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Military Deployment in Afghanistan is not in India’s National Interests

Whichever Indian suggests sending Indian soldiers into Afghanistan, should be the first to be sent there.

Why is this even being discussed? India has no interest whatsoever in fighting somebody else's war. If they come to India to for military training (which they do), we will impart world class training to them to fight insurgents and terrorists. After all very few forces on earth have as much experience and success in that field as India does. But to go fight their war in their country? Sorry, India is not the USA. It has neither the will, nor the inclination to do so.

Except for some geo-strategic games, Afghanistan is not even that important to Indians, that we should send our troops there. Pakistan spent decades sending its troops and its SSG to fight in Afghanistan, and later patronizing the Taliban while the rest of the world looked on in horror at that regime, and now they are paying the price by having their ideological soulmates doing what they do best inside Pakistan.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Touching and emotionally rivetting speech!

Curiously the objectives of the war changed; bad guys became good guys, good guys became bad guys.. And amidst all the confusion no solid exit strategy was formulated.

Then again in the afghan context "exit strategy" always meant "leave the mess for others to handle; cut your losses and get out as soon as can be done"

Just ask the (former) soviets
Wait, buying all the Chinese weapons on soft loans suddenly makes Pakistan a "strategic ally" of China?

Dude, a "strategic ally" in military terms is one that will help the other nation fight wars, like the NATO countries help each other. If China aspires to take on the US militarily, I don't think it seriously banks on any help from Pakistan.

Being a dumpyard for their cloned weapons makes you a not so valuable customer, not a strategic ally.

that was harsh dude Just ask your Indian media about Gawadar Port also the joint production of Jf-17 thunder fighter (where pakistan insisted on adding DSI ) look at their j-10 now china has been asked to build a naval Base in pakistan (dont know if they will or wont ) and Pretty soon because of paksitan's relationship changing with Iran you will see your self loosing iran and Probably gaining KSA because they dont like IRan but KSA depends on pakistan for its internal security according to "RUSSIA TODAY" so pakistan is a very important ally to anyone if they are Sincere like how China is with pakistan

Touching and emotionally rivetting speech!

Curiously the objectives of the war changed; bad guys became good guys, good guys became bad guys.. And amidst all the confusion no solid exit strategy was formulated.

Then again in the afghan context "exit strategy" always meant "leave the mess for others to handle; cut your losses and get out as soon as can be done"

Just ask the (former) soviets

What about the assets capable of hitting anytime anywhere ???
What about the 2000/3000 Marines that will be stationed in Afgan ???
What about the airbases that USAF/CIA will have control ???
What about the CIA network ???
Touching and emotionally rivetting speech!

Curiously the objectives of the war changed; bad guys became good guys, good guys became bad guys.. And amidst all the confusion no solid exit strategy was formulated.

Then again in the afghan context "exit strategy" always meant "leave the mess for others to handle; cut your losses and get out as soon as can be done"

Just ask the (former) soviets

The good guys may have become bad guys for the USA. India was always on the side of the northern alliance, even building makeshift hospitals for their injured fighters.

And the Taliban became bad guys for the whole world once they established their regime, and the sort of life they made the poor afghans live. But curiously not so for Pakistan, which continued to patronize that regime, being one of only three countries to have friendly relations with the talibans.

And now their ideology seems to have become a bane for Pakistanis as well, and with all sorts of nexuses forming between the most dangerous border on earth, the afgh-pak border. And that ideology now radicalizing Pakistani society like never before.

So all this confusion of who are the good guys and who are the bad guys exist only for Pakistanis, and earlier to americans. As far as Indians are concerned, we were always clear on what talibs are. And so your response has nothing to do with my post that you responded to.
The world's biggest democracy doesn't have a military presence in any other country either. So that's not really a boasting point for afghanistan

