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Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

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Dude, I always do that, to test new recruits. You have passed the test, now I know you are not one of the zealots. Welcome aboard! :D
K sure whatever makes you feel happy, btw how old are you? ( just a hint would be fine)
Hey i have two questions....
1-Is thunder being used in the ops against TTP or not, were they used before and how effective have they been???
2-Do the miscreants have the ability to shoot down our recce. drones???

Answer to both questions is yes

its right from the field. JF-17s have been specifically named by the officers in the field that called in airstrikes.
the terrorists have shilka 14 mm cannons and they have used them to shoot down our helicopters in the past. even cobra(s) have been shot down.with RGP or shilka. until now the TTP doesnt have the MANPADs but as the situation in Afghanistan becomes desperate (read Indians/ Northern Alliance scum) .. they can provide shoulder fired missiles to TTP.

another real threat is TTP getting the hands on Pakistani baktar shikan and Anza missiles that are bought by Saudis to aid the FSA and TTP is already on ground fighting together with them and AL Qaeda against the Asad regime. after the war is over those missiles can find their way back into Pakistan. Americans have already expressed their concern that any type of SAMs can be used against Israel after the war in Syria is over. this is why the FSA was not been offered any anti tank or anti aircraft weapons by the Americans and Europeans but Saudis have found grateful Pakistanis as a solution.
Answer to both questions is yes

its right from the field. JF-17s have been specifically named by the officers in the field that called in airstrikes.
the terrorists have shilka 14 mm cannons and they have used them to shoot down our helicopters in the past. even cobra(s) have been shot down.with RGP or shilka. until now the TTP doesnt have the MANPADs but as the situation in Afghanistan becomes desperate (read Indians/ Northern Alliance scum) .. they can provide shoulder fired missiles to TTP.

another real threat is TTP getting the hands on Pakistani baktar shikan and Anza missiles that are bought by Saudis to aid the FSA and TTP is already on ground fighting together with them and AL Qaeda against the Asad regime. after the war is over those missiles can find their way back into Pakistan. Americans have already expressed their concern that any type of SAMs can be used against Israel after the war in Syria is over. this is why the FSA was not been offered any anti tank or anti aircraft weapons by the Americans and Europeans but Saudis have found grateful Pakistanis as a solution.
Now that's what i'm talking about! Thanks
So the thing is I am of the opinion that after the peace talks the Taliban apparatus here won't fight us any more and will focus mainly on the Afghan side of the situation i.e. maintaining a government of Talibs there.
Meanwhile we should empower our intelligence and special apparatus there and that's where the counter insurgency centric warfare come in i.e. drones UGVs and stuff....
Do you think mine is a reasonable approach?
So the thing is I am of the opinion that after the peace talks the Taliban apparatus here won't fight us any more and will focus mainly on the Afghan side of the situation i.e. maintaining a government of Talibs there.?

Sadly, this is not the case as clarified time and again by TTP leadership that their ultimate goal and target is Islamabad, the governance of Pakistan. for now they might go around in other countries if their financiers and handlers wants them to like in Syria. they are currently in Afghanistan being hosted by the Afghan intelligence and the Indians against their war with Pakistani state but after the peace talks their goals will remain unchanged.

there is no Imran Khan's drone complaint
not even fighting the American war on terror

they want their members freed for Pakistani jails and want compensation for all their casualties and want their brand of shariat in Pakistan since our constitution is kuffer for them.

so our action plan or contingency will be to constantly equip and train our forces to fight the asymmetric warfare . deploy surveillance and combat drones, deploy MRAPs, provide close air support to our troops and in short anything that gives us the advantage against them and never give them a fair fight as they never do themselves. our intelligence must sniff out differences, assassinations, exploit the infighting among them and must indirectly support the weaker party if there is a full blown fight so that they kill each other more and then finish off the victors. stop and disrupt the Arabian funding of terrorist organisations and dont give them relief or breathing space and keep up the pressure. exposing the informants within the political parties is also very important. during Kyani and current COAS time it is learnt that some taliban sympathizers had been leaking the briefings by the army when it was appraising the politicians about the operations. ISI must bribe Nawaz to prevent that.

