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Mob targets Christian locality in Gujranwala ‘for disrespecting Islam

Police need to be empowered, they are scared to do their jobs.
Btw try not to hit the submit button two times. You are posting double.

A bug in android..not my fault

Was a land dispute than religious Hindus left in 1947 and the land was given to somebody local.60 years later the hindus reappeared and tried to reclaim the temple peeving locals.
Another case of land mafia trying to scare away christians,although the legality of the settlement was questionable,and it was plausible that the colony was built on encroached land.
But police gave full support to christians anyway....Turning a blind eye from protection given to christians while advertising a land mafia attack..is unfair distortion.
Was a Quarrel between two men which went out of hand....Read the news properly.

Acid attacks are well known between ex lovers,and this case looks more like than than a religious one.
The woman went on to claim asylum in USA and had to present events in a way benefiting her asylum case.
In other news Muslims get attacked by Jihadis on almost daily basis..so nothing discriminatory for christians..they live in the same lawlessness hence facing the effects as muslims do.

This one was based on anger created by a certain |US pastor and was religiously motivated.
All hail the US pastor

Here you go. Denying that they are getting targeted is only going to make it worse, unless that's something you want.
No i dont want that,but the ratio of lawlessness against them is no more than what is against muslims so cannot be deemed discriminatory.
This growing intolerance will have long lasting effects.

Soon there may be casualties if actions not taken to suppress such acts with iron fists.

Actually you are wrong. The minorities are in really small numbers and spread all over, having no areas they dominate. Such acts hardly even lead to rioting (like it does in India) because the minorities have no chance of competing. Thats not the case in India.

The only change (if any) would be that minorities would leave pakistan.
Another victim of Pakistan's ill-reputed blasphemy law. This black law was passed by Zia Ul Haq and we are suffering its effects even now. We should have used a brain and done away with this legislation and FCR in FATA as well.

I wonder how many more will fall to this evil law before we as Pakistanis realize that it is our responsibility to treat minorities fairly and we are failing miserably in this. It is such a shame, such a shame that we are living with a 7th century law. Minorities should be treated as fairly as possible and all efforts should be made to ensure they feel equal to any other citizen.
Actually you are wrong. The minorities are in really small numbers and spread all over, having no areas they dominate. Such acts hardly even lead to rioting (like it does in India) because the minorities have no chance of competing. Thats not the case in India.

The only change (if any) would be that minorities would leave pakistan.

Wrong. Researching the demographics of 2 places will tell you otherwise. These 2 places are Sanghar and Tharparkar. These regions are indeed some of the most improverished in Pakistan but here and in some other parts of Sindh Hindus dominate. The same story in a number of other districts.

In both India and Pakistan, the minority vote does not matter when one looks at the big picture. India has 85% population Hindu, Pakistan has 94% (though figures differ)... not much of a difference there is it?
Abu Jahil ki ulad hain yeh Mullah saray !! BC !!

These Mullahs are the same ones who attended molanna diesels Jalsa in Minar-e-pakistan. These Mullah are a Wahabi infestation and we need to spray acid to get rid of this infestation.

You are contradicting your self here, on the one hand you are saying people of Arab decent are treated as elite and on the other hand Hinduism has poisoned Pakistan. How can the both fit into one?

You people belong to Islam and Ummah of Prophet Mohammed so why are you discriminating Dalit converted Christians in the land of pure after almost 1000 years?

Is it the magic of Islam not working on you or what?

Why Bash Hinduism and hide behind it when you people have some evils existed in your society.

General Zia ul Haq thought the same way as you and implemented purest form of Islam, follow it and lead your life of purity and leave Hinduism to us. Next time this kind of incidents happen do not hide behind Hinduism like a coward.
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Wrong. Researching the demographics of 2 places will tell you otherwise. These 2 places are Sanghar and Tharparkar. These regions are indeed some of the most improverished in Pakistan but here and in some other parts of Sindh Hindus dominate. The same story in a number of other districts.

In both India and Pakistan, the minority vote does not matter when one looks at the big picture. India has 85% population Hindu, Pakistan has 94% (though figures differ)... not much of a difference there is it?

So you are saying Hindus actively riot in Pakistan? Heck they don't even riot in BD where their nos are much higher.

Since its not their numbers as you claim, then are you saying they are just peaceful? :)
This entire "incident" can be summed up quite easily:

Uneducated "Mullahs" who believe only they know about Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) because they read the Qur'an (Dont know what it means or how to apply it to their lives) and 1 book on Islam.

The Prophet (PBUH) forgave entire towns and cities. Town of Ta'if every heard about it?

Noah (PBUH) gave Dawa for 950 YEARS. 950 YEARS! How many people do you think he forgave for insulting him? His own family didnt listen to his dawa! Did he hold any animosity against them? He even told them that he will protect them from the incoming flood!

Here you have someone who's cell phone rings and "Muslims" are saying "THAT BASTARD! HE IS INSULTING ISLAM?" Really? Where is Islam in the lives of these people? Islam is not a "Deen", it a WAY OF LIFE. Just because you grow a beard you will go to heaven?

The first people who go into Hell are a teacher, person who memorized the Qur'an, alms giver. Why? Because they pursued their lives to earn recognition of their actions. They did not do for ALLAH. They did for themselves.

Learn about ISLAM before you give out Fatwas. Because you will be held accountable for your actions, and the actions of those whom you brainwashed because you believed you are a Scholar of Islam.
News channels were saying that there was some sort of arguement between Christian and Muslim youths.
Thəorətic Muslim;4112393 said:
This entire "incident" can be summed up quite easily:


Though it is easy to blame the mullahs and yes i do agree they are part of the problem they cant lead sheep who refuse to be lead.

Every Prophet had the same message of peace and love and followers of each ignore the message. One other message repeated is to make sure your own life is perfect before criticizing others sadly that gets ignored as well.

If everyone concetrated on leading a humble generous life devoted to God they would have no time for mail order qualification preachers and hopefully no feelings of anger towards others. I can blame all sorts of people for my actions through the day but when it comes down to it I am responsible for my actions. If i raise my hand in anger it is not the fault of the person i strike or of the person that tells me to strike it is my fault my action and my sin.
Well whats the point of staying when you aren't safe? The police won't help. They are just corrupt, low paid, and terrified of the mob to do anything.

Because Pakistan belongs as much to them as it does to any of the morons in the majority. They aren't a group of people living under refuge in a country of others (Muslims), Pakistan by every right their's.
Because Pakistan belongs as much to them as it does to any of the morons in the majority. They aren't a group of people living under refuge in a country of others (Muslims), Pakistan by every right their's.

They are just people. You cannot expect people with families to take care of to "stand and fight". Unless the majority muslims champion minority rights, nothing will happen. They will continue to get attacked and they will continue to flee. To be honest, i think this is what most of you guys in this forum want too. Many of you are closet extremists justifying every bit of atrocity.

Besides crying foul on this useless forum, what do you people do for these minorities anyway ?
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