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Military Deployment in Afghanistan is not in India’s National Interests

Naive friend , what hope do you have for 2000/3000 marines and some assets when more than a million soldiers couldn't do jack in 10 years ? Didn't they have the CIA network , army strength and airbases since '01 ? What is the outcome ? Are Taliban a history ? Has the war come to an end ? Have the Americans achieved their objectives ? :azn:

Why only mention Taliban ?

There are hundreds of warlords and militias in that hell hole waiting to take over ! Taliban are just one group , they aren't the only one ...

Sure but the Taliban was the most powerful before the US got involved. All other groups and leaders were under the control of the Taliban. As for your other statement regarding Marines and troops, its not hard to nip the problem. What makes it complex is the open borders and support coming from Pakistan and possibly Iran.
The US is not going back because it was defeated by the afghan militants. They are going back because there is no reason to stay there anymore. They drove the Taliban out of power, reduced them to being terrorists who occasionally blast a bomb, decimated the al Qaeda network that operated with Afghanistan as its base.

No , it isn't defeated ... US has after 10 years realized that it is a never ending war which will continue forever , even if they neutralize Taliban , someone else will rise up but the objectives haven't been met by any chance ... Since when has the US finished Taliban even ? Is it a big deal that they just aren't in Kabul ? May I ask how much areas are under the control of coalition ? Forget the so called Afghan Govt and Mayor of Presidential palace , he just doesn't have jurisdiction over the capital city even ... Just to portray the killing of Osama Bin Laden as a victory is a silly excuse , even Americans admit that he was a nobody at the time of death and living in isolation without any control of Al Qaeda ...The AQ remains where it was , recruits aren't hard to find on the other side of Khyber Pass and that organization is global unlike Taliban ... The situation on the ground is more gloomy than is being portrayed , are the ANA ready to take control ? No ! They are a poor excuse for an army - men with donated fancy uniforms and weapons but with poor training , zero morale , heavy drug use and inhumane nature ... The moment US leaves Afghanistan - the country will descend into anarchy and civil war ... The ANA will itself disintegrate and join different militias ... Who gains power this time in Kabul is another matter , things aren't going to improve there ... So the objectives haven't been met by any chance ... Taliban remain strong in majority of areas with Intl Think Tanks predicting as far as 60+% of Afghanistan ...

Seeing the results of US and USSR expeditions to Afghanistan , what chance does India have ? :azn: Need I remind some of IPKF results in Srilanka ? That was just tiny island of Ceylon with a single enemy , this is Afghanistan ... Wake up ! Get off your high heels and get rid off these superpower delusions ...

Sure but the Taliban was the most powerful before the US got involved. All other groups and leaders were under the control of the Taliban. As for your other statement regarding Marines and troops, its not hard to nip the problem. What makes it complex is the open borders and support coming from Pakistan and possibly Iran.

Yeah , they were , they are now also ... No , all other groups aren't/weren't under the control of Taliban this is simply not true ... You simply have skipped the question conveniently , what hope is there for 2000 marines when the million strong coalition couldn't meet its objectives in 10 years and even today majority parts are controlled by Taliban ? What makes it complex is the world's most powerful army's incompetence to properly seal off the Durand Line , the support to terrorists in Pakistan also comes from Afghanistan ... May I ask what the heck has the US done for that ? Since they have far more resources and technology than us ... If they couldn't control the border , how expect us to ?
We only need partners ( China, Iran, Russia, USA) in the region for save investment and stability. Security forces deployment should be restricted to training af army and protecting Indian people and embassy. Afghans can protect themself well, just arm them, train them and keep the logistics running well.

We are a trading nation and just need a stable, sovereign and peaceful Afghanistan.
Afghans can protect themself well, just arm them, train them and keep the logistics running well.

Afghans can only fight within themselves well , keep that in mind ... They have been doing it for the last 200 years ...
1. till 80s there was NO NA. the current NA was also part of the Jehad against Soviet Union.

2. After defeat of Soviets the internal wrangling for power started among Jehadi groups in Afghanistan and thus seeds of NA were sown. India took side of farsiwans in that case.

In other words India-Pakistan-Russia were siding with groups who they consider will protect their interests.

currentlhy the same warlords from NA are with NATO/US but it did NOT Help US hence US war is coming to end and now US wants anyone else to carry it onn.

