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Missile Technologies: Roketsan Aims to stay one Step Ahead of Rivals


Jan 10, 2012
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Missile Technologies: Roketsan Aims to stay
one Step Ahead of Rivals

Roketsan Vice President Mr. Necip Pehlivantürk evaluated the programmes that are being conducted by Roketsan’s Tactical Missiles Group to Defence Turkey magazine on the eve of IDEF. In our interview, Mr. Pehlivantürk commented especially on the development and mass production of Laser Guided “Cirit” Missile and Long Range Anti-Tank “Mızrak-U” missile and their integration to “Atak” Helicopter as well as the current status of these systems at global markets. Mr. Pehlivantürk made assessments on the mass production process of SOM cruise missile, development activities of the SOM-J configuration, current status of the Hisar-A and Hisar-O Low and Medium Altitude Indigenous Air Defence Systems while underlining the importance of international cooperation.

Defence Turkey: Dear Mr. Necip Pehlivantürk, firstly we would like to thank you for your time. Could you please inform us on the fields of activity, personnel organization and the programs executed by the Tactical Missile Systems (TFS) Group of Roketsan?
Roketsan utilizes new generation guidance technologies within the scope of the missile and weapon systems it develops. The Semi-active laser seeker and MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)of CİRİT Missile and innovative guidance control systems of “Mızrak” and “Hisar” missiles constitute the examples of these aforementioned systems. As the Tactical Missile Systems Group, we accomplish the system level design, development and integration of the missile systems that incorporate these guidance technologies. Moreover, we are in charge of the trainings provided to the users of such systems. A total of 500 personnel (80% of which is composed of engineers) are employed at our Group established over an area of 4 million square meters. 2,75” Laser Guided Missile “Cirit”, Long and Medium Range Anti-Tank Missile Systems “Mızrak-U” and “Mızrak-O”, Precision Guided Stand-Off Missile “SOM” and Low and Medium Air Defence Missiles “Hisar-A” and Hisar-O” are amongst the main programmes we have been conducting.,

Defence Turkey: As Roketsan Tactical Missile Systems Group, you have been executing many prominent programmes. Laser Guided 2,75” Cirit missile that has been developed and produced fully by Turkish engineers is amongst these programmes and it is being used by the Turkish Armed Forces for a while now. Could you inform us about the platforms that “Cirit” is presently being used on?
Turkey’s very first nationally designed missile, namely the Laser Guided “Cirit” Missile Project was initiated by the National Defence Ministry’s R&D and Technology Department in 2004. Turkey’s significant industrial organizations and institutions participated in this project together with Roketsan. Following the completion of the Project in 2008-2009, “Cirit” missile was integrated to the Super Cobra helicopters existing at Turkish Armed Forces’ inventory. Then we had the opportunity to make foreign sales. Within the scope of a contract we made with one of our foreign customers, now the missiles are integrated to two platforms. Currently, we have a few platforms in our agenda such as fixed-wing aircrafts and helicopters and our related studies continue.

Defence Turkey: What are your plans and studies for the mass production line and integration processes of “Cirit” and “Mızrak-U” missiles that are to be integrated to fifty T-129 B configurations planned to be serially manufactured in the upcoming period?
The mass production line of “Cirit” missile was established as part of the first contract. The establishment of mass production line and its qualification process were stipulated along with the R&D studies in the first contract and this line was established and qualified in this context. The integration activities to Atak helicopter are continuing within the scope of a project led by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries and it is to be concluded within 2015. In accordance with this project, the firing pods for “Cirit” are being manufactured and required software updates are being made. The first test-fires were made, the results are successful and they will continue in line with the scope of the programme. As of today, Roketsan has fully established the mass production lines that are capable of meeting the needs of both “Atak” helicopter and Turkey’s potential platform requirements, qualified the essential sub-contractors and is ready for brand new tasks.

Defence Turkey: In addition to the attack helicopters, the “Cirit” missile can be integrated to various platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles, land vehicles, fixed land platforms, light attack aircrafts, naval platforms, etc. Could you comment on the co-operations on national and international basis as well as ongoing projects concerning this issue?
There are different plans regarding the national co-operations. Activities on improving the capability and effectiveness of those platforms by integrating “Cirit” missile to various platforms continue. The foreign countries do not wish to reveal their own platforms. Our activities for the integration of “Cirit” missile to 3 helicopters and 2 fixed wing aircrafts in various brands and models are ongoing. Moreover, we received a demand from a foreign customer regarding the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Our evaluations regarding this issue continue and depending on the result of our studies we will be presenting our response.