The US is not going back because it was defeated by the afghan militants. They are going back because there is no reason to stay there anymore. They drove the Taliban out of power, reduced them to being terrorists who occasionally blast a bomb, decimated the al Qaeda network that operated with Afghanistan as its base. Established a favorable government there. Its not like there are pitched battles there everyday between the superpower and the afghan militants. The militants are really no match for the americans, soldier to soldier. The combat effectiveness of a US marine or army or green beret unit is simply out of their league. Make no mistake, the US is leaving because their business there is done. They are leaving on a time table set by themselves, at a time and in a manner the decide. Not by the enemy. And the Taliban will not return to power - the US has enough and more resources to ensure that that doesn't happen.

something pakistanis should imbibe themselves with before harking US defeat.. They came when they wanted, they killed whoever the wanted to (as terrorists) and did whatever they like and finally leaving of their own volition.
I dont see any defeat !
that was harsh dude Just ask your Indian media about Gawadar Port also the joint production of Jf-17 thunder fighter (where pakistan insisted on adding DSI ) look at their j-10 now china has been asked to build a naval Base in pakistan (dont know if they will or wont ) and Pretty soon because of paksitan's relationship changing with Iran you will see your self loosing iran and Probably gaining KSA because they dont like IRan but KSA depends on pakistan for its internal security according to "RUSSIA TODAY" so pakistan is a very important ally to anyone if they are Sincere like how China is with pakistan


Umm... Please provide me a link for that part, about Pakistan requesting china to build a naval base in Pakistan.

Sorry about the harshness, I got carried away for a moment. Apologies, I will delete that post.
something pakistanis should imbibe themselves with before harking US defeat.. They came when they wanted, they killed whoever the wanted to (as terrorists) and did whatever they like and finally leaving of their own volition.
I dont see any defeat !

YUP I AGree also if the taliban comes back to power it will mean a Regime change failure and all the money Spend in war in afghanistan will be lost in that sense americans loose but other then that they definatly win because they have a less body count then the afghans

Umm... Please provide me a link for that part, about Pakistan requesting china to build a naval base in Pakistan.

Sorry about the harshness, I got carried away for a moment. Apologies, will delete that post.
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India should do everything possible to help Afghanistan, ANA and the common people and not to let the mad/idiot/barbaric fanatics to come to power there..

That's the stupid "Times Now" channel (the electronic arm of the times group, which runs the "times of india") putting its own sensationalized spin on an issue. Pakistan HAS NOT requested a naval base to be set up by the Chinese, it is only a port. There would have been severe political reactions within Pakistan if it was supposed to be a foreign naval base.

Can you find any Pakistani news media or government spokesperson claiming it is a naval base?
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That's the stupid "Times Now" channel (the electronic arm of the times group, which runs the "times of india") putting its own sensationalized spin on an issue. Pakistan HAS NOT requested a naval base to be set up by the Chinese, it is only a port. There would have been severe political reactions within Pakistan if it was supposed to be a foreign naval base.

Can you find any Pakistani news media or government spokesperson claiming it is a naval base?
Pakistan turns to China for naval base - FT.com

Dude, again: If this claim is true, you will find Pakistani officials saying it, right? Not just media from other countries? Is there any discussion in Pakistani political or military circles about this? No, all the discussion is about Gwadar PORT. Not Gwadar BASE.

There is even a sticky thread about it in the Pakistan affairs section.
Dude, again: If this claim is true, you will find Pakistani officials saying it, right? Not just media from other countries? Is there any discussion in Pakistani political or military circles about this? No, all the discussion is about Gwadar PORT. Not Gwadar BASE.

There is even a sticky thread about it in the Pakistan affairs section.

Yea what he said up top

and lets get back to top
I think india should deploy at least a division Size element thier with Attack cheetah choppers in it
so you can get the support for the troops when ever you need it
What about the 2000/3000 Marines that will be stationed in Afgan ???

Naive friend , what hope do you have for 2000/3000 marines and some assets when more than a million soldiers couldn't do jack in 10 years ? Didn't they have the CIA network , army strength and airbases since '01 ? What is the outcome ? Are Taliban a history ? Has the war come to an end ? Have the Americans achieved their objectives ? :azn:

I guess sit bac and watch Taliabn take over

Why only mention Taliban ?

There are hundreds of warlords and militias in that hell hole waiting to take over ! Taliban are just one group , they aren't the only one ...
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