So if Iran-India-Russia again join hands with NA then do you think the Afghan situation will improve? IT WONT.

It will lead to another proxy war this time once again US will jump in.

for your last line as always and in this case well it will be US who will try to come to Pakistan's good books since in this region NOBODY supports and nobody can support US interests than Pakistan.

Your Logic completely fail me!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, the strategy value for India would be:

1. It would provide your evil talibs to fight somewhere else besides Kashmir
2. It would be great strategic value because India would control Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and listening tower at Mongolia, in other words circling the pearls of China.
3. It projects power to China that attack can be made in several ways by the Indian side.
4. Indian supplies from Afghanistan increases by the road, which India has created with it's own money, thru Iran.
5. India can reach the post cold war countries in better fashion, with the control of Afghanistan.
6. And lastestly Bollywood would be there to any Indians visiting these surrounding countries!!!!!!!!:woot:
That's what -it will go back to the earlier situation - or the US can stay neutral and watch others take its job for the present moment. Afghanistan is proving to be a headache for everyone.

US is not staying Neutral, infact, it will play a major role in the region, but there is always a small window of Opportunity and India has this available today, it must react....
US is not staying Neutral, infact, it will play a major role in the region, but there is always a small window of Opportunity and India has this available today, it must react....

React how?

Rather I think India should wait for things to unfold and then react to the changed scenario.
Whichever Indian suggests sending Indian soldiers into Afghanistan, should be the first to be sent there.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

I am one those Indian who suggest to sent soldiers into Afghanistan, and by the way, I have been suggesting this longer then you have joined here......

Regards to Fools rushing In.... It is one of the best Strategic value for India, not only for military reason, which are a lot, but also economically.......


React how?

Rather I think India should wait for things to unfold and then react to the changed scenario.


How has it changed besides easy logistic value of killing the Great Osama In Pakistan........
Yes, We are not Americans to spend a huge amount in Afghanistan compromising our domestic issues. A stable Afghanistan is our national Interest and It would be wise to train and Equip the Afghan Forces to fight for their country.

Why would Americans make this statement?????????
I am one those Indian who suggest to sent soldiers into Afghanistan, and by the way, I have been suggesting this longer then you have joined here......

Regards to Fools rushing In.... It is one of the best Strategic value for India, not only for military reason, which are a lot, but also economically.......



How has it changed besides easy logistic value of killing the Great Osama In Pakistan........

I meant the scenario that will change post NATO troop withdrawal - there are too many players interested in Afghanistan - most of them including the Afghan Government are our friends except one of them, plus there are plenty of interest groups that are forming and India could be part of all of them except the Taliban and Pakistan, so it's best to wait it out and see what it develops into - we have time on our side - we have invested there and are favorites with both the Afghan population as well as the Government - we have claimed our stake, it now depends on what is the changed scenario there that we can adopt to..

and, what was the window of opportunity that you were talking about??
- we have invested there and are favorites with both the Afghan population as well as the Government -
and, what was the window of opportunity that you were talking about??

First, why would you Invest and not protect your investments????????? If everything was win win. So you are proposing to wait and see what others do to your investment.... Not logical huh!!!!!!!!!

The window of opportunity is that President Obama is under great pressure to remove all military actions, that is one of the reasons he was hired, and also his promise. But look at this way, What American public knows, is very different then what really happens, so the question is what is America's true interest in the region?
Seeing the results of US and USSR expeditions to Afghanistan , what chance does India have ? :azn: Need I remind some of IPKF results in Srilanka ? That was just tiny island of Ceylon with a single enemy , this is Afghanistan ... Wake up ! Get off your high heels and get rid off these superpower delusions ...

I categorically stated that India should not send soldiers there, and that India has neither the capability nor the inclination to fight somebody else's war somewhere else. Besides, nobody in India has said this with any seriousness - well nobody of importance, anyway - about sending soldiers into Afghanistan. So I don't have any superpower delusions, and in fact most normal Indians don't. Even on PDF, that word is brandied about by Pakistanis to make fun of Indians, and I don't recollect any Indian claiming India to be a superpower, now or in future.
Naive friend , what hope do you have for 2000/3000 marines and some assets when more than a million soldiers couldn't do jack in 10 years ? Didn't they have the CIA network , army strength and airbases since '01 ? What is the outcome ? Are Taliban a history ? Has the war come to an end ? Have the Americans achieved their objectives ? :azn:

Hahahaha what's your point ???
Do you want to say these Talibs are roaming around the area like they are wondering on beach ??? Not exactly ;) they are hiding in holes waiting for US to go away. But US will keep their UCAVs there so they can hit any over bouncing Talib at their wish.