Defence Turkey: “Cirit” missile is the first guided missile delivered to the inventory of allied armed forces under a mass production contract. You accomplished a major sale to United Arab Emirates and achieved an important score in 2013. Following this great success, what is the general approach towards “Cirit” missile? Which countries are interested in this product?
That contract is valid and we are proceeding in line with the schedule by realizing our commitments in a timely manner. After that sale, “Cirit” drew the attention of other countries of Gulf region and our efforts on a contract with Bahrain keep going. The contract will be based on the adaptation of “Atak” helicopter’s configuration to Bahrain. Bahrain’s helicopters will be modernized under TAI’s leadership while Roketsan will conduct the activities regarding “Cirit”. As you may recall, we previously signed MoU with the platform manufacturer Airbus Helicopter Company and we are still working within the scope of this MoU. South Korea is interested as well and we offered our “Cirit” missile to them as part of the new light weight helicopter procurement programme. Similarly, we know that Germany is primarily evaluating our missile within the scope of the modernization programme of UH-Tiger helicopters. Our cooperation with MBDA Germany on this matter continues. We presented our proposal related with the demand from Algeria, North Africa. Last but not least we are in contact with other countries and we are introducing them our system.

Defence Turkey: You mentioned about German Tiger helicopters and that you signed MoU on this matter with the related parties. What would you like to say on the scope of this agreement and the preliminary activities conducted?
UH-Tiger helicopter is a platform that has been specifically designed and manufactured for a certain task. When the Tiger helicopters were modified in line with the current requirements, we suggested our “Cirit” missile both to Airbus Helicopter (the producer of Tiger helicopter) and to German Ministry of Defence in order to enable their compatibility with asymmetric warfare requirements and they reacted positively. Surely, the procurement programmes related to the defence industry in Germany is a long term process and we have been told that it may take couple of years. Currently, we are conducting our efforts in this direction and we will offer our proposal in the tender.

Defence Turkey: We know that within the scope of this programme and within German Ministry of Defence, several analyses are being conducted for finding cost-effective solutions and for the procurement of most developed systems. Which advantages do you think the “Cirit” missile offers to its user regarding both aforesaid points?
Two major tenders were executed in this context and as Roketsan we won two of them except the FMS (Foreign Military Sale) case. We have not lost a single tender until now. “Cirit” is a first in its own category and we are enjoying this advantage. At the last tender process, we had many strong rivals and still we won the tender despite our strong competitors. This indicates that we prepared the most valuable proposal. As our product had price and performance advantage compared to its rivals, we were selected at those tenders. Therefore, I believe we have to maintain this advantage in the future tenders, including Germany. Without doubt, we have to continue to work to reduce the costs, and add some new features to the product as well as modifying it in line with the expectations of the customers in order to cover our customers’ needs in the best possible way.

Defence Turkey: In addition to the “Cirit” missile, one of the most significant programs of Roketsan is the Long Range Anti-Tank Missile System “Mızrak-U”. The tests of the systems are still ongoing. How many different configurations will “Mızrak-U” Anti-Tank missile system have and could you inform us on the project schedule determined for qualification and mass production of the system?
“Mızrak-U” anti-tank missile system’s basic configuration is imaging infrared seeker configuration. Currently, the studies for the contract based configuration and its development continue, and our project will be completed in 2015. Meanwhile, Roketsan introduced 2 more configurations which have been developed by its own resources that may be used in different missions by customers and one of them is the laser seeker configuration. Currently, the “Atak” helicopter and our customers using “Cirit” missile have the laser designation capability. Therefore, assessing that this would be taken immediately into use, we developed the laser seeker terminal guidance configuration. Similar to the basic configuration, this “Mızrak-U” with laser seeker will also be used against the tanks. The other configuration is the warhead variation and Roketsan developed a high-explosive warhead in addition to the tandem, armor piercing warhead. We will be presenting this to the attention of our customers in order to be used for various targets.

Defence Turkey: Our Indigenous Stand-off-Missile (SOM) that was developed through national resources by TÜBİTAK SAGE and Roketsan is initially aimed to be used in Turkish Armed Forces’ F-4E/2020 and F-16 Block40 Fighter Aircrafts. Could you please inform us on the current test process, programme and delivery schedule?
As you have mentioned, the development of the system was successfully completed by TÜBİTAK SAGE. As Roketsan, we participated in a tender involving the mass production of the systems required by our Air Forces Command last year, won it and made a contract. Our studies in this context continue. The deliveries are to be initiated within 2015 and we shall be delivering the quantities stated in the contract to the inventory of our Air Forces Command in line with the schedule.

