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Military Simulation - The Indo-Pak conflict - A hyperbole

My post is considering 2019 or even prior to that. Planning for any conflict with India keeps on evolving. I based mine on events and statements leading to 2019.

Where did you think my post was not in line with the time frame so that clarification can be given.
What I mean is, what happens the next day. All the events you suggest can be incorporated but which of those should be included and how exactly on lets the 29th February
My take is that the PA needs more fortified/bunkerized infantry& artillery firebases/fobs in southern Punjab and Sind. This will add to security against any Indian mechanized threats as well as provide sites for air defense/surveillance. Just their presence will force IAF to deploy resources to attack them..... and they can serve as lores for PAF and SAM ambush's.

As IAF squadron strength diminishes....the dilution effect of theses sites would be greater and greater. Especially since any real escalation in a Indo-Pak conflict will be short....the big guys will intervene to prevent any nuclear exchange....or it will simply go nuclear.

Shouldn't require too much resources. Some bulldozers, some concrete, some infantry (with tons of ATGMs) and mortors/field howitzers. Most expensive parts would probably be the air dense and radars.
Agreed - but lets say for the sake of testing the systems out to the max - the escalation kept going. What happens next based on what you quoted? Who does what? If you tell me, I can try to simulate it.
Bizarre. Sorry to burst the bubble of the think tank. But neither side is going to war. They will engage in low intensity conflicts without things spiralling into a full war. And honestly, the Pakistanis are more likely to come to the aid of China in a conflict with India than vice versa.
Its the other way around

Every conflict we had with Pakistan except 1948 and 1971, Chinese have attempted to nibble some territory along the border

Chinese attempts to poke us during Siachen conflict backfired, rest have gone in their favor

Operation Falcon: When General Sundarji took the Chinese by surprise

Pakistan will stay away from Indo-Chinese conflicts as long as they have American military equipment and connections with American backed institutions like IMF
What I mean is, what happens the next day. All the events you suggest can be incorporated but which of those should be included and how exactly on lets the 29th February

Agreed - but lets say for the sake of testing the systems out to the max - the escalation kept going. What happens next based on what you quoted? Who does what? If you tell me, I can try to simulate it.
Well if the scenario is a Indian aerial escalation after swift retort.....and these forward firebases/fob with air defense were present. I would say Pakistan would have to accept that these sites would be hit by manned AC, drones, loitering munitions, Brahmos, attack helicopters and artillery. These fobs would have to be designed with bunkers deep and strong enough to take the beating (losses will be inevitable). Air defense equipment will have to be expendable or even decoy (possible unmanned themselves). As long as causalities are within acceptable margins they could give the PAF and long range SAM forces enough breathing room to grind away at the IAF.

Best case would be a battle of Britain scenario where IAF losses would be too great and they call off the offensive. Worst case is that PAF and long range SAM forces fails to inflict enough losses on the IAF and IAF achieves air superiority.
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@krash @PDF @The Eagle @Jungibaaz @Signalian @PanzerKiel @notorious_eagle @LeGenD @JamD @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
28th February 2019 - 0100 Hours

After the losses and smattering from the overwhelming PAF force on the 27th - all hell broke loose in Dehli. There was disbelief coupled with fury for most with the desire to teach Pakistan a terrible lesson. The few cautious voices encouraging reaching out to allies and friends to put pressure on Pakistan instead of all out attack or suggesting putting Balochi or Mohajir faces on TV as part of a wider campaign found themselves silenced or nearly attacked themselves by the more virulent members of the cabinet.

The Indian military brass in general however wanted nothing less than giving Pakistan a heavy blow that in their mind would resemble the shock and awe of the 2003 Gulf war. To them, their "one hand tied" approach with Pakistan over the last few days is what cost 6 aircraft and hundreds of men and critical material on the Loc. If it were up to this leadership and most members of the cabinet, Pakistan would have been hit in its critical nodes on the 26th along with terror leaders. There were cautious voices within the military, those that pointed out that Pakistani air systems had performed better than expected on the 27th and for a bit the PM and the NSA were convinced on using a massive Brahmos strike alone. However, this was not to last as it was thought the Pakistanis would escalate with their own cruise or ballistic systems in kind and drag in the United States and other powers in a nuclear bluff.

