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Missile defence shield ready: DRDO chief

Most of our missiles including the latest one we just tested is 'stealth'. Good luck...

ballistic missile is "Stealth"????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

by the way,neither cruise missiles are "Stealth"...their terrain hugging capability is the reason of radar evasion.
Shaheen 1A
On 25 April 2012, Pakistan successfully test-launched an upgraded Shaheen I called Shaheen 1A. Like the US naming of the Pershing 1 and 1A, Pakistan has named both missiles as Shaheen 1 and 1A respectively. The features of the Shaheen 1A are similar to the United States MGM-31 Pershing 1A. The military said in a statement that the Shaheen 1A is a medium-range ballistic missile.[5] It is an improved version of the Shaheen 1 with better accuracy and double the range of its predecessor.[6]

The Pakistani military initially did not publicly reveal the range of the missile which lead to media speculation of the true range of the missile. The missile is also equipped with maneuverable reentry vehicle warheads designed to evade missile defense systems, he said.[7] The speed of the Shaheen 1A also provides an extremely high impact speed for nearby targets, enabling it to avoid any anti-ballistic missile defenses that may develop in the immediate region. A western official in Islamabad mentioned that the Shaheen 1A missile seems to have an improved ability to strike at its targets. It also has a more powerful engine, which means that it travels at scramjet speeds and can strike at longer distances than Shaheen-1.[8]

On 25th April 2012, the ISPR revealed more information about the missile. The missile weight is approximately 10,000 kg, slightly heavier than its predecessor and can carry either a single 1000kg warhead or be MIRVed with between 3 to 5 nuclear warheads weighing between 200-300 kg each.[9] In addition, the Shaheen IA primarily contains sophisticated automated refueling and advanced stealth technology features that were not present in its previous version to avoid detections from radars. Even Pakistani radars could not track the missile after it was launched.All three Shaheen missiles, Shaheen I, Shaheen 1A and Shaheen II are reportedly equipped with the latest PSAC (Post-Separation Attitude Correction) system. This is a unique feature which consists of small thrusters that can adjust the warhead trajectory for greater accuracy and evading anti-ballistic missile defence systems. The features of the missile could also serve as a testbed of features which could be implemented on the yet to be deployed Shaheen III which could potentially have a range of 4500km

Babur Cruise Missile:
Babur has a target range of 700 kms, said ISPR in a news release here. The missile test was conducted to validate the design parameters of the weapon system and a new Missile Launch Vehicle (MLV).

"Babur Cruise Missile is low flying, terrain hugging missile with high maneuverability, pin-point accuracy and radar avoidance features.

"It can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads and has stealth capabilities. "It also incorporates the most modern cruise missile technology of Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) and Digital Scene Matching and Area Co-relation (DSMAC)."
A special feature of Friday's launch was the validation of a new multi-tube MLV during the test. The three tube MLV enhances manifold the targeting and deployment options in the conventional and nuclear modes. With its shoot-and-scoot capability, the MLV provides a major force multiplier effect for target employment [

Ra'ad Air Launched Cruise Missile:
Developed exclusively for launch from Aerial Platforms, the Ra’ad Missile can be carried by Pakistan’s strike fighters such as the upgraded Mirage IIIEA, which provided the launch platform for the recent test, and, possibly the JF-17 Thunder.

As a ‘Cruise missile’ Ra’ad is designed to fly low altitude, automatically maneuvering through terrain following flight profile to avoid detection by ground based air defenses. The missile also uses stealth technology to further reduce probability of detection. The missile uses GPS and infra-red imaging (IIR) seeker to navigate employing ‘digital scene-matching’ techniques.

Pakistan was able to recover at least two RGM/UGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles launched by U.S. forces against targets in Afghanistan in 1998. The missiles landed unexploded in Southern Pakistan, enabling Pakistani scientists to study the weapons and improve previous designs dated from the mid- 1990s. The development of the Raad ALCM began in 2003 and the first firing took place in 2007

More to come.... lol.
Most of our missiles including the latest one we just tested is 'stealth'. Good luck...
Yeah sure sir..wat ever makes u happy, next u guys come and claim that pakistani military chief switches a button and pakistani land vanishes from gps, enemy radar, naked eye vision even that wont surprise me..i mean anything to make the neighbour happy...
Rather than protecting the cities, it would be better to place missile batteries very near to pakistan border so that missiles will be taken down as soon as they are erected to be launched.. :lol:

We can as well place an array of ABM battery along the border..


oye bharti , yar tujhay jab defence-related issues ka kch pata nahi hai to tu yahan pe kya krnay aya hai?

Another bharti from hindu-stan to embarrass his country and people :woot:

Your ABM batteries will be taken out by Pakistani artillery fire , cruise missiles waves , and Pakistani Air Force's strike-squadrons equipped with anti-radiation missiles such as MAR-1 etc

Now go back to youtube honey :wave:
How much it costs??

I want to buy one for my house.
In addition, the Shaheen IA primarily contains sophisticated automated refueling and advanced stealth technology features that were not present in its previous version to avoid detections from radars. Even Pakistani radars could not track the missile after it was launched.

More to come.... lol.

IS that a report by mr Zaid Hamid????!!! What happened to you guys??? lol A person with simple common sense wioll not believe in this BS.

