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Misconception: ‘Pakistan perceived in Europe as terrorist state’

The reason for the perception in western world is because western world is facing islamic terrorism, and quite a few terror attack can be traced back to pakistan(either terrorsts are pakistani migrant, or terrorist went to pakistan for training).
Perception is formed when you hear same thing repeatedly in quick succession. Most people in the world think Indians are abusive to women and violence against women is ingrained our culture. There is always a hint of truth in the perception, but thats not the whole truth.
We never obsessed, its our concern.Obsessed is what some thing this sort, when even pakistan day celebrated with indian songs

You are right and I accept this over obsessiveness with Bollywood in Pakistan. This is the inferiority complex Pakistanis demonstrate everyday. Even the religious hymns are sung on Bollywood tunes!

Fact of the matter is we have zero tourism industry and zero entertainment industry. the only industry we have right now is terror passage or terror nurseries.

Most of it has to do with perception. But how would you convince a Western guy in Europe or North America that this is just perception and when we dont have any place where foreigners can visit!

Of course when I go to Pakistan after couple of years with my mind conditioned with western typically biased stories about Pakistan, the bias that sells here, I too am astonished that Pakistan is not what it is.

But who is going to project the country at the international level? People like Nawaz Sharif you think? Its this type of political leaders who appoint ambassadors to countries best suited for their personal or business interests. This is their criteria. Their business or personal interest takes precedence over that of country.

Many Pakistanis will disagree and rubbish me but this is how unfortunately my country is seen.

ISI was very likely complicit in death of osama bin laden, all these talk of 'all our radars pointed to east' is rubbish, for pakistani public consumption, so is fake outrage of loss of sovereignty. I am sorry but operation was not really hollywood material. its carefully orchestrated drama. we dont know whether cia found it first or isi tipped off(more likely cia found it first and did a bargain with isi. The death of obl was purely symbolic, he was not in charge of any real operation)

what is not yet known, is whether isi was also complicit in keeping obl there in first place... I suspect they were.

The first traces of an important person in that location came from ISI.

But you need to understand American psyche here too. For America, OBL was a war trophy. One man for whom they purportedly invaded Afghanistan.

His AlQaeda had been rendered dysfunctional and ineffective and the symptom of this was this one time terror honcho hiding in a nondescript location and anonymously.

But this is what happens to countries who seem to be fighting wars on rent. Pakistan Army had significant contribution in decimating AlQaeda in the region and how OBL was. But since the focus of policy makers is only to get more dollars, the effort and sincerity for the cause is lost behind the shadow of greed.
For who? A person who hasn't even lived in Pakistan, and watched the country through a box in his living room?.
I have lived in Pakistan. I know it was a terror sympathizer for decades until it tasted it's own medicine
So the refrain is since everyone does it, it's justified? Not that surprising, there have been only two (unofficial) commandments which apply in this shady world of proxies - 1. Don't get caught. 2. Don't loose
Anything is justified. What idealistic world do you believe we live in?
As a species we are extremely tribal and at times very true to our mammal nature. We are out here to survive and for that we are willing to do anything to do that.
For 90% of humans, if the choice came between their child or another's dying.. they will chose theirs without even asking for an alternative proposal.
The presence of Osama bin-Laden right next to Pakistan's military academy for so long is what really hurt Pakistan's image in the US, more than anything. Americans are convinced that Pakistan, or at least the ISI, knew he was there and did and said nothing. I don't think that is true, but you won't convince the American people it is not.

Pakistan needs a better press and better lobbying in the US to change opinions. The Indian lobby for example, runs rings around Pakistan with our Congress.

Pakistan does have a lobbying firm in DC, as well as its own caucus:

http://pakistanrelations.org/pages/Congressional Pakistan Caucus.html

Pakistan plays by the same rules inside the Beltway as all the others do. Other play the game much better, that is all.
Who cares? you are so effing stupid. Look at what iran went through because of it's negative image. They had oil and patriotism so they survived, we neither have oil nor any shortage of sell outs in this country. Look at india, undoubtedly the world's most fucked up country an every aspect but they are cunning and they have always promoted a positive image for their country and that is why they have better relations with the world

Who cares, the time of west is over its the time of east now.East is the future for next two centuries.

Europe demographics will change by Southasians mostly by Pakistanis and indians

We have our own West Europe company in progress now :nhl_checking:

Thanx to White folk choosing not to have kids and more going towards the same gender for their pleasure

Lobbying firms can't do shyt if every second bomber/planner turns out to be linked in one way or the other with Pakistan

Pakistan does have a lobbying firm in DC, as well as its own caucus:

http://pakistanrelations.org/pages/Congressional Pakistan Caucus.html

Pakistan plays by the same rules inside the Beltway as all the others do. Other play the game much better, that is all.
these visit pakistan
Seen that. Done that and more.

Princess Diane in Pakistan with Imran Khan


She even got "Pak fever" when her and Dr Hasnat became lovers


Like @Desertfalcon said Bin Laden, KSM and long list of other misfits connected with Pakistan have sank public perception. Terrorism is almost a synonym for Pakistan today.
The presence of Osama bin-Laden right next to Pakistan's military academy for so long is what really hurt Pakistan's image in the US, more than anything. Americans are convinced that Pakistan, or at least the ISI, knew he was there and did and said nothing. I don't think that is true, but you won't convince the American people it is not.

Pakistan needs a better press and better lobbying in the US to change opinions. The Indian lobby for example, runs rings around Pakistan with our Congress.

how about US president and entire Bush family sleeping with Saudis, would that change the perceptions?
no that wont because that does fit the new economic policies of the west which is make and sell weapons, the largest industry of the west these days. In order to make that industry thrive west needs marketing and sales people who create environment and there marketing has come up with and perceived enemies started with axis of evils and their sales people with the aids of their combined secret services and contractors go out creating chaos around the word.
The Pakistani establishment has consistently chosen wrong policies which has led to this.It's high time to stop differentiating between good and bad terrorism,forget Kashmir and focus on economy.
Lobbying firms can't do shyt if every second bomber/planner turns out to be linked in one way or the other with Pakistan

Yes, but look at Israel's success as a good example to follow for lobbying.
Israel has their balls in it's iron grip

Yes, and it is important to learn just how they go to that position, don't you think? There is nothing stopping Pakistan or any other country from doing the same. The rules of the game are the same for all.
There are 190 million Pakistanis divided in ethnic, religious and sub-casts stopping Pakistan from doing anything positive.

Yes, and it is important to learn just how they go to that position, don't you think? There is nothing stopping Pakistan or any other country from doing the same. The rules of the game are the same for all.
There are 190 million Pakistanis divided in ethnic, religious and sub-casts stopping Pakistan from doing anything positive.

It is up to them to decide what they want to do. The world must respect that right.

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