But as this was being considered - the hawks had already won over in both the military and cabinet. While the PAF & IAF played chicken over the LoC the Indian military was instructed to give a broad based shock and awe that went beyond the Kashmir region as such and would target Northern Pakistan.

If Pakistan had jammed Indian Radars, India would simply destroy Pakistani ones along with any air defense elements in the way and steamroll through. Those citing that this would lead to full fledged conflict were shot down with explanations of how this would stun the Pakistani establishment and government struggling with a nearly dead economy to simply seek de-escalation. Even if the Pakistanis retaliated, it was surmised that India would raise the nuclear gambit to force world powers to intervene.

The plan was to hit Pakistani military targets all across the LoC and any supporting FOBs and divisional HQs. To give international legitimacy to the massive attack, LeT targets in Muridke and Sheikupura along with a suspected camp in Mansehra would be selected to provide justification on the basis of terrorism - but also to strike fear in the Pakistani civilian population in Lahore with explosions around the city's periphery.

Pakistan had used 40 odd aircraft on the 27th and India would respond with nearly 90 attacking some 60 targets overall. M-777s and Bofors had been moved forward to start a massive bombardment across the LoC on Pakistani targets - while it was expected that the Pakistanis would respond the IAF would attack across the LoC at both designated and targets of opportunity.

The Brahmos option was repurposed - with a massive barrage planned to coincide with interdicting Indian aircraft and hitting multiple targets including key radar systems to blind the Pakistani Air Defense grid. Pakistani retaliation with SSMs was to be expected but by the time it got going world powers would intervene - and if they did strike India could absorb a few blows.

Inklings of movement and intelligence was trickling into Pakistan - but the general mood was that the Indians might just leave at heavy mortars and cross border violations in the spirit of de-escalation. Especially since it was thought that the Indians were becoming aware of what the Chinese were doing in their backyard up north.

But as the clock struck 1am on the morning of the 28th... things were to be very different.

The opening salvo was not delivered by an Indian military system, but rather by a mix of TTP and BLA insurgents assisted by a local criminal gang bought out for less than $20000. The target was PAF Mushaf whose guard post and perimeter was awakened by gunfire along with mortar rounds. @Mr.Meap
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As the base was distracted to rush towards this threat the PAF radar picture seemed to show all quiet on the eastern front as the IAF seemed to have withdrawn its heavy CAPs as well. A EMB-145 Netra was seen in the area along with what was noticed as three il-78 airframes but that could be routine.

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Unknown to the Pakistanis, some 70 Indian aircraft were starting to get airborne - Mirage 2000s armed with Crystal Maze, Spice and LGBs to target the LeT Camps at Muridke, Shiekhupura and Mansehra. SEAD escorts of Su-30MKIs armed with KH-31s and Mirage-2000s with ARMATs.
Jaguar IS flights were gearing up to hit preplanned targets of Ammo Dumps while Mirage 2000s would hit the HQs and FOBs of the Pakistan Army. Some 12 MKIs were focused on fighter sweeps, along with Mig-29UPGs and Mig-21 bisons. Finally, a large bison flight from Srinagar and Pathankot would conduct rocket strikes. Every pilot equipped with NVGs with targets pin pointed- they rolled across the tarmac.

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As the packages got airborne - diversionary caps started flying near the LoC with IAI Searcher and Heron UAVs marking targets for the LoC strikes.
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Bofors and M-777s had their Pakistani forward post targets in range with the UAVs ensuring accuracy. But as the UAVs neared the LoC the PAF Combat Air Patrols were vectored towards them.

