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Mindsets ! Attack on naval airbase

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Once again the mindset that everything wrong inside Pakistan is from ' outside' surfaces !

The Editor of The Nation would be well advised to note that what was shot down in the Rann of kutchh was not an Orion but an Atlantique .

Attack on naval airbase | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

The attack on PNS Mehran, the naval airbase in Karachi, is indeed the third attack on the Pakistan Navy during current month, though the first after the killing by US forces of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, and has been the bloodiest so far, as not only were two PC3 Orion aircrafts destroyed, but eight naval officers were among those killed. The attackers also seem to have not just tried to take revenge for Bin Laden’s killing, but have also tried to show something that the militants were trying to do by attacks even before Bin Laden was killed. If one keeps in mind that the attack on the Navy has come after the PAF was attacked by the Abbottabad raid itself, which it says its radars failed to detect, and after the Army’s GHQ itself was also attacked in a parallel fashion to the raid on the airbase, it seems increasingly obvious that the attacks are aimed at the armed forces of Pakistan, and aims not so much to cause damage to them, as to make it seem that they cannot protect themselves. That would imply that they are unable to perform their task of defending the country. Though the PAF has not had any installations attacked, the Abbottabad raid showed that it was not able to detect the American intrusion, and thus the skies were not safe for the citizenry.

While the tragedy is clearly of huge dimensions, it is also obvious that the attacks could not have been carried out without state involvement. There are two countries which have an almost instinctive desire to damage Pakistan, and wish to damage its armed forces: India, as well as its main backer, the USA. India, after having duly informed the USA, would have carried out action. It should also be kept in mind that India has an intense dislike of the PC3 Orions, and has already shot down one over the Rann of Kutch when it was on a routine flight. The Orions, apart from being surveillance aircraft, are also equipped with a Harpoon anti-ship missile, which India sees as a challenge to its command of the Indian Ocean and to its ability to force Pakistan to do its maritime will.

It should also be kept in mind that India has an intense dislike of the PC3 Orions, and has already shot down one over the Rann of Kutch when it was on a routine flight. The Orions, apart from being surveillance aircraft, are also equipped with a Harpoon anti-ship missile, which India sees as a challenge to its command of the Indian Ocean and to its ability to force Pakistan to do its maritime will.

Where is this newspaper based?? The editor has very poor knowledge about contemporary topics. The Pakistani plane that was shot down by Indian Mig-21 was Atlantique...
Also, I dont think Pakistani Orions flew beyond Arabian Sea and the editor has the audacity to say that 10 Pakistani Orions will challenge Indian Navy's power in the Indian Ocean.

Day dreaming at its best. :lol:
this is not mindset this is bad reporting, and many people well versed defence analysts, ambassadors, the reired navy officials are not terming talibans and alquaeda or any other militant group the perpetrators, these militant groups dont have gorilla and army like training are not equipped with modern weapons, night visions etc, and the fact the target was not the innocent lives but the naval plane arouse curiosity..
this is not mindset this is bad reporting, and many people well versed defence analysts, ambassadors, the reired navy officials are not terming talibans and alquaeda or any other militant group the perpetrators, these militant groups dont have gorilla and army like training are not equipped with modern weapons, night visions etc, and the fact the target was not the innocent lives but the naval plane arouse curiosity..
agreed with this..
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