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Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

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Ok guys, TTP got what it need i.e. BREAK.
Now they are already drinking vodka. watching Tamil movies, in palaces of Kabul, so don't bother anymore, leadership has gone across the border!
Ok guys, TTP got what it need i.e. BREAK.
Now they are already drinking vodka. watching Tamil movies, in palaces of Kabul, so don't bother anymore, leadership has gone across the border!

The leadership can run however it can never hide, because ISI like Mossad will eliminate those who have transgressed against this beautiful nation.
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kill the tali bastards! yipee
Ok, so an IED blast today killed 3 FC in Hangu again. Does this violate the ceasefire assurance given by the ttp?
We supported USA because no other option was available. Do you think we could have withstood an attack? This is war, like it or not innocents will die in guerrilla warfare. Do you think we can minimize casualties to 0? Jadu ki chardhi nahin hamre paas. We do not attack civilians, they do. We dont intend to kill civilians even though they are hand in hand with them. They intend to inflict maximum casualties. Therein lies the difference. Therein lies the moral high ground we exercise.

These Afghan Taliban/TTP/SSP/LeJ are all cut from the same cloth. Pacifism will be our death, it actually has sowed so much fear that ordinary people dont come out of their homes to protest. This is what we get for meddling and peddling such Mujahideen. Enjoy, we are reaping what we sow. Karma is such a deadly concept even Muslims wont be spared. Why not?

My thinking is actually very soft, if It were upto me, genocide is the only option. But alas let's see what you come up with. What is your opinion on how to tackle these issues?
I know collateral damages by pak army are unintentional but your line of thinking by faujis would be very dangerous in the long term in this war. This war might stretch for decades and the frustration in army might grow to such extent that civilian casaulties at their hands might become intentional, and they would have excuses and justifications like you are having right now. If you want to save pakistan then pray that army doesnt lose control like it did in 1971. Pashtuns are silent over these collateral damages as they accept it as unintentional accidents, as bitter reality of wars. But if it becomes open atrocities, genocidal policies like you wished....then wallah we would chase you people to far corners of the world, neither your lahore would be safe from our wrath nor pindi and karachi.
Dismay at Pakistan's Acceptance of Taliban Cease-fire

Mar. 4, 2014 - 03:45AM |



Pakistan Peoples Party supporters demonstrate against militant attacks on health workers. (Agence France-Presse)

ISLAMABAD — Analysts are dismayed the government has accepted a cease-fire from the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) just as the TTP was reeling from Air Force and Army attacks launched in retaliation for the recent attack on a polio vaccination team.

They say it shows the TTP can still dictate the course of events despite a new government security policy designed to tackle internal security threats.

Brian Cloughley, a former Australian defense attaché to Islamabad, says he cannot understand the decision.
“I am at a loss to follow the government’s logic in agreeing to a ceasefire, if only because when rebels propose such a thing it almost always means that they are suffering and want time and space,” he said.

“The public seemed to be firmly on the government’s side about maintaining pressure, but they will wonder what on earth is going on. Perhaps the attack in Islamabad will alter the government’s mind about the risks in accepting a cease-fire proposal. If [Prime Minister] Nawaz Sharif continues to abide by it, however, he is going to be politically isolated,” he said.

The TTP has stressed it was not connected to Monday’s attack on a court complex in Islamabad. That attack was claimed by what, until recently, was the Mohmand Agency chapter of the TTP, and is now called the Ahrarul Hind.

Similarly Haris Khan of the Pakistan Military consortium think tank said the TTP has been hit hard by the Air Force and Army, which has “more or less taken out a lot of their local command and training structures.”
The government should increase the pressure, not decrease it and allow them to regroup, he said.

“They now know that [intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance] against them is perfect and there is nowhere else to run and hide. ... This is not the time to halt counter attacks, this is the time to finish them off without having boots on the ground,” he said.

Claude Rakisits, honorary associate professor in strategic studies at Australia’s Deakin University, agrees the government should “now implement ruthlessly and relentlessly the military option,” but instead the government is setting a dangerous course.

