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Mob targets Christian locality in Gujranwala ‘for disrespecting Islam

Not every violence is based on religion and this one was more like children fight going out of hands.
But did the state provide protection?
Yes police were there and acted promptly.even policemen got injured.
So I would like to know the basis of your claims that christians are unsafe.

Would you like links of incidents? I have 30 mins before I have to head out. I'm not too active on this forum but every time I browse it and hit new posts I see articles of violence committed on minorities.
Would you like links of incidents? I have 30 mins before I have to head out. I'm not too active on this forum but every time I browse it and hit new posts I see articles of violence committed on minorities.

Yes and I keep reading your ill informed comments.
Police always intervenes and violence against minorities is no more than violence among muslims..
Its another thing that minority card is played far too often by them...even when the root cause of the violence isn't their religion but something else

Would you like links of incidents? I have 30 mins before I have to head out. I'm not too active on this forum but every time I browse it and hit new posts I see articles of violence committed on minorities.

Yes and I keep reading your ill informed comments.
Police always intervenes and violence against minorities is no more than violence among muslims..
Its another thing that minority card is played far too often by them...even when the root cause of the violence isn't their religion but something else
Exactly thats why i said-
instead of offering them to leave-
sort the house in order-
educate people-
create awareness- co existence- which by following principles of Islam is not hard to accomplish-

I hope you realize that this is harder than it seems. This bigotry starts at a very young age due to vested interests. Our educational system is too blame due to hate spread in the material.

-The madrassas need to come under the control of the gov.
-Textbooks need to be revised
-Where and why this hate is there
-The core issue of why this country was founded. (and what part our minorities have in it)
-Ways to improve social mobility
-Get religion out of government
govt is not helping the minorities either see the blasphemy law, marriage law, qualification for beaming president or prime minister, etc, these kinds of laws gives the impression to majority that minorities are second grade citizens and they can do what ever they want to do with them, there is nobody to care. first make laws which treat everybody equal, then implement it, then only this mob mentality and violence can be controlled.

According to the constitution Minorities have equal rights as Pakistanis-
the constitution doesn't make them Second grade citizens-
We have had hindu cheif justice- a christian Brigadier- and lot of other minorities in army-
So the Government prosecution is out of question-

blasphemy law is used by common people against minorities- blame the misuse- not the government-
marriage law- i am not aware of any- kindly tell me-

We have not declared ourselves as a secular state- so PM or President restrictions are fair-

I hope you realize that this is harder than it seems. This bigotry starts at a very young age due to vested interests. Our educational system is too blame due to hate spread in the material.

-The madrassas need to come under the control of the gov.
-Textbooks need to be revised
-Where and why this hate is there
-The core issue of why this country was founded. (and what part our minorities have in it)
-Ways to improve social mobility
-Get religion out of government

i agree with whatever you were saying except the abandoning Pakistan part- Hope you understand that-
According to the constitution Minorities have equal rights as Pakistanis-
the constitution doesn't make them Second grade citizens-
We have had hindu cheif justice- a christian Brigadier- and lot of other minorities in army-
So the Government prosecution is out of question-

blasphemy law is used by common people against minorities- blame the misuse- not the government-
marriage law- i am not aware of any- kindly tell me-

We have not declared ourselves as a secular state- so PM or President restrictions are fair-

i agree with whatever you were saying except the abandoning Pakistan part- Hope you understand that-

But weren't you advocating for sharia? How do you expect sharia to be used here? If the law of the land is not being followed, how do you expect divine law to work?
But weren't you advocating for sharia? How do you expect sharia to be used here? If the law of the land is not being followed, how do you expect divine law to work?

Law of the land will be followed once the proper education is in place-
I advocate shariah because Democracy has failed- it has provided us with greedy shameless bastard politicians since 47--
Under a God fearing authority knowing the teachings of Islam will implement these reforms better-
some thing tells me that bombination didnt work- poor you- :whistle:-

At least he knows his lineage and that of his parents. Do you? How did the abonimation of conversion work in your lineage?

On the topic, could this be a case of another land grab preparation or just once muslim proving that he is more muslim then others?

Law of the land will be followed once the proper education is in place-
I advocate shariah because Democracy has failed- it has provided us with greedy shameless bastard politicians since 47--
Under a God fearing authority knowing the teachings of Islam will implement these reforms better-

Ahem.... what will this "proper education be"? Will music be allowed then? Else these guys listening to music on the phones would have been wajib-ut-qatl anyway. So what would change?
Yes and I keep reading your ill informed comments.
Police always intervenes and violence against minorities is no more than violence among muslims..
Its another thing that minority card is played far too often by them...even when the root cause of the violence isn't their religion but something else

Yes and I keep reading your ill informed comments.
Police always intervenes and violence against minorities is no more than violence among muslims..
Its another thing that minority card is played far too often by them...even when the root cause of the violence isn't their religion but something else

Btw try not to hit the submit button two times. You are posting double.








