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Misleading reports related to IAF capability and Pakistani media bravado

This forum is a testimony to what you are saying. For effective propaganda and to put out a united message.....you have to have Nationalism first. Indian's, no matter what political party, religion or belief system or at times hatred for their system they may have, will STILL sound like "I Love India, its System". While Pakistani's are more like, I hate everything in and about the Pakistani system because my uncle's friend or my political hero didn't get elected for the PM or other seats. Your message comes across divided and broken. There are a few threads that tell the world some good things happening inside Pakistan, like some infrastructure projects, oil and mineral exploration and all. BUT, if you read Pakistanis messages, its sad to see how everyone thinks whoever is in power is corrupted, the system is corrupted and all because, someone's political hero didn't get elected for power seat. Until this individualism exists, you won't even show a united nation to the world, let alone countering propaganda like India's massive media assault.
exactly could not agree more. But this individualism will still remain as it is since the education system from where they all come is based on division and individualism. Actually the education system in place in pakistan is the same Lord McAulay......


This was designed to basically keep a Nation slave.
exactly could not agree more. But this individualism will still remain as it is since the education system from where they all come is based on division and individualism. Actually the education system in place in pakistan is the same Lord McAulay......


This was designed to basically keep a Nation slave.

Ok, fine. Let's say it was the Brits.....but Indian nationalism is still much higher today.....???and it is Pakistan that I am referring to......and let's say we now know the issue, what are the people going to do to resolve it?
Ok, fine. Let's say it was the Brits.....but Indian nationalism is still much higher today.....???and it is Pakistan that I am referring to......and let's say we now know the issue, what are the people going to do to resolve it?
Basically there are 3 or 4 types of education systems in place in Pakistan.

1) The first one is of the rich class type people called O level and A level system for basic education(upto high school) that is primarily very expensive to study for a common person since not a lot of people can afford it. So the only real students who study in such institutions are the upper class/rich class people.

Also to let u know the syllabus in this system is directly send by Oxford, Cambridge etc from British. The exam papers after end of every term is also send to the same institutions for checking.....

2)Then there is a middle education system which is governed by Federal Boards of education which is neither too expensive nor too cheap. Its primarily a mix of private education institutes and government run institutes. The people who study in such institutions are primarily middle class.

3)Third is the last system solely based on government run institutes or schools, they are available almost everywhere are are cheapest to study, so the people who study there are primarily lower class people who largely form majority of the overall 200 million population.

The 2nd and 3rd mentioned systems are also of basic education upto high school.

So at a time all the newer generations of the country are educated in a very different education backgrounds and syllabus Which means there will always be atleast 3 different types of opinions in every subject in every walk of life as everyone of the 3 differ in the criteria in which they analyse a situation. Thats the key reason why there is a lot of confusion within the entire populace. There is another 4th education system too which is based on religious institutions ie Madrassas etc who are really at the bottom of the totem pole. Which just adds to the above mentioned profile.

Now the Middle level and lower level education system is the same one implemented on the principals that was introduced by Mr
Macaulay under the new British mandatory education system in india as a whole since late 1800s i think till 1947 in subcontinent.........After the 1947 things are different in India not in Pakistan.
Actually what im trying to imply is that this particular design of education system introduced by Lord Macaulay is in place in Pakistan's majority. Indian education system that is in place in today's india is designed/setup by Dr Abdul Kalam Azad who was their first Education Minister,and its same for every class upto high school. its actually based on totally 'Indianism' their culture, civilization, history etc etc. All in all its the best designed and suited of any resident of india and every pupil who comes out of this will naturally be nationalistic in his thinking and analytic approach. It was introduced a few years after their independence in 1947.

Thats the difference that no matter how diverse india is or no matter which ethnic, racial, cast or creed they belong to they are always united when it comes to their nationalism and national interests. Thats something u will find in every 'street walking' indian to the indian billionaires and politicians, bureaucrats, technocrats and policy makes. They will all have an almost same line of sight.

Thats the actual root cause of the problem verses India......

Now anybody who wishes to truly dominate a Nation like Lord Macaulay explains u must attack/change/design her basic education system to yr advantage.
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exactly could not agree more. But this individualism will still remain as it is since the education system from where they all come is based on division and individualism. Actually the education system in place in pakistan is the same Lord McAulay......


This was designed to basically keep a Nation slave.
Thread was about Pakistani media bravado on misleading reportsabout IAFand here my friend ur talking about slaverry and educational system

ok thendo u know why pakistan has come to this level in the first place Umair ?

1. wrong leaders from its inception (most of the pakistani leaders from very earli concived and idea to take help from Big powers + the help theywanted was not to raise the living standard of common pakistani and make pakistan an educated and enlightenned society rather opposite and that too by design)

2. non existence of true labour and land reforms and too much dependency uponarmy as the onli decsiplined state institution while the major arms like judiciarry and beurocracy & internal security and policing were never given a chance to work independentlli and non exsitence of meritocracy

3. non existence of a solid nationalistik belave and identity and over dependence on relegon

now all this could have been corrected iffromday one the policy makers had wanted to change the sitution by giving write education and justice too all sections of pakistani society

now tell me witha cool and unbaised apporach did that was responsibilty of pakistanies themselfs or was it just another socalled "yahood o hanud/nasra saazish"

myfriend charity begins at home baat samjh aaye to jawaab zaroor dena

sorry mods for going off topik but i guess this was important ...thanks
India media are reporting by comparing the combined air power of Pakistan and Chinese air forces. You missed this point.

