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MIRV technology within Pakistani grasp now.

After first one, not even 5% posts are on the topic.. :mod:
I already mentioned this news before but bharati members were taking me lightly and mocking me. Oh well, as they say, First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

And it was Said By Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi:D
Pakistani engineers, with help from the Chinese, are also said to be in the advance stages of developing MIRV technology for its missiles. This would allow the military to fit several warheads on the same ballistic missile and then launch them at separate targets.

BBC News - Pakistan's growing nuclear programme

Very good News !!!

Pakistan needs this technology to keep the threat from India at Bay !!!
guys i read a few years back an article abt MIRVs what it suggested was that this kind of delivery system with range above 1000 km is only 100% efficient against city sized targets because against an army movement or a base the full force of this weapon ll not be used ,there was an experiment where they showed the concept of ripple effect .what they did was they placed a buoy (floating ball)in the middle and 4 around it at a radius of 10m in a water tank then placed an explosive near the buoy in the center ,result showed max damage to center buoy calculated by its oscillation but very less oscillation from outer buoys . they placed 4 explosives on the outer buoys and the effect was immense as it not only effected the outer circle but buoy in the middle was thrown out of the water .so my question is if this weapon system is made operational will it be only used against cities because only then ll its full potential be used?
how far from the missile can the mirv's go?
Dailymotion - ICBM Simulation - a Tech & Science video@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video@@AMEPARAM@@video

This is a good simulation showing the working of MIRV,and how the individual warheads are propelled towards different targets...As you see the main rocket extinguishes in Orbit then the propulsion is only via kinetic energy and gravity with little corrections made by jets.For that reason the warheads cannot be targeted too far away from each other.

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