The government “cannot allow the TTP to set the agenda” he said. “By agreeing to a cease-fire it would simply give the TTP and all their ideological fellow travelers time to either prepare for battle or, more likely, flee North Waziristan for the mountains of Afghanistan.

“From there they will then seep back into the FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas] once the military operations against them are over. In any case, given all the lead time the military had given the TTP, I suspect large numbers of fighters have already fled westward.”

The current TTP leader, Mullah Fazlullah, escaped into Afghanistan during an Army operation to retake the Swat valley in 2009.

However, Khan said a resumption of sustained strikes against the TTP can still take out its leadership.

“Fazlullah is on the ISI-CIA (Pak-Afghanistan Coordination cell) active hit list in Pakistan,” and a resumption in drone strikes in the Tribal Areas would likely take him out, he said.

Pakistan also has the ability to target the TTP over the border in Afghanistan, but Khan says this can be complicated.

“There have been a few instances when [Pakistani special forces] have entered Afghanistan and taken out high-value targets, but the distance of infiltration was not more than 15 miles from the Pakistani border because of extraction issues.”

A full-scale ground operation against the TTP is still possible, but Rakisits said this could lead to a more interesting issue.

“The bigger strategic question is, of course, what would such an operation mean for the government’s relationship with the Haqqani network and other ‘good’ Taliban which have not targeted government forces in the past’?”

Rakisits said this situation could also be changing.

“According to [National Security and Foreign Affairs Adviser] Sartaj Aziz, who was in Washington a few weeks ago, a military operation in North Waziristan and elsewhere in FATA would go after all militants” he said.

“If this is true, this would be a very big policy shift from the previous governments. Perhaps the government and the military have finally come to the realization that supporting the Taliban and all like-minded terrorists was not such a good idea after all — one only needs to count the 50,000 dead Pakistanis civilians to confirm it,” Rakisits added.

There are obvious risks, however.

“Of course, if there is a serious and sustained military operation against the TTP et al, one can expect massive retaliation on the part of the terrorists.”

However, “the government is on safe policy ground by opting for the military option.”

“The people of Pakistan are fed up with these attacks on civilians. And the latest attack in the heart of Islamabad should put the final nail into the negotiation coffin so that it can be buried once and for all,” he said. ■
Email: uansari@defensenews.com.
did nawaz hinted that Islamabad incident maybe done by Indian Raw?
Got this news a month back , record level dumping has been done in north waziristan by PA
When i read this discussion i think to my self. What does defence.pk members have in common. well most of u love pakistani army and are also sympathizers for pak army. Do this members reflekt the general public in pakistan, no i think not. The pak army generals are not angels them ither. They for eksempel supports haqani network in north waziristan, now how can the pak military take action agians there own supported group? Yes there also minor other groups in north waziristan as well. The dilema is that its pakistan army it self who have made wrong moves that have led to all this problems. If pak army go to war it risk that the haqani network goes agians them. And the influence of pakistan in Afghanistan(taliban) get in more trouble. so the government and military are on the same page.
When i read this discussion i think to my self. What does defence.pk members have in common. well most of u love pakistani army and are also sympathizers for pak army. Do this members reflekt the general public in pakistan, no i think not. The pak army generals are not angels them ither. They for eksempel supports haqani network in north waziristan, now how can the pak military take action agians there own supported group? Yes there also minor other groups in north waziristan as well. The dilema is that its pakistan army it self who have made wrong moves that have led to all this problems. If pak army go to war it risk that the haqani network goes agians them. And the influence of pakistan in Afghanistan(taliban) get in more trouble. so the government and military are on the same page.

General public is always segmented into different groups largely due to religion, race, sect, interest etc, Simultaneously Public support differs in respect to going to war or defending a war.
National policies keep evolving...there are no permanent friends or foes just the national interest are catered.
Problem is the true representation of masses i.e National leaders .. Impotent Nawaz & co doesn`t fulfill the criteria
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