Nawaz has in 2 occasions has helped (this year) and supported TTP as much as the Saudis or Indians would have supported them over a decade.

how so?

by calling off the airstrikes and operations when TTP personnel and leadership was badly clubbed and cornered...

just gives you the insight of the way the mind of this dallal amir al munafiqeen works

army gives him full briefing about the sensitivity of the situation
TTP plans for upcoming months
its precarious position due to bad weather
and an opportunity to inflict a spine breaking losses to it

and what he does?

he calls the unilateral ceasefire

TTP gets the breather and executes our soldiers, attacks our posts, back to back attacks Peshawar, kills people in Islamabad and Karachi ...

Dallal says to army ok strike back if (only you) are attacked. (**** the civilians after all they voted us in they must suck it in for next 5 years)

PAF strikes again and this time TTP mourns like hell and breaks the heart of Nawaz league and they accept their ceasefire offer (despite the fact that TTP continues the cull of this god forsaken nation under whatever name they please)

wait you must say.. why all this ranting and what does it have to do with my post?

well my dear.. our weakest link is not the overt and covert supporters of TTP within our public, its not even the deobandi madrassahs but actually its the dallal democracy we have brought in that wont care about the blood of the innocent.
and will fail every strategy of our military because it will either not give army the go ahead or will bicker about the "undemocratic forces" putting hurdles in the path of democracy.
May ALLAH's blessings with our Armed forces, Ameen
Sadly, this is not the case as clarified time and again by TTP leadership that their ultimate goal and target is Islamabad, the governance of Pakistan. for now they might go around in other countries if their financiers and handlers wants them to like in Syria. they are currently in Afghanistan being hosted by the Afghan intelligence and the Indians against their war with Pakistani state but after the peace talks their goals will remain unchanged.

there is no Imran Khan's drone complaint
not even fighting the American war on terror

they want their members freed for Pakistani jails and want compensation for all their casualties and want their brand of shariat in Pakistan since our constitution is kuffer for them.

so our action plan or contingency will be to constantly equip and train our forces to fight the asymmetric warfare . deploy surveillance and combat drones, deploy MRAPs, provide close air support to our troops and in short anything that gives us the advantage against them and never give them a fair fight as they never do themselves. our intelligence must sniff out differences, assassinations, exploit the infighting among them and must indirectly support the weaker party if there is a full blown fight so that they kill each other more and then finish off the victors. stop and disrupt the Arabian funding of terrorist organisations and dont give them relief or breathing space and keep up the pressure. exposing the informants within the political parties is also very important. during Kyani and current COAS time it is learnt that some taliban sympathizers had been leaking the briefings by the army when it was appraising the politicians about the operations. ISI must bribe Nawaz to prevent that.

Nawaz has in 2 occasions has helped (this year) and supported TTP as much as the Saudis or Indians would have supported them over a decade.

how so?

by calling off the airstrikes and operations when TTP personnel and leadership was badly clubbed and cornered...

just gives you the insight of the way the mind of this dallal amir al munafiqeen works

army gives him full briefing about the sensitivity of the situation
TTP plans for upcoming months
its precarious position due to bad weather
and an opportunity to inflict a spine breaking losses to it

and what he does?

he calls the unilateral ceasefire

TTP gets the breather and executes our soldiers, attacks our posts, back to back attacks Peshawar, kills people in Islamabad and Karachi ...

Dallal says to army ok strike back if (only you) are attacked. (**** the civilians after all they voted us in they must suck it in for next 5 years)

PAF strikes again and this time TTP mourns like hell and breaks the heart of Nawaz league and they accept their ceasefire offer (despite the fact that TTP continues the cull of this god forsaken nation under whatever name they please)

wait you must say.. why all this ranting and what does it have to do with my post?

well my dear.. our weakest link is not the overt and covert supporters of TTP within our public, its not even the deobandi madrassahs but actually its the dallal democracy we have brought in that wont care about the blood of the innocent.
and will fail every strategy of our military because it will either not give army the go ahead or will bicker about the "undemocratic forces" putting hurdles in the path of democracy.
Some points.....
1-Basically the political government is trying to break up these non state factors into smaller groups and you yourself have given hint of which in my opinion is an excellent strategy, a confused enemy is a dysfunctional one.
2-IMPO after the peace talks the Taliban will scatter and eventually make their way into Afghanistan. Also in that scenario they can be better handled by our government apparatus.
3-Meanwhile we are preparing for asymmetric warfare, no doubts about that.
4-As far as your allegations on Nawaz are concerned i do not agree with you, he seems to be doing a real good job at this security issue and ministry of internal affairs is serious about this issue as well (i.e. NACTA and stuff)
5-You stance against democracy along with others who are like minded as you..... well..... i don't agree with you guys and am simply astonished how can you people support the military regarding their dealing with internal matters of a country? Just because they are better disciplined? that is one of the stupidest ideas i can think of, Zia, Yahya, Musharraf along with others are the symbol of black periods this country has faced and is still facing today.
6-I am not an N supporter rather i support PTI but still N-league is doing an excellent job and their efforts should be appraised.
thanks for your comments
my support for my khaki colleagues is not because they are better disciplined are better leaders to lead the country. I am one of those who would keep military away from ruling the country as it affects it badly. our interaction with public should be only during 23 March or defence day or during natural calamities like floods and earth quakes.