1) Ballistic missile with refueling capability!! lol
2) Even Pakistan radars could not track the missile! what radar did pakistan use? the missile looked very similar to previous missile.
3) Only one warhead is possible in that nosecone.
4) all low flying cruise missiles are difficult to detect but that do not make them stealth. if a mirage-2000 fly near to the ground to evade enemy radar it does not become stealth. such cruise missiles are easy to engage. our Akash has capability to destroy such low flying cruise missiles.

As I thought it is from 'the nation'. :lol:

Upgraded Hatf IV test-fired | The Nation

the famous conspiracy and BS news. Its editor in chief asked military to bind him with the missile when it will be launched for delhi!.

wake up, no more joke.
I don't believe that India should not deploy this system. The reason is that PAD is not a practical system as it is a liquid fuel system. It would take too long to fuel itself. India should allow US to deploy THAAD in India to ensure Indian safety.

On a side note, does AAD contain KKV technology?
I don't believe that India should not deploy this system. The reason is that PAD is not a practical system as it is a liquid fuel system. It would take too long to fuel itself.
PAD is a tech demo for PDV. PDV will replace PAD.

India should allow US to deploy THAAD in India to ensure Indian safety.
Is that a joke?
On a side note, does AAD contain KKV technology?

No. Its PAD.

oye bharti , yar tujhay jab defence-related issues ka kch pata nahi hai to tu yahan pe kya krnay aya hai?

Another bharti from hindu-stan to embarrass his country and people :woot:

Your ABM batteries will be taken out by Pakistani artillery fire , cruise missiles waves , and Pakistani Air Force's strike-squadrons equipped with anti-radiation missiles such as MAR-1 etc

Now go back to youtube honey :wave:
And we will cheer for your so called cruise missile waves and artillery fire , sitting in front of TV
By the way Best of luck
1) Ballistic missile with refueling capability!! lol
How is that even possible ??? A5 flies at a speed of Mach 25, there's no way anything can reach close to it to refuel it...Looks like Pakistani Ballistic missile is also subsonic...:azn: That way its possible to refuel it but a subsonic ballistic missile is of no use...

all low flying cruise missiles are difficult to detect but that do not make them stealth. if a mirage-2000 fly near to the ground to evade enemy radar it does not become stealth. such cruise missiles are easy to engage.
Thats true....This is why cruise missile are able to evade the radars....but a subsonic cruise missile is of no use today if you have decent french or israeli radars....Not including US because they like to tweak such devices...

our Akash has capability to destroy such low flying cruise missiles.
Sorry my friend but thats a wishful thinking...The new arudhra radar are modified israeli radars so they are atleast as good as their israeli counterpart. These radars can track cruise missile very easily but to make sure that akash can intercept it, we need to conduct test and then we can say for sure that Akash can intercept cruise missile. But there are close to half a dozen SAMs that can intercept a cruise missile. S300 - S400 are very good SAMs. The best for India is to join hands with Russia on their future S500 SAM or Israeli's Arrow 3.
How much it costs??

I want to buy one for my house.

Hey if you've got $4 BN burning a whole in your pocket why not save a few dollars- give me $1-2 BN and I'll get my baseball bat and get protecting your house 24/7. Lol!
India develops missile shield, can protect two cities

India has developed missile defence shield which can be put in place at short notice to protect at least two cities, bringing the country on par with an elite group of few nations.

The shield, developed by DRDO, has been tested successfully and an incoming ballistic missile with the range of up to 2,000 kms can be destroyed. The system is to be upgraded to the range of 5,000 kms by 2016.

"The Ballistic Missile Defence shield is now mature...We are ready to put phase one in place and it can be put in very short time," DRDO chief VK Saraswat told PTI in an interview.

He said the shield, as part of phase one of the programme, can be put in place at two places in the country, where the infrastructure is available.

However, the two places have not yet been identified and the selection will be made at the political level.

The DRDO used variants of Prithvi missiles as simulated targets and successfully intercepted missiles in test-firings.

"We have carried out six successful launches and demonstrated the capability for 2,000 km targets...We have demonstrated it in two layers that is endo-atmospheric (inside the Earth's atmosphere) and exo-atmospheric (outside the Earth's atmosphere)," Saraswat said.

He said all the elements such as long-range radars and tracking devices, real-time datalink and mission control system required for the missile system have been "realised" successfully.

Under the phase two of the project, the premier defence research agency would upgrade the system to handle ballistic missiles with range of 5,000 km. This phase is expected to be ready by 2016.

The system required for phase-II of the project is being developed, he said, adding that for this purpose, ships are being built from where the target missiles would be launched.

The DRDO chief said the phase two of the project is expected to be completed by 2016.

Talking about the advancement of the system, Saraswat said the missile defence shield has been "automated" to an extent where human intervention would be required only if the mission has to be aborted.

The DRDO chief said the Indian missile defence system is comparable with the US Patriot 3 system, which was successfully used during the 1990 Gulf War against Iraq.

As part of its efforts to protect itself from enemy missiles, India is developing this two-tier BMD which can intercept enemy missiles at altitudes of 80 km and 150 km.

The DRDO is thinking of intercepting the missiles at higher altitudes as it would give it more response time in case the first attempt is a miss and the second layer of the system can be put into action.

The system was first test-fired in November 2006 elevating India into the elite club of countries to have successfully developed an Anti-ballistic missile system, after United States, Russia and Israel

India develops missile shield, can protect two cities - Hindustan Times
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