggesting she's at fault for not being able to prove something? Maybe her recollections are wrong or maybe it did happen the way she said. There is never going to be clear cut evidence either way. Calling her a liar is pretty disgraceful in my opinion.
But it was alright to blame Narendra Modi for everything.... even after court says he is not guilty..
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