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Around 1:15 AM local time - the barrage began against Pakistani targets - as a JF-17 Block-2 flying with a retrofit AESA radar was authorized to shoot down the Heron.
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As the barrage began, so did the launches of the first Brahmos towards a MPDR-45. Meanwhile - a flight of 2 MKIs and 2 Bisons was vectored right across the LoC to engage the JF-17s and clear the way for the strike aircraft expected soon.

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As the alarms bells rang at AHQ and GHQ with the aide to the PM being called furiously on his cell to wake him up - the Brahmos strike crossed the border at Mach 2 heading for the radar situated near Lahore.
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There was little warning to the personnel around the radar - all they heard was a small bang from what seemed to be nothing more than a street light - but then mere milliseconds later the radar and everything within a 100m radius was blown to smithereens. The loss of picture was immediately noticed at AHQ - but there was a Saab 2000 Erieye airborne to still give a clear idea and a misleading conclusion by a senior officer that it may be a follow up terror attack to Sargodha saw this key clue missed.

As the first Indian flight crossed the LoC - both SD-10s and R-77s flew across. The PAF was starting to scramble its alert fighters as 4 F-16s were rushed into the air while 2 more plus 4 JF-17s and 6 F-7PGs were readied from Alert 30 to launch.

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The SD-10 Struck home and a Mig-21 Bison was the first aircraft to go down in flames over Punch as the terrified civilians across both sides of the LoC - already fearful for their lives watched fireworks unfold.
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Meanwhile - this initial sweep continued to engage PAF fighters - but was soon faced with a AIM-120 Barrage from the very deadly F--16s from 11 and 9sqs of the PAF. But the intention, to divert the PAF north first worked.
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As Aim-120s struck home and brought down 2 MKIs - the R-77 Barrage took its toll and the 9sq flight was no more.
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More MKIs from the north now joined the foray as the PAF interceptors scrambled to defend their airspace. Knowing they were outranged - the MKIs flew hot and cold trying to break apart the 2 11sq aircraft - finally getting in range to launch their volley at them but not without losing 1 to a AIM-120
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By this time, it was clear - this wasn't some small skirmish. As the IAF aircraft approached the border - Brahmos batteries unleashed their arsenal in full force.

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Missiles flew back and forth - Air to Air, Crystal Maze Cruise systems and Brahmos - scream towards their respective targets.

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What wasnt known to the IAF was an operational HQ-16 battery near Gujranwala - as the Indian aircraft crossed the border it let loose. Within a few minutes Mirages and Jaguars were jettisoning their loads trying to crane their necks looking for the incoming Sams. 2 went down immediately - MKIs launched KH-31s towards the HQ-16 while the Indian aircraft dropped to low level.

However, the Pakistanis had covered the most common approaches - and RBS-70 and Anza teams awaited guidance.

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Could it be possible that decoy drones or drones that seem like a fighter jet be launched into the air when iaf attacks so the escort planes start shooting down those drones and wasting their missiles on those while PAF actually fighter jets shoot down the Indian fighter jets?

Also could it be possible we have a couple Fateh 1 or A-100 mlrs systems with gps guided rockets hidden near the border in sindh and punjab so if India attempts this those mlrs blow up Indian military installations near the border?
Could it be possible that decoy drones or drones that seem like a fighter jet be launched into the air when iaf attacks so the escort planes start shooting down those drones and wasting their missiles on those while PAF actually fighter jets shoot down the Indian fighter jets?

Also could it be possible we have a couple Fateh 1 or A-100 mlrs systems with gps guided rockets hidden near the border in sindh and punjab so if India attempts this those mlrs blow up Indian military installations near the border?
The Indians can do the same.
Does anyone know what intended targets of 27th Feb Brahmos threat could have been?
Does anyone know what intended targets of 27th Feb Brahmos threat could have been?
Could have been anything. Indians tend to overrate brahmos as some sort of super weapon. My border firebase/AD/fobs concept should be able to engage come across the border.
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Thank 20 years of western fiction and non-fiction painting it so. 1998 Peacemaker movie - a Pakistani nuclear scientist makes a bomb - 2008 Iron Man - A Pakistani terrorist.

