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Misleading reports related to IAF capability and Pakistani media bravado

yes thats true...... @Horus thats what i meant by saying we lack in the field of IT&propaganda. We might have improved in some segments of the propaganda game but we still lack the overall grip viz a viz our enemy who has a massive control and grip over its media....We lack in instigating massive propaganda and that too in this depth.....Whatever we do, we end u looking like an idiot..We need to just learn from israelis (who know they are small but pay tons of bribe to reputation int. media to project them as victims and insecure).

But it seems indian media has learnt that quite well under the guide lines of RAW and their military bureaucracy.

Usrael pays nothing for its propaganda, since most world media Moguls are Jewish and patriotic towards Usrael, you can also add some other media friends of Usrael. India is starting to "benefit" from its friendship with Usrael, that is what you are seeing right now, even in this thread where they are trying to sooth their sadness about the negative events hitting their Air Force by trying to project what is happening to them on PAF and turning it around by saying that their media is so intelligent to play a game with the politicians and the populace_ here is the latest sad event: Sukhoi 30 plane crash: Russia blames human factor; IAF denies.
The truth has always it ways of showing up...

Executive, legislature, judiciary and media..The four pillars.

P.s. how can religion be a pillar of society?.

You are talking about 3 pillars of governance and an independant!!! body (the media) to report the elected representatives work back to the electors.

For an answer to your question you should learn about the Muslim civilisation, in fact it is the only one who has ruled for more than a 1000 -thousand- years with religion as the pillar of society... and quite successfully I might add, till that pillar was shaken by greed.
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Pak media seriously lacks experts on military matters. Defense analysts mostly indulge in political topics leaving their areas of expertise. Air force being most technical, is much beyond the comprehension of common media person thus the wrong analysis.

Pak military also does not like to raise alarm in common public and their statements are aimed at reassuring public that they are safe. For a change though, in late 90s if I remember correctly, Air Chief P Q Mehdi bluntly told press that PAF is seriously under-equipped to carry out its job. Created quite a stir at that time.
Barring india vs. pak debat, the report is correct if

u compare india vs. China air power
india vs. China and pak air power (what this report is)

Indian Air Force faces risk as PAK, China modernise airforce: report''
''India's ailing air force at risk in tough neighborhood''

End of debate
When will Pakistan retire these aging horrible planes (total 343) below and recent number of crashes?


The mirages are fine for now. The f-7s need to and are being retired one by one, as newer planes arrive.
A good article.I didnt know that the Pak Media took it seriously.
Central Budget is coming on Feb 28.So they are forcing Govt as usual.
IAF need at least 27-30 sqds equipped with fourth generation aircrafts to deter all threats. And without MMRCA,Tejas mk2, I see only 22 sqds.
14 sqds of MKIs
6 sqds of M2k-5 and Mig29UPGs.
2 Tejas mk1.
Total= 22 sqds(4th gen) So still short of 5-7 4th gen sqds, thats where MMRCA is needed and further Tejas mk2 to take it above 30 sqds.
Usrael pays nothing for its propaganda, since most world media Moguls are Jewish and patriotic towards Usrael, you can also add some other media friends of Usrael. India is starting to "benefit" from its friendship with Usrael, that is what you are seeing right now, even in this thread where they are trying to sooth their sadness about the negative events hitting their Air Force by trying to project what is happening to them on PAF and turning it around by saying that their media is so intelligent to play a game with the politicians and the populace_ here is the latest sad event: Sukhoi 30 plane crash: Russia blames human factor; IAF denies.
The truth has always it ways of showing up...

You are talking about 3 pillars of governance and an independant!!! body (the media) to report the elected representatives work back to the electors.

For an answer to your question you should learn about the Muslim civilisation, in fact it is the only one who has ruled for more than a 1000 -thousand- years with religion as the pillar of society... and quite successfully I might add, till that pillar was shaken by greed.

1. Read up on the 4 pillars of democracy. I am talking of modern nation states...not history.

2. Never heard anything that's called muslim civilization...unless you are trying to bunch in a number of different conquests into one based on their religion.

3. Religion is personal...nothing to do with society...One can change religion whenever one wants. .but needs a collective decision to change legislature, governance, law. .

4. This is off topic.
i have never seen any media misleading their own people like the indian media does..! mostly in case of military news & comparison.. they even didn't provide correct name and generation of Aircraft's.. or they really that stupid or just trying to mislead their peoples.?
bigger than us area wise population wise
having more armed force 1:3
defense expenditure are also huge
but poor Indian always afraid from Pakistan
meri jan we are happy u r in tension
is injurious to india
stay away from us
nanhe raj kumar u still dont get it we actually are niether afraid nor eouphorik about the power equation i guess u need toread OPs first comment ;)
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