that said military shouldn't be confused with debtors, charity workers or preachers... we are trained to kill... Kill kill... kill the enemy of the state.. dont expect us to talk. we dont talk we dont want to talk why we talk with someone who beheads our colleagues and our citizens, desecrates our public and private property and challenges the state? we rather politicians do the talking.

by the way the terrorists are one step ahead, they are playing cat and mouse, they know our opinions are divided they know that Punabi PM would rather see Punjab spared while army and rest of the provinces are reeling with rage and frustration. terrorists throw a bone now and then and and get desired results.

for sake of Pakistan I hope Nawaz is able to protect the country and save its interests. I will buy him kaghzi badam and roghni chahar maghz to help with his mental faculties.

your last lines are personal opinion but I think by using the word "excellent" you have been too generous.
thanks for your comments
my support for my khaki colleagues is not because they are better disciplined are better leaders to lead the country. I am one of those who would keep military away from ruling the country as it affects it badly. our interaction with public should be only during 23 March or defence day or during natural calamities like floods and earth quakes.

that said military shouldn't be confused with debtors, charity workers or preachers... we are trained to kill... Kill kill... kill the enemy of the state.. dont expect us to talk. we dont talk we dont want to talk why we talk with someone who beheads our colleagues and our citizens, desecrates our public and private property and challenges the state? we rather politicians do the talking.

by the way the terrorists are one step ahead, they are playing cat and mouse, they know our opinions are divided they know that Punabi PM would rather see Punjab spared while army and rest of the provinces are reeling with rage and frustration. terrorists throw a bone now and then and and get desired results.

for sake of Pakistan I hope Nawaz is able to protect the country and save its interests. I will buy him kaghzi badam and roghni chahar maghz to help with his mental faculties.

your last lines are personal opinion but I think by using the word "excellent" you have been too generous.

I love our armed forces from the core of my heart and would fight for this country beside them any time of the year. As far as your comment regarding the terrorists are concerned i know our armed forces are well capable of defeating them and crushing them but in the light of the fact that 6000 minor operations and 200 major ones hasn't lead to anything means something is definitely wrong somewhere, again i have no doubts about the capabilities of our forces but i along with every other Pakistani wish that peace be restored as soon as possible especially when it can be restored and by the looks of it the talks seem to be working.

TTP was not created in one day rather it took years of operations against the Waziri people that took them to arms and the real fire was added by the drone strikes that not only killed militants but also civilians, this added a whole new dimension to this current situation we are facing. So, my point is if a situation that has been created in a decade can be resolved in a few weeks not matter in which way THEN WHY NOT?

Completely taking out these people will cause a further burden on our economy and the all the foreign investment (in billions) will come to a halt and will be a waste.

As far as Nawaz being Punjabi is concerned then i have no idea what is going in your mind. I know he doesn't feel personal towards all of us but at least he sees all of the Pakistani people as his vote bank which is only natural and is in no way of any bad. IF he was a Punjabi PM he wouldn't have given any damn about the people of Thar but he went their and gave grants which is what PMs do right!? What else do you expect of him? feed everyone by hand? As far as Karachi situation is concerned then N league is desperately trying to pass a security bill which will empower the Rangers but some black sheep don't want that..... so what? it isn't Nawaz's problem that people aren't standing up for their God damn safety and he certainly doesn't have a magic wand that can do magic (one of the bad and good sides of democracy cause he ain't an autocrat).