What I mean is, what happens the next day. All the events you suggest can be incorporated but which of those should be included and how exactly on lets the 29th February

Agreed - but lets say for the sake of testing the systems out to the max - the escalation kept going. What happens next based on what you quoted? Who does what? If you tell me, I can try to simulate it.
To really spice up the ground reality we should consider that the attack on Balakot on the 27th Feb was considered an act of war against Pakistan as Balakot is Pakistan territory and not disputed in any UN Resolutions. Hence if Pakistan would have appropriately gone to the parliament over the war committee i.e Cabinet decision that this was a Declaration of War by India and the Parliament endorsed it by declaring war.

USA would have been the first country to call for UN General Assembly Meeting to support of India and pressure India not to threat or escalate the situation where a heavy counterstrike or a missiles would be launched. In simpler words take the on slot of Pakistan Air Force and down play the loses.

The reason for this would be to gain time and calm Pakistan down as USA new that only one Veto by China would have inevitably destroyed India completely.

UN would be unable to effectively call upon a ceasefire with 15 days from the first counter strike by PAF.
Moreover pressure on GOI though Indian media would be so high that Indian Armed Forces would have defied any orders (Mutiny, Martial Law and a bloody Military take over of the Government) could take place forcing the Indian Supreme Court in declaring a war on the 1st or 2nd March.

2) Turkey is completely missing which is really confusing as they were the only country to offer manpower during both 1965 and 1971 Wars between India and Pakistan. Moreover Turk Honor their friends who have blead for their independence and the capture of Istanbul after WW1. Something my Turkish friends would acknowledge.
Turkey being a member of UN Security Council would be active on the diplomatic front defending the counter offensive by Pakistan by stating the right of Self Defence. Simultaneously pressure EU, Russia, and OIC that UN needs to take action against India and also categorically support Pakistan with all the military requirements for a month long war.

1.) F-15 SA are the last thing that can be provided for support as USA would be protecting India their Strategic Partner. The Americans would never allow KSA to send aircraft to Pakistan unless KSA declares war against India.
USA still being in the dilemma of how to protect India would disallow F-15's along with UK disallowing EFT and Tornadoes. This would force KSA to support the OIC's decision which would inevitably end in a direct conflict between KSA and India. Once KSA has declared war then all the equipment can be used. Day after Day the pressure to join Pakistan. On 2nd March Saudia would have joined the war with India. This would have brought the Muslim Armies much closer

3) Azerbaijan is also not present which is surprising as Turkey could find a loophole through them to supply any thing Pakistan wants and join the conflict covertly to fool USA and NATO.
Military personnel and hardware would be flown in.

4) Tajikistan who relies on CPEC for trade is missing is also interesting as Russia would use them as a cover candidate to enter the war initially not to antagonize USA till USA enters the conflict directly.
Military personnel and hardware would be flown in.

5) Russia enters the war from the start due to CPEC and their agreement with China to protect China in case of war agreement that states if China is attacked it would be considered an attack on Russia and vice versa.
The long night or the doomsday situation would be upon all of us be.

6) China would not wait but would enter the war from day one of the conflict. This is because China considers an attack on Islamabad would be considered as an attack on Beijing.
Supplies would start sooner but still valuable that my mother wants
All sort of art would resume
7) Italy, Ukraine and Belarus would enter the war along side Pakistan by selling EFT, Tanks and what ever Russia can supply Belarus can supply.
Monitory and third party support would do wonders. A constant supply of aircraft, parts and a never ending line would surface.

8) We tend to forget Kosovo. Kosovo though does not have major arms industry of their own but they are the only Muslim Country in Europe and they can procure any thing from Europe and supply to Pakistan provided Payments are made in cash. Pakistan would go on an hyperdrive to procure as many weapons it can manage in the shortest possible time trough funding from Turkey and the Gulf States.
Europe the champion of Human Rights would be in the doldrums as they go further in search of new areas.

