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Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

@shan none of them look Nordic snowwhite like Pakistani movie actors with blonde hair, I am so jealous of them. :cry::cry::cry:

Dograa are much better looking than central punjabis, I can guarantee. Which is why you were trying to associate your people with us :rofl:

No one did associate with dogras, just look at the photos you posted despite cherry picking. A part from one girl rest of the girls and guys are ugly for being actors. No wonder they can't get in to bollywood. And seem like that girls isnt even Dogra, her name is Gauri Thakur. Seriously my perception of dogras will not change with these pictures.

From the google and pictures of dogras, its clear central punjabis men are taller, better facial feutures without mongloid eyes unlike dogras, broad shoulders. While there is no comparision between central punjabi girls and dogras, punjabis are way ahead.
Here is 4 lahoris in leading roles this year bollywood movies.





a part from Fawad, rest are horrible actors. Still bollywood don't care and would rather have lahoris.

so, you want to compare these nausikhiye bache to legendary actor Manoj Vajpayee. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
so, you want to compare these nausikhiye bache to legendary actor Manoj Vajpayee. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Im not comparing bhaiya, just saying that lahoris are automatically given leading roles. While bhaiya at best get side roles, like that Manoj. Despite Manoj being many times better actor according to you.
@shan your but hurt is so obvious :lol:

I have seen so many pakistani punjabis. They are all darker than me and uglier than dogras on average. I didn't even put pictures of best looking dogras. I just posted pics of amateur theatre in jammu since those pics were easily available :lol:
And yes Thakur is a dogra Rajput last name. Article 370 means no outsiders are allowed to settle in our lands. Let te butthurt flow through you my central punjabi friend
Im not comparing bhaiya, just saying that lahoris are automatically given leading roles. While bhaiya at best get side roles, like that Manoj. Despite Manoj being many times better actor, no doubt about that.

Satve aasman mein na udo, those naushiye actors are nothing before seasoned actor like Manoj Vajpayee. :D :D :D
What about Gujjars of central punjab in those times?

Gujjars were another warlike people. There were Gujar Sikhs who joined the Sikh misls. Generally peasantry of central Punjab from all casts whether they were Muslim or Hindu began to help Sikhs. The Hindu and Muslim Gujjars also became allies of the Sikhs during the time of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. Peasantry was the best ally of the Sikhs. Sikhs in turn took away land from the powerful zamindaars and distributed it to the landless peasents and did not over burden them with taxes. This policy served the Sikhs well since the peasants then helped the Sikhs during hard times and also sent their sons to join the ranks of their armies.

Many people today think along modern social boundaries but they don't realize back then people did not rise up in rebellion because they didn't like the religion of their rulers. There were many socio economic reasons why people people despite being Muslim helped the Sikhs against the Afghans. Or why later on the Punjabis in general did not rebel against the British. The British for example did not over tax or bother Punjabis. The British kept the Punjabis happy by building canal colonies and distributing land to farmers and retired soldiers, gave employment in army. Punjabis had no reason to rebel against or bother the British.
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@shan your but hurt is so obvious :lol:

I have seen so many pakistani punjabis. They are all darker than me and uglier than dogras on average. I didn't even put pictures of best looking dogras. I just posted pics of amateur theatre in jammu since those pics were easily available :lol:
And yes Thakur is a dogra Rajput last name. Article 370 means no outsiders are allowed to settle in our lands. Let te butthurt flow through you my central punjabi friend

There is always a difference between Attock ke is paar and Attock ke us paar in Pakistan. ;)
@shan your but hurt is so obvious :lol:

I have seen so many pakistani punjabis. They are all darker than me and uglier than dogras on average. I didn't even put pictures of best looking dogras. I just posted pics of amateur theatre in jammu since those pics were easily available :lol:
And yes Thakur is a dogra Rajput last name. Article 370 means no outsiders are allowed to settle in our lands. Let te butthurt flow through you my central punjabi friend

Forget about what you have seen in your imagination. Look at your black and white picture, i have also seen your kid picture which was in colour. Your skin tone will be considered dark in central punjab. You ego is clearly hurt, i remember how you said you was confused with Iranis and i laughed when i saw your picture as kid, turned out normal Indian skin tone. Believe me you have typical inferiority complex we see in Indians. So far you have failed to provide good reason why we should change perception about dogras. Even your own exemple failed.

In Pakistan you are not considered fair unless your skin tone is that of Shahid Afridi. Many Punjabis will have that skin tone but compared to pashtuns % will be much lower. And in dardic Pakistani groups in Kashmir that % is even higher then pashtuns.
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A lot of Punjabis and Pashtuns are actually friends in real life, but you wouldn't know that because you live in some other country and rely solely upon the internet for information. Internet is usually full of socially retarded trolls. Afghani forums are full of such retards.
As far as genetics/race are concerned; well you don't know what you're talking about. See harappadna ancestry project. Contrary to popular belief, Punjabis are racially closest to Kashmiris. But whatever helps you sleep at night and fuels your false sense of superiority. Arguing with you people is useless as most of you have been brainwashed from birth by your parents. And most of the Punjabi and urdu speaking population doesn't really care that much, just as the rest of the civilized world.

Punjabis may be genetically more closer to the Italians but it still doesn't change the fact that the majority of them look like north Indians, not to mention the linguistic and cultural similarity they have with their converted and unconverted cousins living on the wrong side of the border. This is the reason why they have so easily and quickly accepted the linguistic and cultural superiority of their Biahri brothers whereas the rest of Pakistan is still resisting and unwilling to accept the circumcised Hindi as its own. It is a fact and just mentioning this fact doesn't make someone retard or racist. That post was for @Pak-one anyway and he must have got the message.
Punjabis may be genetically more closer to the Italians but it still doesn't change the fact that the majority of them look like north Indians, not to mention the linguistic and cultural similarity they have with their converted and unconverted cousins living on the wrong side of the border. This is the reason why they have so easily and quickly accepted the linguistic and cultural superiority of their Biahri brothers whereas the rest of Pakistan is still resisting and unwilling to accept the circumcised Hindi as its own. It is a fact and just mentioning this fact doesn't make someone retard or racist. That post was for Pak_one anyway and he must have got the message.

Abhe bc bhaiye teri pashware mei agg laghi hai kiya? Look at the mirror and then say we look like your kind biharis and bengalis? You guys speak indo-aryan because our ancestors from Indus Valley fucked your kind so hard and also taught your primitive beings languages.

Thats how both of us are indo-aryan speakers.

@shan why u always talking about looks ?

Ask Jendk with complex who said he looks like Irani being dogra....
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Oh yes attock ke is par to sab biharis aur bengalis hai. Lol

Wo to Radcliffe line ke is paar hain, us paar to Nordic snowwhite log rehte hain, :D :D :D Lord Radcliffe himself drawn spiritual Radcliffe line at the time of Indus Valley civilization for your Nordic snowwhite nation to keep you safe from evil yindoos. :laughcry::laughcry:
Ask Jendk with complex who said he looks like Irani being dogra....

He may be right..... many indians can pass for persians . if he says he does , why are you bothered ?why u gettin all worked up ?
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