As far as the word excellent goes then a reduced number of bomb blasts, Chinese investment, greater situational awareness of internal matters, betterment of economy (minor or greater) is an excellent development in contrast to the previous Government.
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The reason is quite obvious actually. Talibitches are Wahabi / Deobandi. So is he. Same masters, just different get-ups. One is the PM, others are labelled as insurgents. If you analyze their psyche, you'll be wonderfully surprised that they are twins.

his recent decisions show exactly what you are saying.
imagine the frustration of the people who briefed him of the impeding attacks, the on going terrorism and their future planes and he says lets offer them peace and talk to them.

but what really grinds my gears is the collective amnesia and the selective memory of the general public and the opinion makers that grace our talk shows. a single day or a single week lull in attacks is used a proof that these butchers are pious, heaven hearted well wishers of Pakistan. (complete forgetting only the beginning of this year they killed 100+ civilians in single attacks from karachi to Quetta and Peshawar).

Imran Khan justifies the murder of our troops andcivilians due to our operations and drone strikes saying collateral damage is the cause of these terrorist attacks @FunkyGen do you know how many Maliks, edlers , imams and ordinary tribal people have been beheaded and killed by the same taliban? their women disrespected, their children killed in front of their fathers first?
why did the Ahl Hadith imam and his students had to die at the hands of TTP mehsood chapter? their seminary taken over and re-branded as Red Mosque?

A lull for few days in terrorism is an achievement of Nawaz sherif? how mentally demented one has to be to think like that? TTP is always on the look out seeking out new targets.. they dont give a damn about reasoning and talk.
army is not seeking the death of entire tribal people, far from it.. its after the Arabian funded takfiris only, collateral damage is regrettable and never an intention in our strikes but TTP actually on purpose does that.

in Mehmund, Sawat and Khyber and Waziristan its the army and the tribals who suffered the treachery of TTP when they broke the ceasefire and killed and beheaded people and then boasted that we have killed ANP and its mourners time and again that people dont even go to their funerals.

that maybe Jamat Islami, JUI, PTI and Nawazleagues brothers but not mine and neither of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH
he has called these Takfiris the hounds of hellfire.

one has to be like them and speak the same language if he wants to call TTP their brothers and own people.. and as Muhammad PBUH and Ali r.a has called them.. hounds of hell..

our Military is not on the same page with the government, one has to be honest about it because it sees TTP as an existential treat to the state but its not objecting or putting hurdles to the peace talks. if Choudhary Nisar wants to play cricket with the butchers then he may do so, if Irfan Sadique wants to bring Mullah fazlulah on his shoulders to Raiwand palace then fine.. do that too after all its the elected party to govern this country.

inshallah TTP will do exactly the same to children and grand children of Nawaz league leaders what they did to the children of tribal area and Quetta.
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his recent decisions show exactly what you are saying.
imagine the frustration of the people who briefed him of the impeding attacks, the on going terrorism and their future planes and he says lets offer them peace and talk to them.

but what really grinds my gears is the collective amnesia and the selective memory of the general public and the opinion makers that grace our talk shows. a single day or a single week lull in attacks is used a proof that these butchers are pious, heaven hearted well wishers of Pakistan. (complete forgetting only the beginning of this year they killed 100+ civilians in single attacks from karachi to Quetta and Peshawar).

Imran Khan justifies the murder of our troops andcivilians due to our operations and drone strikes saying collateral damage is the cause of these terrorist attacks @FunkyGen do you know how many Maliks, edlers , imams and ordinary tribal people have been beheaded and killed by the same taliban? their women disrespected, their children killed in front of their fathers first?
why did the Ahl Hadith imam and his students had to die at the hands of TTP mehsood chapter? their seminary taken over and re-branded as Red Mosque?

A lull for few days in terrorism is an achievement of Nawaz sherif? how mentally demented one has to be to think like that? TTP is always on the look out seeking out new targets.. they dont give a damn about reasoning and talk.
army is not seeking the death of entire tribal people, far from it.. its after the Arabian funded takfiris only, collateral damage is regrettable and never an intention in our strikes but TTP actually on purpose does that.

in Mehmund, Sawat and Khyber and Waziristan its the army and the tribals who suffered the treachery of TTP when they broke the ceasefire and killed and beheaded people and then boasted that we have killed ANP and its mourners time and again that people dont even go to their funerals.

that maybe Jamat Islami, JUI, PTI and Nawazleagues brothers but not mine and neither of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH
he has called these Takfiris the hounds of hellfire.

one has to be like them and speak the same language if he wants to call TTP their brothers and own people.. and as Muhammad PBUH and Ali r.a has called them.. hounds of hell..