9) There is no mention of Qatar and Kuwait who would fully support Pakistan from the very first minute of the war at least financially. This founding would be channeled trough Turkey mainly. Incase KSA enters the war then the Islamic Military Alliance would definately also declare war against India (except UAE).
Strike packages would be flown simultaneously reeking a confession
The influx of material and hardware , would be too hot for the Indian.

10) Iran is the only country that IMO would be the most troubled on as she would be in the dilemma to be or not to be a part of this war. The reason is they were and are the only ones who consider an attack on any Muslim state as an attack on them.

This is tough nut to crack but rest assure the Iranians could be a blessing rather that pain as they will remain in Syria
To really spice up the ground reality we should consider that the attack on Balakot on the 27th Feb was considered an act of war against Pakistan as Balakot is Pakistan territory and not disputed in any UN Resolutions. Hence if Pakistan would have appropriately gone to the parliament over the war committee i.e Cabinet decision that this was a Declaration of War by India and the Parliament endorsed it by declaring war.

USA would have been the first country to call for UN General Assembly Meeting to support of India and pressure India not to threat or escalate the situation where a heavy counterstrike or a missiles would be launched. In simpler words take the on slot of Pakistan Air Force and down play the loses.

The reason for this would be to gain time and calm Pakistan down as USA new that only one Veto by China would have inevitably destroyed India completely.

UN would be unable to effectively call upon a ceasefire with 15 days from the first counter strike by PAF.
Moreover pressure on GOI though Indian media would be so high that Indian Armed Forces would have defied any orders (Mutiny, Martial Law and a bloody Military take over of the Government) could take place forcing the Indian Supreme Court in declaring a war on the 1st or 2nd March.

Turkey being a member of UN Security Council would be active on the diplomatic front defending the counter offensive by Pakistan by stating the right of Self Defence. Simultaneously pressure EU, Russia, and OIC that UN needs to take action against India and also categorically support Pakistan with all the military requirements for a month long war.

USA still being in the dilemma of how to protect India would disallow F-15's along with UK disallowing EFT and Tornadoes. This would force KSA to support the OIC's decision which would inevitably end in a direct conflict between KSA and India. Once KSA has declared war then all the equipment can be used. Day after Day the pressure to join Pakistan. On 2nd March Saudia would have joined the war with India. This would have brought the Muslim Armies much closer

Military personnel and hardware would be flown in.

Military personnel and hardware would be flown in.

The long night or the doomsday situation would be upon all of us be.

Supplies would start sooner but still valuable that my mother wants
All sort of art would resume

Monitory and third party support would do wonders. A constant supply of aircraft, parts and a never ending line would surface.

Europe the champion of Human Rights would be in the doldrums as they go further in search of new areas.

Strike packages would be flown simultaneously reeking a confession
The influx of material and hardware , would be too hot for the Indian.

This is tough nut to crack but rest assure the Iranians could be a blessing rather that pain as they will remain in Syria
All well outlined and plausible strategic outcomes - but perhaps I should have clarified. Seeing as how I am posting a tactical view - what do you see happening on the tactical level.
so for e.g. after the heavy Indian attack on the 28th - Pakistan retaliates within 40 minutes with a massive barrage of Shaheen -II and Babur systems armed with conventional warheads while simultaneously hitting the Indian Air force and key command and control nodes. This I can put into the sim if I get a guess of where to place what. Does that make sense?
Could it be possible that decoy drones or drones that seem like a fighter jet be launched into the air when iaf attacks so the escort planes start shooting down those drones and wasting their missiles on those while PAF actually fighter jets shoot down the Indian fighter jets?