Defence Turkey: How many types of SOM configuration are available during the mass production process?
Presently, there are two main configurations. The first configuration, provide inertial guidance with terrain reference navigation capability and the second one is additionally effective against moving targets with seeker. It is possible to add a data link to these configurations that enables communication with the platforms. The number of configurations may be increased with warhead variants but the main ones are these two configurations. Our Air Forces Command identified various requirements for different types of configurations and we will be fulfilling these needs.

Defence Turkey: Within the scope of SOM-J programme conducted by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, you signed a cooperation agreement for the modification of the integration of SOM missile into F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s (that Turkey will be purchasing) airframe, with Lockheed Martin in previous months. Which phases are involved in this agreement? Could you inform us on the studies being executed in this regard?
Roketsan signed an agreement with our Undersecretariat for Defence Industries in 2014. This agreement covers the JSF F-35 internal weapon bay integration and modification of SOM for internal carriage. TÜBİTAK SAGE joined the studies to be responsible for design modification. Surely, within the scope of the project, the plans are being made not only for the aircrafts that Turkey will be purchasing but also for all the user countries’ needs. After all, this is one of the major objectives of our agreement with Lockheed Martin. We aim to build cooperation with such a company that is capable of opening new markets to us and of directing all markets including the ones it is already dominating and thus presenting the SOM-J configuration to all JSF user countries. Our current project is a three-year project and within this period, we plan to complete the design and qualification of SOM-J.

Defence Turkey: Will these 6 orders be in Block-3F configuration or are they expected to be prepared for the Block 4 configuration that is planned to be included into the package of 100 items? Could you make any time estimation?
According to the existing plans, they will be in Block 4 configuration. We cannot mention anything in this context since there may be a change in the schedule regarding the JSF programme, but we will accomplish our own studies within 3 years.

Defence Turkey: In line with the SOM-J programme, are you still conducting negotiations with Lockheed Martin on the integration of SOM-J missile to the F-35 that merely remains at the United States of America’s inventory?
Yes, we are. Lockheed Martin has both missile and aircraft units. We are developing the missile jointly with Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control while conducting the integration activities with Lockheed Martin Aeronautics . We are executing this cooperation within the framework of the agreement signed by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries.

Defence Turkey: One of the most significant programmes Roketsan conducts with Aselsan is the Hisar-A and Hisar-O programme. How are the test activities proceeding in these programmes? Could you summarize the current status of the programme?
Roketsan is responsible for the development and qualification of the missiles in this project. Two types of missiles that will be active in various altitudes and ranges are being developed. We realized the related tests in Aksaray Test Center and both of the tests resulted in success. We will be conducting one more test until the end of this year according to our plans and our missile development programme is proceeding as planned.

Defence Turkey: The tender process of T-LORAMIDS programme has not been completed yet. The negotiations with the bidders still continue. As Roketsan, you are considered amongst the prominent shareholders of the programme. Which responsibilities will you be undertaking with the start of this programme?
Regarding the T-LORAMIDS programme, we conducted talks with the companies invited by our Undersecretariat and prepared our proposals. Within the scope of the preliminary programme, we will be continuing our studies with the companies selected by our Undersecretariat for Defence Industries.

Defence Turkey: In parallel with the T-LORAMIDS programme, several studies on the development of Turkey’s Indigenous Long Range Air and Missile Defence System led by Aselsan and Roketsan and under the coordination of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries are being executed. Do you think that Turkey reached the level and capacity to build her own independent, Long Range Air Defence System with the experiences gained? How long does Turkey need to build such a complex system?
Turkey, reached such a level with the help of the programs pursued in line with the plans over the years. Therefore, as Roketsan, we believe that Turkey reached the technical depth allowing the country to assume the responsibility of such a system. Surely, the planned timings for this project need to be evaluated in detail. There are ways to accelerate the duration of the development processes in case an incompatibility between the foreseen durations and identified needs exists. We may have some inadequacies, but still there are ways to compensate them through various types of cooperation. In summary, I believe that as of now Turkey has arrived the maturity level to assume the responsibility of such a system.

Defence Turkey: Do you have any additional remarks on the other programmes conducted by the Tactical Missile Systems Group?
Considering the tactical missile programmes, with our existing products and with the ones under development, we have missile systems that are effective against all types of threats. Some of our products are under mass production while some are still under development phase. As soon as these processes are accomplished, we may proudly announce that we will have the capacity to manufacture the missile systems, with our national resources, that can be effectively used in land, air, naval or underwater warfare.

Defence Turkey: Lastly, would you like to convey any message to the readers of Defence Turkey?
Defence Turkey Magazine is a successful defence platform that masterfully reflects the developments in the sector and we closely follow your magazine. As Roketsan, we always aim higher toward prospects and thus accomplish new projects. We would like to thank you for sharing our enthusiasm.
Defence Turkey: Thank you very much.
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