I condemn their actions and the losses are regrettable but the question is how can an army fight them when their supporters are or have been even in the army ranks? I repeat again their is no easy solution of this excessive Islamization thanks to a certain dictator. We should let this matter cool down revenge can come later after we've re equipped and re armed.
Hey i have two questions....
1-Is thunder being used in the ops against TTP or not, were they used before and how effective have they been???
2-Do the miscreants have the ability to shoot down our recce. drones???

1- A while ago there was a picture and a statement that told of the Thunder being employed in the operations. Said that it was pretty effective too. Don't know how true it was though.

2- There were quite a few Stingers left in Afghanistan after the Soviets withdrew. Also, the TTP could get fresh supplies of manpads from the same sources which have been supplying them with all the other high-tech gear that they possess. A while back I did see some camera footage from a US recce drone which was shot down with a manpad by a Taliban, probably a Stinger hit. Tried finding that footage many times after but to no avail.

I condemn their actions and the losses are regrettable but the question is how can an army fight them when their supporters are or have been even in the army ranks? I repeat again their is no easy solution of this excessive Islamization thanks to a certain dictator. We should let this matter cool down revenge can come later after we've re equipped and re armed.

It's not us who need the re-equipping and the re-arming, it's the TTP which needs it. As they say, strike while the iron is hot, and the iron is smouldering right now. We are not out for revenge, this is an existential nuisance if not threat and must be eliminated as soon as possible. A very brief and simple study of the TTP's agenda makes it amply clear that there is no middle ground or compromise that can be reached with them. The State of Pakistan is a complete antithesis of what the TTP wants. Or are we juvenile enough to be believe that somehow we can convince them to lay down their arms just like that? And then for how long?
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Dude. You have no idea what you are talking about. How old are you? 17, 18, 21? TTP is not Waziri people, you have way way way oversimplified the puzzle. To understand the basics, you'd need a time machine and travel several decades into the past.

Furthermore, "capable", "crushing", "peace restored", "drones", "dimensions", "current situation", "burden on economy", "situational awareness", are nothing, but, very marketable catch phrases.

Wanting to fight, and fighting are two very different things, they are not only worlds apart, but galaxies apart in terms of variables that you'd have to surmount, all sorts of.

Listen to what @Irfan Baloch is saying, research it, and then use your grey matter to come to a judgement. Nothing is as it seems. All that you have been taught throughout your life has been a lie. All of it. Start from there.

I love our armed forces from the core of my heart and would fight for this country beside them any time of the year. As far as your comment regarding the terrorists are concerned i know our armed forces are well capable of defeating them and crushing them but in the light of the fact that 6000 minor operations and 200 major ones hasn't lead to anything means something is definitely wrong somewhere, again i have no doubts about the capabilities of our forces but i along with every other Pakistani wish that peace be restored as soon as possible especially when it can be restored and by the looks of it the talks seem to be working.

TTP was not created in one rather it took years of operations against the Waziri people that took them to arms and the real fire was added by the drone strikes that not only killed militants but also civilians, this added a whole new dimension to this current situation we are facing. So, my point is if a situation that has been created in a decade can be resolved in a few weeks not matter in which way THEN WHY NOT?

Completely taking out these people will cause a further burden on our economy and the all the foreign investment (in billions) will come to a halt and will be a waste.

As far as Nawaz being Punjabi is concerned then i have no idea what is going in your mind. I know he doesn't feel personal towards all of us but at least he sees all of the Pakistani people as his vote bank which is only natural and is in no way of any bad. IF he was a Punjabi PM he wouldn't have given any damn about the people of Thar but he went their and gave grants which is what PMs do right!? What else do you expect of him? feed everyone by hand? As far as Karachi situation is concerned then N league is desperately trying to pass a security bill which will empower the Rangers but some black sheep don't want that..... so what? it isn't Nawaz's problem that people aren't standing up for their God damn safety and he certainly doesn't have a magic wand that can do magic (one of the bad and good sides of democracy cause he ain't an autocrat).