Even situation will be much worse for Talibs as there will be a pressure on them to prove themselves after departure of NATO and they won't be able to move freely.

Simple outcome of CIA network and bases. They hunt and drag OBL from the most secured area

Talibs on other hand will have very few open target for hitting.

Americans do ACHIVE their objective of capturing OBL alive or dead. Didn't they ???
The window of opportunity is that President Obama is under great pressure to remove all military actions, that is one of the reasons he was hired, and also his promise. But look at this way, What American public knows, is very different then what really happens, so the question is what is America's true interest in the region?

How does India figure in America's true interest - and what is that btw?

irst, why would you Invest and not protect your investments????????? If everything was win win. So you are proposing to wait and see what others do to your investment.... Not logical huh!!!!!!!!!

Countries invest in other countries - India has many investments in Africa - does that mean that if any conflict arises India should send in it's military - and of all places - Afghanistan, Doesn't make sense at all. The Afghans are crazy people - they hate foreigners - they will treat us as foreigners kuffur invaders and will start attacking us. and anyways the Afghan Government and the ANF are hell bent on wanting to take on the Taliban by themselves - so we should let them do that.
Hahahaha what's your point ???
Do you want to say these Talibs are roaming around the area like they are wondering on beach ??? Not exactly ;) they are hiding in holes waiting for US to go away. But US will keep their UCAVs there so they can hit any over bouncing Talib at their wish. Even situation will be much worse for Talibs as there will be a pressure on them to prove themselves after departure of NATO and they won't be able to move freely.Simple outcome of CIA network and bases. They hunt and drag OBL from the most secured area

Americans do ACHIVE their objective of capturing OBL alive or dead. Didn't they ???

My point is " Stop dreaming that somehow a few thousands marines can do the job backed by some drones and CIA network ( God knows who will support them though ) when more than a million coalition soldiers couldn't meet their objectives in Afghanistan in 10 years and now are packing their bags " whereas you hope that a token presence will work some miracle for the lost cause in Afghanistan ... :lol:

Yes they are , outside Kabul , the situation is very different ... The coalition controls the border areas and major cities , that we know for sure , but the other parts are controlled by Talibans and assorted warlords ... The US had drones for the last 10 years , I am not seeing Taliban eliminated from that country , all I see are the Americans desperately negotiating with Taliban offering them different options which have been refused ... So , what am I to deduce from that ? :azn: A victory ?

Taliban in 72 percent of Afghanistan

The findings by the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS) come in the wake of a series of critical reports on Western-led military and development efforts to put an end to the seven-year Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.

While the trends in the ICOS report reflected prevailing sentiment on Afghanistan, many of its findings appeared flawed and contained some glaring errors, security analysts said.

“The Taliban now have a permanent presence in 72 percent of the country,” ICOS said in the report.

The report defines a permanent presence as an average of one or more insurgent attacks per week over the entire year.

According to ICOS, a ‘permanent presence’ then would include many areas of the country where the Taliban traditionally launch a large number of attacks in the spring and summer ‘fighting season’, before melting away during the harsh winter months.

Taliban In 72 Percent Of Afghanistan, Think Tank Says

This isn't a sports match that pressure will quickly build on Taliban to prove themselves and it wont be hard since majority of the troops would have left , different warlords will fight with each other as predicted and country will descend into what it was ... Objectives met , would you say ? :azn:

Do you consider an isolated house with no fighters to be most secured ? Because that is where Osama was ...

They are giving a hard time to Americans and ANA as we speak , so if they have targets now , the situation will only improve for them ... They are moving freely now , whats stopping them afterwards ? Some miracle superhuman marines and drones ? :lol:

If you consider that Americans somehow spent trillions and lost thousands just to kill a man who was a nobody at the time of his death since he wasn't controlling the Al Qaeda and living his life in isolation then the US media has successfully fooled you too ... What happened to the objectives of " completely eliminating Taliban " , " establishing a central Govt in Kabul that can control the country properly and protect itself " , " making it a secure country " and " making the region secure " ?
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