Here you go. Denying that they are getting targeted is only going to make it worse, unless that's something you want.
According to the constitution Minorities have equal rights as Pakistanis-
the constitution doesn't make them Second grade citizens-
We have had hindu cheif justice- a christian Brigadier- and lot of other minorities in army-
So the Government prosecution is out of question-

blasphemy law is used by common people against minorities- blame the misuse- not the government-
marriage law- i am not aware of any- kindly tell me-

We have not declared ourselves as a secular state- so PM or President restrictions are fair-

i agree with whatever you were saying except the abandoning Pakistan part- Hope you understand that-

blasphemy law is not a fair law, it's not needed, any disrespect to any religion can be booked under common law which is for everybody, but again logic falls in front of the argument that Pakistan is not declared as secular state and creation of Pakistan itself is for Muslims.
besides that a law like blasphemy law is prone to misuse such law should be scraped, why do you think Kashmiris ask to withdraw AFSPA ? why did we opposed POTA law(special act to prevent terrorism) because it is too vulnerable to be misused, and victims has limited options to defend himself. something like that is going to happen with latest womens protections laws in India, modern powerful ladies will misuse it against men, that's my prediction.
marriage law - as I am aware Hindu men women can't marry each other with out the non Muslim converting to Islam, isn't it ?
Law of the land will be followed once the proper education is in place-
I advocate shariah because Democracy has failed- it has provided us with greedy shameless bastard politicians since 47--
Under a God fearing authority knowing the teachings of Islam will implement these reforms better-

Its not going to work. Or else we'll end up like Afghanistan.
Another case....

The blasphemy law is flawed IMO - No disrespect. Its misused so many times!

People who does this should be punished under the blasphemy law too!
The problem here is neither Pakistan, nor Islam. It is the police (implementation of law and order) that selectively decides when to use mere words, and when to take actions.

There have been numerous very similar instances in India too where the mob went after helpless minorities.

In a country with acute shortage of resources and a gradual build up of anarchy always leads to similar phenomena, be it in Pakistan, India, USA, or Greece.

It is very myopic of the posters who are blaming Islam or in general the Pakistani people for such persecution of minorities for silly reasons.
See there are ulterior motives- So someone is trying to stir up fitna and fasad-
dont think you think it is better to stay and fight- than to abandon?-

if the government is prosecuting them- the its a totally different scenario-

During the Capiphate time Mohammed-Bin-Qasim came to sindh and butchered lot of innocent civilians in the name of religion. I think at that time Sharia was being implemented. The same can be said about brutally killing of Hazrat Ali (battle of Karbala) even an infant was not sparred.

(No offence)

But the greed for power and domination is same every where and in every system, Democracy is some what better since there power is distributed and there is no single power center.

Hinduism religion of disease- :sniper:-

Yes Tolerance and accepting others faiths and equally treating them is also a disease :P
Contrary to all the rhetoric of how Hinduism could never influence Muslims - Muslims have adopted a lot of Hindu cultural traits (be it Pakistani, Bengali or Indian Muslim - Bengalis still do a lot better, I think they have had some reformers - not sure).

Christians are dalits of Pakistan, Muslim extremists deal with them exactly in the same way how upper castes deal with dalits (you will be astonished if you compare Muslim/ Hindu fanatics, they follow the same modus operandi down to the d0t). Christians are untouchables and expendable. How many of you know that Chorha does not mean a sweeper/ janitor but it is in-fact a caste of Christians? Chroha normally is used as an abuse (same as Dalits) Look at how Christians have been ghettoized in Pk exactly on same lines as dalits and like dalits they have been brought to a position where a majority can only work in menial jobs.

Arab complex is a shade of the same, Arabs didn't have that many children where they lived and died as many as they have in Pakistan/ Subcontinent (again a caste issue - Arab equals better caste then Persians then Hindu converts). Ridiculous claims of how son of Peer AbdulQadir came to Paksitan (from Baghdad) and now hundreds of thousands claim to be his progeny (justify it too - it seems more pious a man more blessed he is) he has left some children in all parts of Pakistan, like he came with the sole mission of impregnating as many Muslim women as possible.

The whole peeri-fakeeri thing revolves around caste - Hinduism has poisoned any and everything which came in contact with it, caste-ism is now present all over the subcontinent be it Christians, Sikhs or Muslims (though both Christians and Muslims have been most active in converting dalits on name of equality), same apathy to human misery. Wahabis are bat-shyt crazy but atleast a lesser evil then these hinduised morons. This nation is in need of some serious reform.
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