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Missile test failure: huge embarrassment for the Indians

It's a damned defensive missile system. Why are people getting so worked up about it? No system is 100% foolproof. With more tests we would rectify the problems of this system in future.
Nations which have designed and developed a Surface to Air Missile might understand how complex its programs are, how complex its technology is. But an article coming out of a nation who still have to turn to their east to buy it, do not necessarily or even need to understand what technology demands. Akash is repeatedly being tested to know where the problem lies, no missile has ever evolutionized without failures.

If this missile is going to be the back bone of Indian Military then the scientists must make sure that every failure is read and every threat is forecasted and tested accordingly.
may be their military is hiding the truth and pleasing Indians.
The guys who are mocking us don't say a word when our ABM system tests are successful. :smokin:

may be their military is hiding the truth and pleasing Indians.
If they had to hide the truth why would they reveal failure at the first place....apply some common sense.
Im a little confused here.....
Was the test a sucess or failure? Media over here is giving out conflicting news....
I dont care wether its a sucess or a failure...just whats the truth?
If its a sucess...then congrats..carry on with the remaining tests...
If its a failure....then fix the problems...try harder next time....
Whats the big deal in it? whats with the huge embarassment title?
So why are you getting so worked up about it?
Hah no ones getting worked up over this thread trust me. This is just false propaganda meant to hurt Indias reputation... Does falsifying India make you guys feel better or something? Seems to be quite popular in this forum.

Im a little confused here.....
Was the test a sucess or failure? Media over here is giving out conflicting news....
I dont care wether its a sucess or a failure...just whats the truth?
If its a sucess...then congrats..carry on with the remaining tests...
If its a failure....then fix the problems...try harder next time....
Whats the big deal in it? whats with the huge embarassment title?

They are both correct, however one only tells half the story. They fired multiple missiles, the first failed and the second hit its target from what I understand.
Now a Pakistani media is going to announce the results of Indian missile test..:angry:
Sorry to say, but this was a really poor attempt at trolling by the OP.

Theres a reason that tests occur, and that is to see if they fail or not. A fail in a test launch is not a really big thing.
Missile test failure: huge embarrassment for the Indians​

Thursday, 31 May 2012 09:47


BALASORE - Another failed project of the Indian defense forces has materialized in the shape of a failed test of Akash missile project yet again.

The ITR (Integrated Test Range) trial was conducted off the Odisha coast this past Monday. Reportedly, the missile flunked (fell down) immediately after launch causing billions of Rupees of loses and a huge embarrassment for DRDO. This was the third conducted trail of the six-trial series.

According to the local sources, the Indian Armed forces had planned a "twin trail" of the Akash missile with a one minute gap between each launch. The move was initiated to show Indian Armed forces' might and strategic dominance over the South Asian region, but due to the failed test has proved once again the massively corrupt failure in the Indian government and their defense capability. The test was to gauge the missile's effectiveness and killing efficiency.

The DRDO has further claimed that the Akash missile system consists of a passive phased array radar system called 'Rajendra' which has the capability of tracking up to 63 targets and controlling up to 12 missiles simultaneously. The Indian defense ministry can now put this project under the list of endless failures of total dud and moth eaten projects which never materialized as successful defense weapon systems which at this point seems like an impossible dream to achieve for the Indians.

Though a massive number of the Indian population still has no access to clean drinking water or to toilets, the warmongering Indian government still believes it can achieve a milestone by continuing its line of failures and false hopes of promises towards an Indian hegemony in the region.

Pak1stanFirst-Missile test failure: huge embarrassment for the Indians | Current Affairs
Propaganda to soothe Pakistan's insecurities............:smokin:
These links prove this report false-
Air Force version of 'Akash' missiles successfully test-fired - The Times of India
there are many more ........but you can check them your self
hahahaa Pakistan has never failed a missile test. I wonder if Indians can keep track of their count. :lol:


Source"- h_t_t_p : /_/www . hindustantimes.com/India-news/Orissa/Air-Force-version-of-Akash-missiles-successfully-test-fired/Article1-864334.aspx

So it is 3 Successful tests out of 4.

Plz someone post this as a new thread.
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