Also could it be possible we have a couple Fateh 1 or A-100 mlrs systems with gps guided rockets hidden near the border in sindh and punjab so if India attempts this those mlrs blow up Indian military installations near the border?
Ok - so lets put that into what happens later on 28th February - what is Pakistani retaliation to what you quoted?
Well if the scenario is a Indian aerial escalation after swift retort.....and these forward firebases/fob with air defense were present. I would say Pakistan would have to accept that these sites would be hit by manned AC, drones, loitering munitions, Brahmos, attack helicopters and artillery. These fobs would have to be designed with bunkers deep and strong enough to take the beating (losses will be inevitable). Air defense equipment will have to be expendable or even decoy (possible unmanned themselves). As long as causalities are within acceptable margins they could give the PAF and long range SAM forces enough breathing room to grind away at the IAF.

Best case would be a battle of Britain scenario where IAF losses would be too great and they call off the offensive. Worst case is that PAF and long range SAM forces fails to inflict enough losses on the IAF and IAF achieves air superiority.
Well - that sort of played out already. So what happens after this massive Indian retaliation for swift retort. Now what tactical scenario plays out?
Pakistan retaliates within 40 minutes with a massive barrage of Shaheen -II and Babur systems armed with conventional warheads while simultaneously hitting the Indian Air force and key command and control nodes.
Please share Indian causality count if possible.
All well outlined and plausible strategic outcomes - but perhaps I should have clarified. Seeing as how I am posting a tactical view - what do you see happening on the tactical level.
so for e.g. after the heavy Indian attack on the 28th - Pakistan retaliates within 40 minutes with a massive barrage of Shaheen -II and Babur systems armed with conventional warheads while simultaneously hitting the Indian Air force and key command and control nodes. This I can put into the sim if I get a guess of where to place what. Does that make sense?
Could we do multiple options? Scope limitation Air War alone.

Scenario 1
USA under pressure from UN General Assembly accepts Pakistan Right to Declare War in an in camera session. Pakistan conducts morning 9 am raid on 27th Feb shooting down of 2 Indian aircraft and one rescue heli shot in fog of war. The same raid also destroyed certain strategic targets at Srinagar Airbase but did not destroy the runways.

At 1200 Indian Standard time India hastily retaliates with multiple formations along the international border and over sea. Primary target is to strike Sargodha and Masroor. Your choice on formation of the aggressors and defenders.

The timing of the Indian raid takes the word leaders as a surprise as almost every one except for Israel were guaranteed by the Indian ambassador to the UN guaranteed that India would not conduct tit for tat response by PAF. However Israel was of the opinion that if India does not retaliate then the world leaders and citizens of India would consider the Indian Government as a sisi.

Pakistani diplomates were actively updating strategic partners on the current situation. Turkey and KSA both called upon the emergency meeting of OIC where heads of state were to discuss on what steps are to be taken next. Turkey would supply weapons and diplomatic support where are OIC and their military alliance decided to join Pakistan and declare War on India.

USA, UK, France and Russia are under a lot of pressure on the betrayal by India after the Indian Attack on Sargodha and Karachi hence authorizes all OIC member countries that they can use weapons made by these countries. However NATO has not authorized Turkey to help Pakistan directly but under the table Turkey has managed to secure engines for T-129 on war footing. Turkish F-16 aircraft can also be deployed or transferred to Pakistan.

@SQ8 brother you can calculate what assets can be mobilized by OIC and Turkey and reasonable time. 48 hours could be a reasonable time. If you like you can also use these 48 hours for China and Russian reaction and their option of entering the war.

However in my opinion if we are limited to air war alone then OIC is enough to fulfill and negate any Air superiority. Moreover Pakistan is not aware to what OIC and the world leaders would do so as war time purchases are concerned Pakistan has asked China for an additional 100 JF-17s and similar number of J-10s.
IRAN is still monitoring the situation.
This simulation is similar [modernise version] to a report Named: Under Secretary of Defense (USD-Policy) 1999 Summer Study Final Report ASIA 2025 (click here: Read New South Asia Order starting from Page number-75)


1- It should be a smack on the faces of all those Pakistani politicians and military personnel , who in the past and near past had worked, co-operated and enslaved by the Americans. They had been tools for a country, who wishes, plans and engineers the destruction of Pakistan. And wishes it to be broken in to pieces.