Indian media are doing threat analysis of two front war.
You really think china will attack india if india attack pakistan?
You really think china will attack india if india attack pakistan?

Well CCP is unpredictable, Pakistani army believes in gazwa-e-hind and a chance to roll their tanks on India's north west borders.
Both the regimes have absolute power and can do anything and get away with out giving answers.
Well CCP is unpredictable, Pakistani army believes in gazwa-e-hind and a chance to roll their tanks on India's north west borders.
Both the regimes have absolute power and can do anything and get away with out giving answers.
Well other than lal topi joker zahid hamid and his few lunatic supporters no one believe in ghazwa hind here .
And if you get attacked by china alone there is almost no chance of even defending your country,both in terms of conventional and nuclear warfare .The mighty chinese economy can sustain a war damage for too long but you can,t .
So a peaceful neighborhood is good for everyone
Well other than lal topi joker zahid hamid and his few lunatic supporters no one believe in ghazwa hind here .
And if you get attacked by china alone there is almost no chance of even defending your country,both in terms of conventional and nuclear warfare .The mighty chinese economy can sustain a war damage for too long but you can,t .
So a peaceful neighborhood is good for everyone

Oh, You should apply the same standards to Indo-pak equation too then. Given that the economic disparity between India and Pakistan is even more severe than the Indo-China difference.

But of course you won't.
Well other than lal topi joker zahid hamid and his few lunatic supporters no one believe in ghazwa hind here .
And if you get attacked by china alone there is almost no chance of even defending your country,both in terms of conventional and nuclear warfare .The mighty chinese economy can sustain a war damage for too long but you can,t .
So a peaceful neighborhood is good for everyone

I think the two authoritative regimes in China and Pakistan must understand this. India is sandwiched between two nuclear powers and is seen as common enemy.

Add to that the western designs who always create trouble and confusion between the countries so that these countries will be in constant state of war.
Oh, You should apply the same standards to Indo-pak equation too then. Given that the economic disparity between India and Pakistan is even more severe than the Indo-China difference.

But of course you won't.
No but the nukes are the best deterrent when it comes to indo pak war.Area wise india is almost thrice the size of Pakistan but still can be destroyed by the amount of nukes Pakistan have.MAD doctrine works 100% in our scenario.Yes i agree in conventional warfare pakistan is weak as compared to india .
Area wise china is very big as compared to india and with their second strike capabilities and more advanced air defense systems they will cause India much more damage .Of course they will suffer but their huge country and mighty economy will help them survive a war.

I think the two authoritative regimes in China and Pakistan must understand this. India is sandwiched between two nuclear powers and is seen as common enemy.

Add to that the western designs who always create trouble and confusion between the countries so that these countries will be in constant state of war.
Well despite knowing those western games you people cannot yourself from hugging obama :lol:
We must keep USA out of this region .We are trying to keep america away these days but you are too busy dragging them here.
Well despite knowing those western games you people cannot yourself from hugging obama :lol:
We must keep USA out of this region .We are trying to keep america away these days but you are too busy dragging them here.

Did China cut off the relations with USA?
did China openly declared USA as enemy and Asian nations should cutoff relations with west and form a block?

If yes then your statement is correct!

BTW Pakistan is dependent on US aid and seek support of USA. It is that USA toned down the relations with Pakistan in some fields not the other way around.

Tomorrow if USA wants to upgrade ties with Pakistan most of you people cheer, the same guys who are advocating India against India US relations!
Looking at the fb page, a lot of members have criticized my post -- sir @MastanKhan would reply to the youth that avionics have taken the front seat in todays warfare -- a ''buzdil'' and relatively inexperienced pilot can detect and take out a ''brave'' and experienced pilot if he has the technology to back him up. Members should talk about present/future situations rather than past glories

''If we see the Aircrafts than IAF is superior but PAF is overall better because they have master pilots''

''I know our pilot is capable of taking down an Indian 4.5 Gen jet with a 2 Gen jet''

''Hey,admin u shoule remove the word of qualitative edge......as PAF has showed a qualitative edge over IAF....like 1965''

''Pakistan has great fighters and experience with young generation fighters of Islamic fighting spirit which completely making difference against the Indian all forces because no comparison of Muslims spirits with other religions.''

First of all---we need to remove the term " BUZDIL" from our vocabulary---. To assume it to be as such os to dig our own grave---. The enemy is not BUZDIL.

The first ---the middle and the last rule of combat training is that your enemy is ABLE---your enemy is CAPABLE----and your enemy can TAKE YOU OUT as well.

Technology is a force multiplier and the proper use of technology gives you a massive boost in your capabilities---. This day and age is the time of SMART TECHNOLOGY---where the system works for you---looks out for your welfare---gives you warning in time like never seen before---selects appropriate weapons and can possibly launch them if set in the proper mode----.

The smart system does not need your permission once you have set it up in the auto mode----. It will search---locate---track---and launch even before the human brain can acknowledge the presence of a threat..

If--you the Pakistani thinks that you will over look that and believe in the superior pilot winning in an inferior machine---then you are living a lie.

Your capabilities need to be within 90% + - of the enemy's technology to make the difference between a superior pilot ---better electronics---better tactics.

You have to meet the minimal criteria of matching technologies to over come with better training and better operators.

There will be incidences where the hi tech weapons may see failure due to technical issues and where inferior weapons will over come the superior weapon----but this would not be the norm but an exception.
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