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Modi chairs the meeting on Afghanistan. His expressions tells the whole story.

Incoming news:-

India offers emergency e-visa for Afghans after Taliban takeover

Indians had the chance to evacuate Afghan staff or allies in their C-17s back to Delhi but it seems they took just their Indian nationals back.

e-visa after that fiasco seems like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted; after losing their credibility. Basically their (the BJP) government seems to just copy nearly exactly what the US does; US created a website to get people out so modi is doing the same, during the beginning of the pandemic people in the us clapped and banged pots and pans for health care workers so Modi ordered the same.

they try to copy the US but do a poor job at it every time.
Modi hasn't got the balls (literally) to fire the utterly incompetent NSA Ajit Doval!
Obviously they are worried about terrorists taking over Afghanistan. You dont expect them to have a party for it now do you?
india should take afghan muslim refugees, after all india claims to be brothers of afghans.
All of Afghanistan's neighbours want peace in the country
By supporting Taliban? Sure.

India worried it will have a harder time perpetrating terrorism now?
But terror attacks in Pakistan still happening even after India leaving Afghanistan. So all those years blaming India for terrorism (through Afghanistan) have been a real waste.
Again, terrorist according to Pakistanis? Sure!
The only guy who was banned for 10 years in UK and US for his "work" In Gujrat riots, sure it was Pakistan who banned him.
May be they are. Doesnt change the fact that they are terrorists. And BTW, Pakistan itself was supporting USA against the same Taliban for the VERY SAME REASON.
Dude your screams are loud. How may we ease your pain?
No surprise here......

The Taliban fighters have put their AK-47s on the table at the Afgan Presidential Palace, and the entire Hindutva have gone into a psychological paralysis mode!! Modi has rushed to Gujrat to reinforce the Somnath Temple.....
The only guy who was banned for 10 years in UK and US for his "work" In Gujrat riots, sure it was Pakistan who banned him.
Was it for "terrorism"? Are you absolutely sure?

Dude your screams are loud. How may we ease your pain?
By not talking about irrelevant things? Thanks for your considerations though:)
Was it for "terrorism"? Are you absolutely sure?
You might wanna read up on that category, will make you very proud of your PM and the choices Indians made.

And again, how may we help you with your pain?
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