2- Wishes and help India to become regional power. Despite the wishes, planning and help, look where is India heading recently!!

Karma working.

3- Another failed scenario about Afghanistan. USA is leaving in haste. India is scrambling to contact Taliban. What happened to the narrative that Taliban are the terrorists and Pakistan harbours terrorists!!
Now Taliban are clear of the tag that India wants to talk to them!!
Humiliation is in order for India, as I predicted few years ago, exact scenario playing out in Afghanistan.

4- Naive Americans thinking that USA-India alliance would deter China. It may spur China to deal with India first.
Recent days refusal of Pakistan to agree to USA airbases in Pakistan should be enough for the Yanks to realise, the tide has turned. In last couple of days both PM IK and Bajwa had meetings with Chinese Ambassador. The agenda is very very clear.

Pakistan should take the gloves off, time is approaching to take Kashmir by force.
Even IK has said recently, that if Pakistan have no other option it would take Kashmir by force.
Pakistan should act, before India uses Israeli apartheid tactics to change the demographics in Kashmir.

When I opened a thread and shared some information, "defence strategist" on this forum were as usual deriding it. In last couple of days it has become clear I was right, Indians are planning other moves to change the Status of Kashmir further, perhaps declaring two new "Indian states". One in the north as "Ladakh" and one in the south as "Jammu" leaving the name of Kashmir out completely.

Pakistan is going to sit idly by and play "Peace Mantra"!!!!

I have no hope from Bajwa, the politician.
Scenario 2
At 1200 Indian Standard time India hastily retaliates with multiple formations along the international border and over sea. Primary target is to strike Sargodha and Masroor. Your choice on formation of the aggressors and defenders.
PAF is doing a cap with F-16 ADF, JF-17 and F-7PG. Attack on Sargodha is repeled with heavy losses to the Indian Air Force. Masroor has been hit hard by IAF inflicts heavy losses on ground to PAF aircraft. Many Air to Air kills are also inflicted on PAF. PAF was unable to attain areal deniability over Karachi.

@SQ8 brother you can calculate what assets can be mobilized by OIC and Turkey and reasonable time. 48 hours could be a reasonable time. If you like you can also use these 48 hours for China and Russian reaction and their option of entering the war.

However in my opinion if we are limited to air war alone then OIC is enough to fulfill and negate any Air superiority.
A large contingent at least 350 - 400 aircraft is being arranged.

Moreover Pakistan is not aware to what OIC and the world leaders would do so as war time purchases are concerned Pakistan has asked China for an additional 100 JF-17s and similar number of J-10s.
Playing safe China refuses to provide JF-17 due to low production capabilities. J-10's are refused on two grounds i.e lack of experience of PAF pilots on J10s and possibility of China entering the war in the near future.

Pakistan asks KSA to procure used EFT from Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria.
IRAN is still monitoring the situation.
Ok - so lets put that into what happens later on 28th February - what is Pakistani retaliation to what you quoted?

Once the first couple indian planes get detected in Pakistani airspace while Pakistan is scrambling its fighter jets it also launches hundreds of decoy drones into the air. Indian strike package gets scared away by all the decoy drones thinking their paf fighter jets or they get too busy shooting down the numerous decoy drones thinking their fighter jets while paf jets shoot down the real indian jets.
Indian artillery pounds our positions in Kashmir and Gilgit but while that’s happening Pakistans hidden A-100 and Fateh 1 mlrs systems in Punjab and sindh get activated and launch barrages of gps guided rockets at Indian military installations near the border. Additionally we could have some Fateh 1 hidden in Gilgit and Northern Punjab at least 60 kms away from the border so Indian artillery can’t target it and Fateh 1 can launch its rockets at Indian military installations on loc and target Indian garrisons in places like Baramulla and, right away change it’s position or go back in hiding so iaf aircraft can’t target it.
The hidden mlrs system can be hidden underground or in urban areas in a house.
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