As far as the word excellent goes then a reduced number of bomb blasts, Chinese investment, greater situational awareness of internal matters, betterment of economy (minor or greater) is an excellent development in contrast to the previous Government.
1- A while ago there was a picture and a statement that told of the Thunder being employed in the operations. Said that it was pretty effective too.
Any report of any sort, any links?
IB, the only way I know how to defeat evil is with pure evil. Sorry to say that there are no other options left. As far as I'm concerned, we'd need to go SriLanka on these people. Till the last man, woman and child of theirs is killed, and I'm not talking about the insurgents only. You are bright enough to understand the scope of treachery we'd have to embark upon. Small teams, very wide array of targets, no particular order or pattern, and massive collateral damage upon their kith and kin will be highly desirable.

his recent decisions show exactly what you are saying.
imagine the frustration of the people who briefed him of the impeding attacks, the on going terrorism and their future planes and he says lets offer them peace and talk to them.

but what really grinds my gears is the collective amnesia and the selective memory of the general public and the opinion makers that grace our talk shows. a single day or a single week lull in attacks is used a proof that these butchers are pious, heaven hearted well wishers of Pakistan. (complete forgetting only the beginning of this year they killed 100+ civilians in single attacks from karachi to Quetta and Peshawar).

Imran Khan justifies the murder of our troops andcivilians due to our operations and drone strikes saying collateral damage is the cause of these terrorist attacks @FunkyGen do you know how many Maliks, edlers , imams and ordinary tribal people have been beheaded and killed by the same taliban? their women disrespected, their children killed in front of their fathers first?
why did the Ahl Hadith imam and his students had to die at the hands of TTP mehsood chapter? their seminary taken over and re-branded as Red Mosque?

A lull for few days in terrorism is an achievement of Nawaz sherif? how mentally demented one has to be to think like that? TTP is always on the look out seeking out new targets.. they dont give a damn about reasoning and talk.
army is not seeking the death of entire tribal people, far from it.. its after the Arabian funded takfiris only, collateral damage is regrettable and never an intention in our strikes but TTP actually on purpose does that.

in Mehmund, Sawat and Khyber and Waziristan its the army and the tribals who suffered the treachery of TTP when they broke the ceasefire and killed and beheaded people and then boasted that we have killed ANP and its mourners time and again that people dont even go to their funerals.

that maybe Jamat Islami, JUI, PTI and Nawazleagues brothers but not mine and neither of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH
he has called these Takfiris the hounds of hellfire.

one has to be like them and speak the same language if he wants to call TTP their brothers and own people.. and as Muhammad PBUH and Ali r.a has called them.. hounds of hell..

our Military is not on the same page with the government, one has to be honest about it because it sees TTP as an existential treat to the state but its not objecting or putting hurdles to the peace talks. if Choudhary Nisar wants to play cricket with the butchers then he may do so, if Irfan Sadique wants to bring Mullah fazlulah on his shoulders to Raiwand palace then fine.. do that too after all its the elected party to govern this country.

inshallah TTP will do exactly the same to children and grand children of Nawaz league leaders what they did to the children of tribal area and Quetta.
TTP is not Waziri people
If they are in waziristan then they are waziris or they have their help, i am unwilling to accept that an insurgency of this scale is not being supported by local elements, you wanna believe that, your choice. Also read into mehsud tribe.

Furthermore, "capable", "crushing", "peace restored", "drones", "dimensions", "current situation", "burden on economy", "situational awareness", are nothing, but, very marketable catch phrases.
They are nonetheless very important and are being discussed at lengths by the current political government.

Wanting to fight, and fighting are two very different things, they are not only worlds apart, but galaxies apart in terms of variables that you'd have to surmount, all sorts of.
No idea what you're saying.

Listen to what @Irfan Baloch is saying, research it, and then use your grey matter to come to a judgement. Nothing is as it seems. All that you have been taught throughout your life has been a lie. All of it. Start from there.
I have been told nothing and i certainly don't take people's words for what they are. I am a neutral observer, a nationalist who wants the best of my country for my own personal benefits as i believe there is a reason behind most things and i don't want to claim i am some selfless creature or anything.

IB, the only way I know how to defeat evil is with pure evil. Sorry to say that there are no other options left. As far as I'm concerned, we'd need to go SriLanka on these people. Till the last man, woman and child of theirs is killed, and I'm not talking about the insurgents only. You are bright enough to understand the scope of treachery we'd have to embark upon. Small teams, very wide array of targets, no particular order or pattern.
Took them 25 years though, the current government doesn't have that much time. Personally i disagree with you.
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